Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ancient Chinese Writings Prove This Knowledge About Jesus!

This video was fascinating! It led me to discover this excerpt from this article:

In 1937, a book was published entitled, China's First Missionaries, subtitled, Ancient Israelites, by Rev. Thomas Torrance, who was a missionary in this area of China and was the first to write about this tribe and what he believed to be their ancient roots of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
According to the reports by Torrance, he believed that the customs, rituals, modes of thought, domestic and religious practices of the Israelites who were the contemporaries of Amos, Hosea and Elijah, were found within the Chiang people of northwestern China. Torrance was basically very impressed with the simple monotheism of this people in China in an area where the term God was not even known.

The language of the Chiang tribe had been forgotten and they had also lost their ancient script. Today they speak Chinese.
They themselves see themselves as immigrants from the west who reached this area after a journey of three years three months. The Chinese treated them as Barbarians, while Chiang people related to the Chinese as idol worshipers.

In addition this this, I have always believed that the knowledge of Jesus has been spread across the earth amongst the scattered tribes. Furthermore, that Jesus visited just about every people/continent after his resurrection. There was no internet or TV and they would have had no way of knowing about him or his gospel unless he came to them and taught them. I believe records will come forth. ❤️


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