16 - ...the eye hath never seen, neither hath the ear heard, before, so great and marvelous things as we saw and heard Jesus speak unto the Father;
Someday we will get to see what the Nephite people witnessed and I can't wait for that day! Surprisingly, as much as I love this chapter and its telling of the heavens opening, angels coming down and encircling the children with fire and ministering unto them, and Jesus saying that His joy was full because of the Nephites' faith, so much that He wept tears of joy - it isn't the only chapter that overwhelms my heart.
In Chapter 28 we read of that beautiful moment when When Jesus Christ asks each of His twelve Nephite disciples what they desire of Him. Nine requested to speedily return to Him when their ministry on the earth was complete, however three desired to remain on the earth to bring souls to Him until His Second Coming.
6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.
7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.
8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father.
9 And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.
10 And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are one;
And there we learn that the Lord blesses us according to our righteous desires and that He is pleased when we desire to help others come unto Him. But are we asking Him often enough for blessings and gifts that will help us better minister unto others and lead them to Him?
In 1 Corinthians 12:31 we are taught to covet the best gifts:
But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
What is the more excellent way that the Lord promises to show? The footnotes take us to Ether 12:11-12 in which we learn that it is through the gift of Jesus Christ that this more excellent way is prepared. I have found chapter 12 in its entirety to be a chest full of heavenly treasure! Well worth the read.
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The Brother of Jared |
If we back up just a little we learn about the key that opens the door to this more excellent way.
8 But because of the faith of men he has shown himself unto the world, and glorified the name of the Father, and prepared a way that thereby others might be partakers of the heavenly gift, that they might hope for those things which they have not seen.
9 Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith.
The key is faith! The way, is through Jesus Christ and the word (I'll expound in a minute - think Lehi's dream and the Brother of Jared), And the heavenly gift is the baptism by fire (fullness of the Holy Ghost) which allows us to pierce the veil, be in the full presence of the Lord, and is accompanied by prophecy, revelation, visions, heavenly visitors, angels, the Holy Ghost and more.
In verse 17, Moroni references back to those three Nephites. He tells us,
And it was by faith that the three disciples obtained a promise that they should not taste of death; and they obtained not the promise until after their faith.
4 Nephi 1:3
And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.
Hebrews 6:5
They have also “tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,”
So great is this gift, that if it is denied after receiving it, one becomes a son of perdition.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:31-32
Thus saith the Lord concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power—
They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom I say that it had been better for them never to have been born;
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Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah |
If we covet this gift, we must do all that we can to keep ourselves pure and worthy of it. Like Alma the Younger, we must be born again of the Spirit and baptized by fire. We must have that mighty change of heart and lose our desire to sin. In the meantime, while we prepare ourselves, the Lord is preparing a place for us in His Kingdom. However, even with faith and hope, there is an additional requirement that qualifies us for that mansion with the Lord. Without it we cannot receive this inheritance. That requirement is charity. Our hearts have to be changed, pure, and filled with love. We cannot be a tare.
Ether 12:37
...except men shall have charity they cannot inherit that place which thou hast prepared in the mansions of thy Father.
Jesus Christ - the Way or the Gift?
Some have argued that the fullness of the Priesthood is the way to the heavenly gift. What exactly is the fullness of the Priesthood? It is simply to be brought into the presence of the Father, by the Son, to be fully endowed with God’s power and being a possessor of all things, which can then be used to bless our fellow beings and to build the kingdom of God on the earth preparatory to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and those who come with Him in great glory. (reference link)
It is the Second Anointing. Whereas the "first anointing" promises blessings in the afterlife contingent on the patron's faithfulness, the second anointing actually bestows those blessings. (reference link)
Doctrine and Covenants 50:26-30
26 He that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.
27 Wherefore, he is possessor of all things; for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on the earth, the life and the light, the Spirit and the power, sent forth by the will of the Father through Jesus Christ, his Son.
28 But no man is possessor of all things except he be purified and cleansed from all sin.
29 And if ye are purified and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask whatsoever you will in the name of Jesus and it shall be done.
30 But know this, it shall be given you what you shall ask; and as ye are appointed to the head, the spirits shall be subject unto you.
This comment I found on another blog, best supports and describes how I feel about the Heavenly Gift.
"To me, from everything I’ve studied and read, the Heavenly Gift is to come into the presence of the Son. I have the gift of the Holy Ghost, so do you. I have been ordained to the priesthood, so have you. We have been endowed and taught sacred things about how to come into the presence of the Lord that are ONLY revealed in the temple.
The power of the priesthood, think about that phrase, can ONLY be received directly from God. It is not the same as authority or simply an ordination. Those are both invitations to go and get the real thing. We know we can’t pass the power of the priesthood from one man to another. We can only confer and ordain – invitations to go and get the real thing.
My conclusion: the Heavenly Gift is to receive power, directly from Christ, either by hearing his voice or by having him lay his hands upon our head. This fits the scripture that power cannot be passed from man to man – only authority can be given – an earthly authority at that. It is when we are in the presence of Christ we receive the fullness of the priesthood. The Heavenly gift IS the fullness of the priesthood."
Another commenter pointed out,
"Why are the Gentiles failing to partake of the Heavenly Gift? We lack faith, hope, and charity."
Doctrine and Covenants 109:14-15
"And do thou grant, Holy Father, that all those who shall worship in this house may be taught words of wisdom out of the best books . . . And that they may grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost”
From this scripture I have always believed that the gift of the Holy Ghost and the Fulness of the Holy Ghost are two separate things. We get the gift when we are baptized and the fulness occurs only after we are baptized by fire. The fulness of the Holy Ghost accompanies the fulness of the Priesthood - something that only God can give, and He is no respecter of persons when giving this gift.
Translation - Part of the Heavenly Gift?
The Heavenly Gift, is something God bestows upon us to help further His work. President Joseph Fielding Smith taught, “It is a very reasonable thought to believe that both Moses and Alma, like Elijah and John [the Revelator], were translated to accomplish some work which the Lord had in store for them at some future day”
According to Parley P. Pratt, ordinary human beings are said to have a telestial body; people who are translated are said to have a terrestrial body; and people who are resurrected are said to have a celestial body. The terrestrial body would be different from the Terrestrial glory of heaven, just as the present world is considered "telestial" but is not the Telestial glory of heaven. Translated beings with terrestrial bodies can appear or disappear the way the resurrected Jesus did in the 24th chapter of Luke. However, those who have resurrected "celestial" bodies have more power than those with terrestrial bodies. Thus when the wicked are resurrected, they will have power over Satan - a teaching we learned from Joseph Smith.
What is Translation and What is it's Purpose?
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Enoch |
Both translated and resurrected beings are eternally young and fit, not subject to illness or injury and spend their existences as ministering angels doing things that require physical bodies to perform; for example, where a disembodied spirit can record events as a witness and offer comfort or advice, a physical body is required to perform ordinances such as laying on of hands.(reference link)
When righteous individuals are translated, their bodies are changed so they are not subject to mortal pain or death. Sometimes translated beings are taken from the earth without experiencing death in order to fulfill the Lord’s purposes. Translated beings, however, will undergo a future change as they pass from a translated state to a resurrected state.
And according to The Encyclopedia of Mormonism translation is defined as,
"changed from a mortal state to one in which they are temporarily not subject to death, and in which they experience neither pain nor sorrow except for the sins of the world. Such beings appear to have much greater power than mortals. All translated beings will eventually experience physical death and resurrection.Translation is a necessary condition in special instances to further the work of the Lord."
"...Resurrection is a step beyond translation"
"Translated beings are assigned special ministries, some to remain among mortals, as seems to be the case of John and the Three Nephites, or for other purposes, as in the case of Moses and Elijah, who were translated in order to appear with physical bodies hundreds of years later on the mount oftransfiguration prior to the resurrection of Christ. Had they been spirits only, they could not have laid hands on the mortal Peter, James, and John. the Prophet Joseph Smith explained the role of translated beings thus: "Many have supposed that the doctrine of translation was a doctrine whereby men were taken immediately into the presence of God, and into an eternal fullness, but this is a mistaken idea. Their place of habitation is that of the terrestrial order, and a place prepared for such characters He held in reserve to be ministering angels unto many planets, and who as yet have not entered into so great a fullness as those who are resurrected from the dead. The scriptures do not define differences between transfiguration and translation, but it appears that transfiguration is more temporary, occurring primarily to permit one to behold spiritual things not possible in the mortal condition."
Bruce R. McConkie has said,
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Bruce R. McConkie |
"In this state they are not subject to sorrow or to disease or to death. No longer does blood (the life-giving element of our present mortality) flow in their veins. Procreation ceases. If they then had children, their offspring would be denied a mortal probation, which all worthy spirits must receive in due course. They have power to move and live in both a mortal and an unseen sphere. All translated beings undergo another change in their bodies when they gain full immortality.... Millennial man will live in a state akin to translation. His body will be changed so that it is no longer subject to disease or death as we know it, although he will be changed in the twinkling of an eye to full immortality when he is a hundred years of age. He will, however, have children, and mortal life of a millennial kind will continue."
Translation - a Fruit of Zion?
Are we ready to build the City of Zion? The answer to this question will better help us understand our proximity to the gift of translation in these latter days. A better question might be, are we ready to leave this world (Babylon) behind?
Here's what the prophets and modern day leaders have told us about translation;
"Zion is the great moment of transition, the bridge between the world as it is and the world as God designed it and meant it to be."Hugh Nibley; Approaching Zion, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1989), 3-4.
"Jesus will never receive the Zion of God unless its people are united according to celestial law, for all who go into the presence of God have to go there by this law. Enoch had to practice this law, and we shall have to do the same if we are ever accepted of God as he was. It has been promised that the New Jerusalem will be built up in our day and generation, and it will have to be done by the United Order of Zion according to celestial law." Wilford Woodruff; Journal of Discourses, 17:250.
"First, if the Saints are to become part of the great celestial system of eternity in the resurrection, they must, as a people, practice the law of Zion. Second, essentially the same program was required of Enoch and his people, so that they might enter into the presence of the Lord and be translated to a state of glory.
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City of Zion |
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Orson Pratt |
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Spencer W. Kimball |
"O my beloved hearers, what a world it would be if a million families in this church were to be on their knees like this every night and morning! And what a world it would be if nearly a hundred million families in this great land and other hundreds in other lands were praying for their sons and daughters twice daily. And what a world this would be if a billion families through the world were in home evenings and church activity and were on their physical knees pouring out their souls for their children, their families, their leaders, their governments!This kind of family life could bring us back toward the translation experience of righteous Enoch. The millennium would be ushered in." Spencer W. Kimball, “The Family Influence,” Ensign, July 1973, 15
"There is a Priesthood in the heavens, and we have the same Priesthood on the earth, but there should be a closer communion between the Priesthood on the earth and the Priesthood in the heavens; it is desirable that we should be brought into closer proximity, we want to be advancing as Enoch advanced." President John Taylor; Journal of Discourses, 25:308
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John Taylor |
"How perfect it was in the days of Enoch we are not told, but everything that they had revealed to them pertaining to the organization of the Church of God, also pertaining to doctrine and ordinances, we have had revealed to us, excepting one thing, and that is the principle and power of translation; that, however, will in due time be restored also." President John Taylor; Journal of Discourses, 23:33
"The principle of translation was a principle that at that time existed in the Church, and is one of the principles of the Gospel, and which will exist in the last days." President John Taylor; Journal of Discourses, 26:90
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Joseph F. Smith |
"Although they had the ability to live in the earth among men, they had power over the elements of earth, power over the law of gravitation, by which they could move over the face of the earth with the speed f their own thoughts, power to reveal themselves to men; and yet power to mingle and move among men unobserved and hidden." N.B. Lundwall; Early Masterpieces of Latter-Saint Leaders, (Leatherwood Press 2005), 99.
Translation in the Latter Days
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Pastor Bruce Allen |
In this article posted in 2008, Bruce expands on his story, which I found very interesting.
At the tender age of four, Bruce Allen was playing with his brothers and sisters when he suddenly blurted out, "We are going to be here when Jesus comes back." One of his siblings asked, "Who's Jesus?".
The four‑year‑old Bruce only shrugged and went back to play.
"All my life I've had premonition of things to come before they happened," said Pastor Bruce
According to Pastor Bruce, the Third Day is the times we are now living in which is the beginning stages of paradise. After the Old Testament period, comes the Gentile period and then paradise when Jesus returns. Although Jesus has not yet come, the ending of the Gentile period signifies us entering into the last or third stage where Satan is defeated and the spiritual temple raised in the New Jerusalem.
"However, we are not called to follow the signs and wonders or the people behind them. What we are called to do is press on to be mature sons and daughters of God and set ourselves apart as Holy vessels for the glory of God. Then signs and wonders will follow us," warns Pastor Bruce.
Pastor Bruce Allen has been blessed to experience these signs and wonders in a way very few people have. He was translated in the spirit while ministering before a full congregation at Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA at Rending The Heavens conference in December 2002. He was suddenly caught up in the Spirit and found himself looking down on the continent of Europe. He was taken to a city and God told him it was in the nation of Latvia. He then came to a block of flats and was led to enter flat number 212.
"In that apartment I saw a little girl kneeling beside her bed, crying and praying to the Lord. Instantly I knew her name. It was Natalya. She didn't seem surprised or afraid to see me. I asked her why she was crying and she told me that she and her parents were hungry and cold, her parents had lost their jobs and now they were being evicted by the landlord. I was led of the Lord to comfort and encourage her and pray with her. Once I had finished praying with her I returned to the conference.
"The congregation did not suspect anything amiss because my body was still there in their presence. They did not know my spirit had left, gone to Latvia and returned. However, when Robert Bartow, a professional photographer took a photograph of me while in translation my body looked transparent as if it were an apparition," said Pastor Bruce. (Photo below was taken by Robert Bartow of Pastor Bruce in translation).
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Unedited original photo taken by Robert Bartow |
"Translations, being taken up to heaven, visitation by angels and Jesus are getting more common now in this third day…In Iraq today there are a few hundred churches when there were hardly any before. And most of the people came to the Lord through a personal encounter with Jesus. The time is short and that is why He is appearing to more people, even non Christians and more people are being taken up to heaven," said Pastor Bruce.
Pastor Bruce teaches that as a part of this end time gathering and harvest, translation will be a necessary gift for many of God’s servants to do His work upon the Earth. In order for His servants to enter dangerous and forbidden locations throughout the world to share the gospel, they will need this gift.
“We all want the finished product not recognizing the process. But let me give you an encouraging word. What took some of us years, doesn’t have to take you years. There is a grace in this hour because it’s the final hour, the day of conclusion. It’s the day of completion. The finish line is in sight and the Lord promised a quick work. If you’ve been struggling with your ability to recognize the voice of God…if you’ve been having difficulty in seeing into the realm of the Spirit, there is a grace here. God wants you to have that ability in the days ahead because you are going to need it…it’s the third day and what He’s doing, he’s doing quickly. And what you could never do for yourself, God’s going to intervene into your life, and bring you through a process very quickly. But He’s looking for willing hearts, hearts of passion, hearts that say, ‘here am I Lord’. Who qualifies to walk in this? Those who render Him total obedience. They will receive a unique manifestation of the reciprocation of His love by way of disclosing Himself. This is a promise for you right now." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWvwcCDdl-U
"Evangelical, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Jehovah Witness, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Protestant, Mormon, etc. if our hearts are in Jesus, we are all on the Lord's team. Doctrinal differences aside, we all believe Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Together we make up the children of God. We are brothers and sisters. As Moroni tells us, God gives gifts unto all of His children, not just members of a particular church. These gifts are used to bless and benefit all. On this earth, it is the Lord's Kingdom against Satan's Kindom - there are no other teams to be on. When we try to be like Christ, and serve like Him, love like Him, we become His hands on this earth. We truly are on the same team and He uses all of us for His different purposes. He is gathering us all together into one fold. Let's not forget that. We should be rejoicing in this!
We know that during the Millennium, good and just members of many religions will be living upon the Earth. It will be Zion on the Earth. Leading up to that time, as the earth gets more wicked, I believe many people of different faiths will come together as there is strength in numbers. It will no longer be this church vs. that church but instead a united stance of righteousness vs. evil."
All who are willing to testify that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, of His Atonement, and that He lives, God is going to use. Jesus is visiting Jews, Muslims, atheists, occult members, and those in communist countries where Christianity is forbidden and they are being taught who He is. Just as Samuel Hislop said in this Mormon Channel "Hope Works" series on lds.org,
"We know that there are fifteen million Latter-day Saints in the world...but we should also put into context that among seven billion people we're still a pretty tiny minority...you would need a pretty powerful microscope to even see us there. We're small. Among the seven billion, there's lots of other Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who are doing great good, they have great influence and there's opportunity to partner with them in our communities to show the world at large the fruits of good faith. Now that considered, we have to remember something from Elder Orson F. Whitney...he said this 88 years ago,
'God is using more than one people for the accomplishment of his great and marvelous work. The Latter-day Saints cannot do it all. It is too vast, too arduous, for any one people.'
Of course we have a message that other people need to hear. We have a very special thing - the restored gospel, but we also need to remember that God expects us to learn from others as well. And we can't do that unless we're willing to open our hearts and our minds and our ears to those who think, and act, and believe differently than we do."
Here is an older video of Pastor Bruce sharing some of these experiences.
In the book Visions of Glory - One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days, "Spencer" (a pseudo-name for the anonymous LDS man who shares his personal story) shares his account of translation;
"Here in our little part of Zion, our hearts were changing, our bodies were changing, and our spiritual IQ was changing. We still had a fulness of the priesthood, as we first discovered just before the first great conference, and were learning every day what that meant. It took us years to understand that we had to evolve into Zion, not just march to it. It was a process that involved stripping away everything belonging to the world and replacing it with total faith in God. We had to learn that we did not need anything from the telestial world. All we needed was complete faith in Christ. It was a hard transition to make, but it was one of the reasons our journey to Zion took so many years - not to cover the distance, but to evolve spiritually so that we would be worthy to be in Zion when we actually arrived there. (pg. 168)"
"Those of us who had experienced the actual physical change of translation were somewhat different than others. We had clearer views of things and greater spiritual gifts. Unless we were speaking to another translated soul, we kept our translated status and these greater views to ourselves, as the Spirit seemed to require.
We were learning that translated people didn't get tired like normal people. Everything took less effort and taxed us less. We recovered quickly and could work long and hard and then recover in a few minutes. We still ate and slept, but we talked amongst ourselves, wondering if eating and sleeping was even necessary. After a big day's work, I felt hungry and tired but much less than in my previous life. I chose to eat, but it was different. I needed less food, slept better and far shorter, and felt absolutely wonderful. I could awaken in a second, even after just a few minutes of sleep, and feel perfectly awake and ready to go forward. At the end of the day, I was no more fatigued than when I slept a full night. I found that injuries, cuts, and scratches healed in days instead of weeks. If I wished it away, and prayed to the Father, it would heal in a matter of minutes. I expected in time to be impervious to injury, but I wasn't at this time.
I was physically stronger day by day. My mind grew clearer and much quicker. Things that would have taken me long study before now came to me in flashes of understanding. I grew in my ability to understand complex situations, and I could instantly come up with complex answers that were completely correct and inspired. My hearing was actually attuned to the word of the Lord. Revelation became constant and unending. I no longer experienced temptations of any kind. I no longer walked through mists of darkness. I didn't hold onto the Iron Rod because it became part of me, a part of my soul, what I was.
My capacity to love was profoundly enhanced, which made meetings and partings even sweeter, and more difficult. If anything had the power to make a translated soul sorrow or feel pain, it was this infusion of charity, because my heart wanted everyone to be blessed, uplifted, and supplied with every need. This wasn't always possible, and people I loved sometimes chose to transgress, and this caused deep sorrow at times.
Every new gift I had was focused upon our new mission. The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost was an ever-present reality, and we knew the mind and will of the Lord. There was no guesswork and no more fear.
...Some of us had participated in the creation of worlds before we were born, and those divine sciences we understood then were slowly piercing the mortal veil, replacing mortal sciences.
It was fascinating to watch our society leap forward, even while becoming simpler, less industrial, and non-commercial, with no consumer mindset.
To my spiritual eyes, translated people just looked different. I could discern them far off. So when I had the chance to talk with another newly translated person, we occasionally took the time to discuss what this all meant, and what experiences and new priesthood gifts we had experienced.
...We also knew that even though the gift of translation had been fully given to us, that we still were in the process of becoming, of learning our duties and our abilities and when it was appropriate to use them. When I met an old translated being, there was a power and righteous serenity about them that I did not possess. Seeing and experiencing their highly developed state motivated me to yield to whatever process I needed to endure to become fully evolved in my new status. I knew I was changing. I also knew it was going to take years for the process to be fully implemented.
There was a direct and constant influence of the Holy Ghost in the camps that could not be denied. It was a new phenomenon among the Saints that had begun that day of the great conference. Everyone was adjusting to this new level of spiritual power. There was a lot of conversation about whether this was the "millennial state" or if it was part of the process to the greater change of translation. (pg. 172-174)"
From Telestial to Terrestial
From Spencer's account we learn how and where we can gauge our own transition process from a telestial body to a terrestial body - should this be a gift that we ask for, or are given.
Are we needing less sleep and feeling refreshed? Are we needing less food and feeling energized and well nourished? Are we letting go of the foolish traditions of Babylon? Have we been made aware of what they are? Are we losing the desire to be of the world? Has our taste in music and media changed to not only less of it, but only that which is wholesome and uplifting - evoking the Spirit within us? Has our love for our fellow man increased so much that we sorrow at the thought of their needs not being met? Do we see a change in our physical strength? Are our minds becoming more clear? Are we able to process things much quicker than before? Does it take us less time to learn more? Are we experiencing quick and miraculous healing? Have we experienced an increase in spiritual gifts? Have they been magnified? Have we lost the desire to sin and be tempted? Have we let go of addictions of any kind? Are we at one with God's will? Do we hear His voice? Do we feel purified and sanctified?
What Does This Mean for You and Me?
I believe that the Lord wants us to know and understand our purpose in these last days. He has given us each specific missions to fulfill. Many are called but few are chosen. By pondering our Patriarchal blessings and going to the Lord in fasting and prayer, we can better understand how He would like to use us, what He has planned for us, and we can say 'Here am I Lord. Choose me' and 'What lack I yet?'.
Are we all going to experience translation? No. Resurrection? Yes. Regardless, the Lord has asked us to covet the best gifts. If our desire is to truly build His Kingdom however He sees fit, then we can ask Him for anything if we feel it will serve that purpose, and we will receive.
This new era that we have entered into is unlike any before. If we haven't already, we are expected to become new creatures in Christ - to be born again of the Spirit and baptized by fire. We are to be changed! Accompanied with faith, our changes can bring about the greater manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Heavenly gift! We are invited to become partakers, and we should not take this invitation for granted. As we muster up our faith, hope, and charity, never letting go of our Savior's hand, He will lead us to new horizons that will exceed our greatest expectations!
I testify of this in Jesus' name amen.
I believe that the Lord wants us to know and understand our purpose in these last days. He has given us each specific missions to fulfill. Many are called but few are chosen. By pondering our Patriarchal blessings and going to the Lord in fasting and prayer, we can better understand how He would like to use us, what He has planned for us, and we can say 'Here am I Lord. Choose me' and 'What lack I yet?'.
This new era that we have entered into is unlike any before. If we haven't already, we are expected to become new creatures in Christ - to be born again of the Spirit and baptized by fire. We are to be changed! Accompanied with faith, our changes can bring about the greater manifestations of the Holy Ghost, the Heavenly gift! We are invited to become partakers, and we should not take this invitation for granted. As we muster up our faith, hope, and charity, never letting go of our Savior's hand, He will lead us to new horizons that will exceed our greatest expectations!
I testify of this in Jesus' name amen.
Wow!!!!! I'm off to listen to Visions of Glory. I'm praying to receive a witness of what you have said. It's incredibly exciting and I have the desire to believe.
Who gave the presentation of the 10 tribes in Sandy, Utah. It was Michael?????? What book did he write?
Who is the person who did the presentation in Sandy on the 10 Tribes. What book did he write?
Yes, I believe that is Michael. This is his page: http://thelost10tribes.com/?p=78
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