Sunday, August 19, 2018

Body of the Church Called to Repentance?

An interesting article someone shared with me today. I have similar thoughts about this change and felt inspired a few days ago to share in an upcoming video message.

1 comment:

Stephanie Mason said...

This was a great article! When I first read the statement from the church about discontinuing the term Mormon I felt inspiration! I was so grateful to have a living prophet to guide us back to the Lord's will. I have been sharing it with family and friends and was surprised at their responses! Some saying, "they have tried this in the past", others saying,"it just takes so much longer to say." I was surprised to hear these reactions to what I felt was a direct command from the Lord through his prophet. So what is the best way to proceed? Just encourage! Set the example by following through, teach your children, and be patient. As more changes come to light some may fall by the way, but as we minister in love, many more will be drawn to Christ! Isn't that what this is all leading to anyway!