Tuesday, August 21, 2018

President Nelson's Calling: A Strong Witness!

Lately, I have been thinking of the many emails and messages that often come my way filled with sincere expressions of alarm and sadness as fellow Latter-day Saints share experiences in regards to friends and family leaving the faith. The Adversary is working hard right now to create confusion and doubt. The tool of his choice, and also that he is currently having the most success with, is spreading the false belief that the Church(leadership) is in apostasy. That during the early years of the Church all was on track, and now we've come to a place where we've fallen off the wagon and therefore, the Lord has left our Church and is turning to others outside of the Church to start over and carry on the work. 

There are many groups and churches forming throughout the U.S. and South America, made up of former Latter-day Saints who have left the Church or been excommunicated. Not just one group - but many. They share many commonalities such as spreading the message that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in apostasy and that they have been called take over the work. With the many different choices of groups to join, all declaring a similar message (that they have been called to steer the ship), I have observed that those who are contemplating following them, are confused as to which group to join. Confusion has never been the Lord's method. His pattern is sending a strong, clear witness and peace of mind. 

It reminds me of the confusion that Joseph Smith experienced as a young boy. I thought to myself how the Lord didn't work that way during Joseph's time. He didn't call many prophets in the Eastern states to restore His Church in the 1800's - He called one. The Lord's pattern has always been to call one prophet to lead His Church. These different groups (many in the same geographical regions) have such compelling stories and messages that many Saints are struggling with doubts, confusion, and are leaving the Church. It seems to be a growing topic on social media, and I have felt the need to address it in an upcoming video.

Today, I was so happy when I saw that Neil L. Andersen shared these beautiful thoughts on his facebook page last night. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. The power of Sister and President Nelson's words (whenever they speak) is profound. My spirit bumps go crazy and I receive witness after witness that the Lord is using Sister and President Nelson to do His final work in this last hour. The amount of change alone over the past 8 months is a clear witness that the Lord is at the head. He is getting His house in order. He is revealing that final phase so that He can return soon. President Nelson has a unique and incredible work to do unlike any other president before him. Satan is aware of this, and he is desperate. He knows that if he can create fear, doubt, and confusion, he has a shot at frustrating the Lord's plans. Yes, he has been successful with many, as he has destroyed testimonies, marriages, families, trust and confidence in leadership, and he isn't ready to call it quits yet. Though he may triumph at many times (from his limited perspective), God has a greater perspective and His plans and ways surpass our own understanding. All we are asked to do when we can't make sense of what lies before us, is exercise our trust in the Lord while praying for discernment and seeking for that comfort, peace, and witness that only the Spirit can bring. We let go of logic influencing our discernment, and we clear our mind of all the noise. We then go to the Lord in fasting and prayer, and wait on Him to pour truth into our heart. We have to find time to ponder the Lord's voice in scripture, and we must find time to be still and listen as He speaks directly to us. 

As you read Elder Andersen's words I pray that you will feel that spirit of peace and assurance that the Lord still heads His Church. He has not abandoned it, but is finishing what He started. Through imperfect people, He accomplishes His purposes. 

After returning to Salt Lake City late last night, Kathy and I have continued to think about and talk about the experiences of the past few days with deep appreciation for the unparalleled experience of being with President and Sister Nelson. Listening to Sister Wendy Nelson bear testimony of President Nelson’s prophetic calling and having her give a glimpse into what it has been like in their home since he became the Lord’s prophet, strengthened the faith of those who listened. Sister Nelson spoke of her own witness of President Nelson’s prophetic calling.

She said, “Two days after President Monson departed the Lord gave me a singular, most distinct experience with my husband. So distinct, so vivid, so clear. Every detail of that experience is seared in my mind and heart forever. Two days later it happened again exact same experience again” (to her alone).

She said that it was “too sacred to share over the pulpit,” but that “because of that I can take any witness stand and testify that Russell Marion Nelson is the Prophet of the Lord. Russell Marion Nelson is the living prophet of the living Lord.”

For Kathy, for me and for many other saints, her comments about revelation were powerful and reinforced our belief, “whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants it is the same.”

Sister Nelson explained that in their 12 years of marriage, she had watched the process of revelation and inspiration upon her husband but that since becoming the president of the Church, those revelations have “expanded exponentially.”

She explained, “He keeps a lined yellow pad of paper beside his bed.” Then she declared, “In the morning he holds up a half page to one and a half pages of notes with joy.”

Although she said that sometimes she remains close to him when this process is happening, sometimes she does not. She recounted a night in January when “I got the prompting, ‘move out of bed now.’”

“Two hours later he emerged from the room. ‘Wendy, you won’t believe what’s been happening. The Lord has given me detailed instruction on what I am to do.’”

Sister Nelson said that during the “last eight months it has been an experience to send my husband off to work. He comes back, different than when I sent him off in the morning. I have seen him change at the pulpit. I have heard him use phrases he hasn’t used before. I’ve seen him make changes at the pulpit.”

She said that just a few weeks ago speaking to young adults in a sacrament meeting, “I saw 30 years fall away.”

I, too, would add that it was amazing to me that a man fewer than three weeks away from being 94 years old could go to the pulpit last night in Toronto with no notes, never repeating himself and speaking for 45 minutes, with the audience of 8,000 riveted on him and his message. When I commented on this after the meeting, President Nelson said, “Well, these people have come from a long way. They come prayerfully. The last thing they want me to do is come to the pulpit and read them a talk.” It was an experience of revelation.

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