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Ron Case said...

Thank you for posting this. It was exactly what I needed. I loved the Brigham City temple ded. and was searching for the talk by Pres Checketts and your blog popped up. Loved the link to Elder Holland's talk. Thanks again!

Lindsey said...

You are welcome Ron! I enjoyed that experience and I'm glad you were able to find what you were looking for. Hope you visit here again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey I appreciate all your posts, I have a problem locating the extra things you post when you say you have put it down below. Sometimes there are things there but maybe I'm not looking in the right places?

d said...

Lindsey, what's the title of your YouTube segment of Halloween. I'd like to view and listen to it. You mentioned the subject of Halloween in your youtube recording, It's Midnight. And a man named, John Ramirez

Lindsey said...

Yes, it’s called “False Traditions”