Friday, August 24, 2018

Revelation on Better Health - Preparation for Great Things to Come!

A few weeks ago, I was thinking to myself how I was so ready to get my body back into shape. I had mistreated it over the summer with little exercise and too many BBQ’s. With so much going on, there just didn’t seem to be enough “me” time. I so much desired more time to pray, ponder, meditate, read, and exercise. 

A holistic friend of my mine felt that I needed to try some very expensive and popular products she was using, and that I was would be pleased with the results. A few hundred dollars and 30 days later, I wasn’t seeing the results I had hoped for, and didn’t really care much for the taste of the product. I felt that God had something else in mind for me. I just wanted to cleanse and re-start my body. I wanted to feel good, have energy, and not have to count calories, restrict several food groups, take expensive supplements, or eat nasty tasting products. 

The day I was pondering about this, I was looking for something to listen to while I cleaned the kitchen. I had the sudden prompting to hop on over to the Preparing a People Podcast page, and saw that the most recent podcast (#43) was called, “David Warwick Shares his Experience with Longer Fasting for Powerful Revelation and Better Health”. Right away I felt that the Lord was leading me. I have a great immune system and seldom get sick, but I knew that my life could be so much better if I took better care of my body. As I watched the podcast I felt confirmation all throughout that this was what the Lord wanted for me, to improve my health. I was reminded that a couple years ago, I used to do this very thing and yes, I felt amazing! 

When the podcast ended I felt such gratitude in my heart, that the Lord was leading me along. With still more kitchen to clean, I went over to YouTube to see what I might find. The very first video in my feed was an older Sid Roth Show video from several years ago, normally I might pass over an older video but when I read the title, “I Supernaturally Lost Weight with NO Diet or Supplements!” I felt the Spirit nudge me. I was so glad I listened as I received a witness as to what I had just heard in the podcast. Around this time, a friend of mine from out of state happened to send me an email of a BYU Speeches video she enjoyed. I thanked her for the video, but honestly forgot to open it as it got lost in my inbox. A month later (this week) I was reminded to go back and find that email and watch the video – not knowing what the video was about.

And yes, I received my third witness. The video is titled, “The Plagues of Prosperity” and I never would have guessed by that title that it would be about the topic of better health. For all who watch it, the best part comes towards the end. Trust me, it’s worth hearing it all the way through. 

I’m happy to share that as I’ve been following this counsel, advice, wisdom – whatever you’d like to call it, I have been truly blessed. I can with great confidence say that this is exactly what the Lord wants me to be doing right now and that this is a preparation for greater things to come! Just wanted to share. 

I recommend watching the videos below in this exact order, just as the Lord had me do. :) 


Janet K said...

Lindsey, Your journey is so similar to mine. I've been doing my own version of intermittent fasting for over a year and it's helped me gain a lot more control over my insulin levels. Then I did a 6-day fast last winter but struggled with severe muscle cramps from lack of electrolytes. But when I took anything to replenish them I had strong acid reflux and finally have to end my fast at the start of Day 7. I had lost 10 lbs, regained 6, but noticed some real health benefits, most obviously a serious lowering of arthritis symptoms. I think fasting is powerful and am currently learning about homeopathic cell salts and hope to repeat an extended fast drinking just water and using these cell salts to keep electrolytes in balance. I'd love to hear an update on how you're personalizing what you learned from these videos which are all pretty general. Another note: many years ago I read a book called "Thin Within" by Judy Wardell which you can buy used for cheap. She spent a lot of time observing how thin people ate and based her weight management on those observations. There's power BOTH in going hungry and in eating to satiation. I still struggle with some mild carb/sugar cravings but try to limit treats to a small portion and only after a meal. I also now eat to cure hunger, not prevent it, something we all tend to do. I also liked the spiritual observations and benefits of fasting, that seem to turn on the fulcrum of humility....
Thanks for always being an inspiration, Janet

Anonymous said...

I love this information you shared about fasting.

I have had insulin resistance, PCOS, and infertility. After having a total hysterectomy for ovarian and uterine cancer last year, I prayed to ask God what was the best diet for me to heal. Immediately after my prayer, I opened the Bible to the book of Esther and her 3-day fast. God let me know that I should be fasting.

Information about intermittent fasting started showing up in my life.

Jason Fung has some great books and Youtube videos:

You'll probably enjoy the book, "Delay, Don't Deny," by Gin Stephens.

She has Facebook groups with amazing Before/After photos.

Here's a Youtube interview with Gin Stephens about OMAD (One Meal a Day Fasting)

The Metabolic Theory of Cancer shows that cancer cells love sugar. Cancer is not a genetic disease. Therapeutic Fasting helps