This video was fascinating! It led me to discover this excerpt from this article:
In 1937, a book was published entitled, China's First Missionaries, subtitled, Ancient Israelites, by Rev. Thomas Torrance, who was a missionary in this area of China and was the first to write about this tribe and what he believed to be their ancient roots of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
According to the reports by Torrance, he believed that the customs, rituals, modes of thought, domestic and religious practices of the Israelites who were the contemporaries of Amos, Hosea and Elijah, were found within the Chiang people of northwestern China. Torrance was basically very impressed with the simple monotheism of this people in China in an area where the term God was not even known.
The language of the Chiang tribe had been forgotten and they had also lost their ancient script. Today they speak Chinese.
They themselves see themselves as immigrants from the west who reached this area after a journey of three years three months. The Chinese treated them as Barbarians, while Chiang people related to the Chinese as idol worshipers.
In addition this this, I have always believed that the knowledge of Jesus has been spread across the earth amongst the scattered tribes. Furthermore, that Jesus visited just about every people/continent after his resurrection. There was no internet or TV and they would have had no way of knowing about him or his gospel unless he came to them and taught them. I believe records will come forth. ❤️

Mosiah 18:9 - Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection that ye may have eternal life
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Here's a Treasure!
I have not heard this fireside/interview since about 2011-2012. Can't remember which year it came out. I was unaware that it's on YouTube until someone sent it to me.
In this video you'll hear "Spencer" share his experiences from the book Visions of Glory, while being interviewed by John Pontius. You'll also hear reference to Kenneth Cope (the musician) who was also present at this fireside.
I absolutely love this! The spirit is strong in testifying of this message. It's so inspiring and uplifting. ❤️
In this video you'll hear "Spencer" share his experiences from the book Visions of Glory, while being interviewed by John Pontius. You'll also hear reference to Kenneth Cope (the musician) who was also present at this fireside.
I absolutely love this! The spirit is strong in testifying of this message. It's so inspiring and uplifting. ❤️
President Nelson is a Bridge Builder!
Truly, President Nelson speaks the language of Believers Building Bridges. He has the same goals, the same message, and the same heart! I love this. ❤️
Thursday, July 18, 2019
How to Prepare for What's Coming!
I share some fresh prophetic counsel from Indian Christian minister Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in relation to America. How can we prepare? He shares six things to do.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Another Life Transformed!
Another inspiring story of a life transformed through Jesus Christ! I came across this the other day and just had to share.
Laura Perry believed at a young age that she should have been born a boy. She completely transitioned into living and legally being a male. But a chance request by her mother to design a Bible study website put her on the path to discovering her true identity. Here's what happened.
The Gift of Tongues - A Look Back on Latter-day Saint History!
A couple of years ago, I wrote this article on my blog all about the gift of tongues in the history of the Church.
Last week, a fellow Latter-day Saint friend of mine who lives in Missouri, sent me this email. In his words:
"The Lord gave me the chance to teach Gospel Doctrine yesterday on Acts 1-5. He has such a sense of humor! :) Anyway, I didn't dig into tongues too much - the Lord didn't lead me there. But I gave enough information to whet their appetites. I had 7 printed handouts that were snatched up immediately afterward and an additional 10-12 people requested I send the handout via email. It was a blessing to see that the saints were hungry for more knowledge on tongues. I've attached the handout. Please forgive the poor formatting, attributions and citations, etc. I didn't have time to do it right. Eventually I want to write a comprehensive book or article about tongues in an LDS context. Thank you for all of your research. You'll notice that I cited your blog post and used quite a few of the quotations you found. Just thought I'd share. The Lord is moving in this area and I'm very excited to be part of it. God bless you, Lindsey!"
Here is his handout. Enjoy!
This handout is intended to spark your own study of the gift of tongues and other spiritual gifts. There is still much more research that could be included, but this is a bit of a start. Enjoy!
1) There are different types of tongues mentioned in the scriptures and in Church history.
- Tongues of dialects (i.e. missionary tongues) – Acts 2
- Tongues of praise (i.e. tongues of comfort, personal prayer language, etc.) – Acts 10:46; 2
Nephi 31:13
- Tongues of prophecy – 1 Corinthians 12
- Tongues of angels – 1 Corinthians 13, 2 Nephi 31
- Adam’s tongue
- Tongues of “other lips” – 1 Corinthians 14:21
- Tongues of men – 1 Corinthians 13
- Cloven tongues of fire – Acts 2
- Two important theological definitions:
• Glossolalia = the speaking of heavenly tongues
• Xenoglossolalia = the ability to speak a foreign language previously unknown to the
2) There are a multitude of spiritual gifts we have the ability to access. There are greater and
greater degrees of the Holy Ghost we have the potential to receive.“The gift of the Holy Ghost truly is one of the greatest blessings available to members of the Church.
Actually, many gifts can come from the Holy Ghost. These are needed in every age and dispensation but certainly no less in the commotion-filled last days of the last dispensation. They are likewise needed at every stage and in every situation of life. ... Yet, for different reasons, many of us live far below, or are unaware of, our privileges! [The Promise of Discipleship, pp. 92-93]” —Neal A. Maxwell
"I fear that some members of the Lord's Church live far beneath our privileges with regard to the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Some are distracted by things of the world that block out the influence of the Holy Ghost, preventing them from recognizing spiritual promptings. . . . Some are spiritually deadened and past feeling because of their choices to commit sin. Others simply hover in spiritual complacency with no desire to rise above themselves and commune with the Infinite. If they would open their hearts to the refining influence of this unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost, a glorious new spiritual dimension would come to light. Their eyes would gaze upon a vista scarcely imaginable." —Joseph B. Wirthlin
“We may be perfected by repeatedly...exercising faith in [Christ], repenting, partaking of the sacrament to renew covenants and blessings of baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost as a constant companion to a greater degree. As we do so, we become more like Christ and are able to endure to the end, with all that that entails.”—Dale G. Renlund
“And that they may grow up in thee, and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost, and be organized according to thy laws, and be prepared to obtain every needful thing;” —Joseph Smith (D&C 109:15)
“Because of Christ’s Atonement, we are eligible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and its
accompanying spiritual gifts. These gifts are attributes of godliness; therefore, each time we acquire a gift of the Spirit, we become more like God. No doubt that is why the scriptures enjoin us on multiple occasions to seek these gifts. “President George Q. Cannon taught: ‘No man ought to say, ‘Oh, I cannot help this; it is my nature.’ He is not justified in it, for the reason that God has promised to ... give gifts that will eradicate [our weaknesses]. ... If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. ’” —Tad R. Callister
“These four words — 'Receive the Holy Ghost’— are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction — an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26).
The Holy Ghost does not become operative in our lives merely because hands are placed
upon our heads and those four important words are spoken.As we receive this ordinance, each of us accepts a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, to seek, to work, and to so live that we indeed ‘receive the Holy Ghost’ and its attendant spiritual gifts.
‘For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices in him who is the giver of the gift’ (D&C 88:33).” —David A. Bednar
3) As with all spiritual gifts, tongues must be used correctly or as Paul said, “...decently and in
order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). “The answer to misuse is not disuse, but proper use.” —Lynn Ridenhour
Quotations on Tongues from Church History:
“In September 1832, brother Heber C. Kimball took his horse and wagon, brother Joseph Young and myself accompanying him and started for Kirtland to see the Prophet Joseph. We visited many friends on the way, and some Branches of the Church. We exhorted them and prayed with them, and I spoke in tongues. “We proceeded to see the Prophet. We went to his father's house and learned that he was in the woods, chopping. We immediately repaired to the woods, where we found the Prophet...We soon returned to his house, he accompanying us.
“In the evening a few of the brethren came in, and we conversed together upon the things of the
kingdom. He called upon me to pray; in my prayer I spoke in tongues. As soon as we arose from our knees the brethren flocked around him, and asked his opinion concerning the gift of tongues that was upon me. He told them it was the pure Adamic language. Some said to him they expected he would condemn the gift brother Brigham had, but he said, ‘No, it is of God.’
“Two months later, Joseph writes, describing an evening: ‘At one of our interviews, Brother Brigham Young and John P. Greene spoke in tongues, which was the first time I [Joseph Smith] had heard this gift among the brethren; others also spoke, and I received the gift myself.’” —Joseph Smith
“[I] came to Kirtland to Brother Joseph Smith and heard him speak with tongues and sing in tongues also.”—Zebedee Coltrin
“At Kirtland, we were called to the School of the Prophets. At one time Joseph was in the translation room, and myself and others were talking about the gift of tongues, when the gift of tongues fell upon me and I spoke under its influence. Joseph came into the room and said, ‘God bless you, Brother Coltrin, that is the Spirit of God.’ He told me to continue, and the gift of tongues and of prophesying rested on the greater part of the brethren and we continued in tongues and prophesying through that day and the greater part of the night.”—Zebedee Coltrin
“...prior to Young introducing Joseph to the gift of tongues in September 1832, the prophet had a revelation back in March, the previous year, of the benefits of speaking in tongues. Historians believe the saints in Kirtland were already practicing the gift of tongues for at least two years before Brigham arrived.” —Lynn Ridenhour
“The members of the church were confirmed and strengthened in their faith by the enjoyment of this gift...They would have had reason to doubt whether they were true believers; but when they received tongues, together with all other promised blessings, they were no longer in doubt, but were assured, not only of the truth of the doctrine, but that they themselves were accepted of God.” —Orson Pratt
“The Church at Kirtland is sharing bountifully in the blessings of the Lord, and many have the gift of tongues and some the interpretation.” —Gideon Carter
“If a servant of God were under the necessity of acquiring in the ordinary way a knowledge of languages, a large portion of his time would be unprofitably occupied. While he was spending years to learn the language of a people sufficiently accurate to preach the glad tidings of salvation unto them, thousands would be perishing for the want of knowledge" —Orson Pratt
“There is an abundance of stories of missionaries supernaturally speaking foreign languages. Just one example: A sister identified only as a young girl working for Ann Howell Burt had an unusual experience with the gift of tongues in England. This girl had been brought up among the poorest of the poor and had never had an opportunity of learning much of anything, but she was gifted with wonderful musical ability.
“About a week after her confirmation into the Church, she went to meeting and the gift of speaking in tongues was given to her in a most remarkable measure. When she arose to her feet, she began to sing almost beautiful song. The words and music were blended harmoniously, and although it was in an unknown tongue and no one present understood it, everyone was delighted, and the spirit that went with it was sweet and heavenly. The gift of interpretation was also given her, and she interpreted it herself in song. No one knew beforehand that the girl could sing; but afterwards she often delighted the people with her singing.
“One day a gentleman named John McMamout from India came to visit Ann's father. He was highly educated and spoke many different languages. Brother Howell invited the stranger to dine with them, that he might have an opportunity of explaining the gospel, which was his delight. The gentleman accepted the invitation, and an interesting gospel conversation ensued. Afterwards, as was the daily custom, Brother Howell rang a bell for the members of his household to assemble for devotion in a certain room which had been set apart for that purpose. After Brother Howell had prayed and said “amen,” the girl arose and spoke in a tongue unknown to all present except the stranger, who understood and interpreted.
“The girl spoke to him in several different languages, which he understood. And he marveled greatly.” —Lynn Ridenhour
“Joseph requested the congregation to speak their feelings freely and pray according to the spirit. The saints began to open their mouths; and they were filled with language unto edification: one a prayer, another an exhortation; some a doctrine and a psalm; others the gift of tongues; some the interpretation of tongues. Prophecy was also poured out upon us.
“The night was spent gloriously by the saints. Much of the gifts of the gospel rested upon us. One brother clothed with the gift of tongues laid his hands upon my head and prophesied great blessings upon me. Another brother possessing the interpretation of tongues uttered it unto me to my joy and consolation with the many blessings pronounced upon my head. Much prophecy was uttered upon the heads of many of the Saints in other languages and was interpreted which was glorious. This day and night were spent gloriously; and whose scenes will long be remembered.” —Wilford Woodruf
“...unceasing praises swelled our bosoms for the space of half an hour...We accordingly closed the service and returned home about two o’clock in the morning...
“Many of the others saw glorious visions; angels administered unto them as well as to myself...This all lasted until nearly 2:00 in the morning.
“The brethren continued exhorting, prophesying, and speaking in tongues until five o’clock in themorning.” —Joseph Smith
“There were great manifestations of power, such as speaking in tongues, seeing visions, administration of angels. Many individuals bore testimony that they saw angels, and David Whitmer bore testimony that he saw three angels passing up the south aisle, and there came a shock on the house like the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and almost every man in the house arose, and hundreds of them were speaking in tongues, prophesying or declaring visions, almost with one voice.” —George A. Smith
“We believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost being enjoyed now, as much as it was in the Apostles' days; we believe that it [the gift of the Holy Ghost] is necessary to make and to organize the Priesthood, that no man can be called to fill any office in the ministry without it.
“We also believe in prophecy, in tongues, in visions, and in revelations, in gifts, and in healings, and that these things cannot be enjoyed without the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that the holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and that holy men in these days speak by the same principle...We believe in it [this gift of the Holy Ghost] in all its fullness, and power, and greatness and glory.” —Joseph Smith
“We were visited by some ladies and gentlemen. One of the women came up and very candidly inquired of the troops which of the prisoners was the Lord whom the “Mormons’ worshiped. One of the guards pointed to me with a significant smile and said, “This is he.” The woman then turning to me inquired whether I professed to be the Lord and Savior. I replied that I professed to be nothing but a man and a minister of salvation, sent by Jesus Christ to preach the gospel. This answer so surprised the woman that she began to inquire into our doctrine, and I preached a discourse (sermon) both to her and her companions and to the wondering soldiers, who listened with almost breathless attention while I set forth the doctrine of faith in Jesus Christ, and repentance, and baptism for remission of sins, with the promise of the Holy Ghost, as recorded in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.” —Joseph Smith
“During the harvest I introduced the gospel into Batavia village. I preached seven times in the
courthouse to attentive audiences composed of many of the first men in the place and others from the country round about. This served to break down much of the prejudice through this country. Since then we have had access to many neighborhoods through this region, and many are believing in almost every direction, and the Lord works with us and confirms the work with signs following them that believe; for they speak with new tongues and interpret them, many sick are healed, and even the deaf are made to hear and the dumb to speak.” —Charles Thompson (History of the Church Vol 2)
“The baptism of water, without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it, is of no use; they are necessarily and inseparably connected.”—Joseph Smith
“Do not indulge too much in the exercise of the gift of tongues," says Joseph, or the devil will take advantage of the innocent and unwary. You may speak in tongues for your own comfort.” —Joseph Smith
“Speaking and praying, all in tongues, occupied the conference, until a late hour at night.” —(History of the Church, Vol 1)
“The Holy Ghost was poured out upon us in a miraculous manner—many of our number prophesied, whilst others had the heavens opened to their view, and were so overcome that we had to lay them on beds...” —(History of the Church, Vol 2)
“There the Spirit of the Lord, as on the day of Pentecost, was profusely poured out. Hundreds of Elders spoke in tongues. We had a most glorious and never-to-be-forgotten time. Angels were seen by numbers present. It was also at this time that Elijah the Prophet appeared, and conferred upon Joseph the keys of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, previous to the re-institution of the ordinance of baptism for the dead.” —Benjamin Brown
“...Our Thursday meeting was again better than any former one. The hearts of the people were melted and the spirit and power of God rested down upon us in a remarkable manner. Many spoke in tongues and others prophesied and interpreted. It has been said by many who have lived in Kirtland a great whilethat such a time of love and refreshing has never been known.
“Some of the sisters engaged in conversing in tongues, their countenances beaming with joy, clasped each other’s hands and kissed in the most affectionate manner. They were describing in this way the loveand felicities of the celestial world. Although the house of the Lord was more than half filled during this time there were few dry faces.“The brethren as well as the sisters were all melted down and we wept and praised God together. Some of the prophecies delivered in tongues and interpreted were so great that I cannot begin to describe them but I do assure you Brother Hyrum Smith’s prediction that from that hour the Lord would begin to bless his people has been verily fulfilled. I believe as do many others that angers were present with us.
“A bright light shone across the house and rested upon some of the congregation. What I felt that day seemed to outweigh all the affliction and distress of mind I have suffered since I came here. We have a promise of a still better meeting next Thursday if we humble ourselves as in the dust before the Lord. This will be our fast day. May the promise be verified indeed.”
—Mary Fielding Smith
“In the evening, the new members of the Church assembled in Mr. N’s house for confirmation. God bestowed His Spirit freely and the Prophet Joseph gave much valuable instruction. Two more persons came to the Prophet and requested baptism at the meeting the next day. It was attended to and a branch of the Church was organized. Freeman Nickerson was ordained as the presiding Elder.
“The evening of this day (which was the seventh day the Prophet had been there, and came on Monday, October 24, 1833) the family were all seated around the wide, old-fashioned fire-place in the parlor listening to the Prophet’s words and full of rejoicing.
“’I would be so glad if someone who has been baptized could receive the gift of tongues as the ancient Saints did and speak to us,’ said Moses Nickerson.
“’If one of you will rise up and open your mouth it shall be filled, and you shall speak in tongues,’ replied the Prophet.
“Everyone then turned as by a common instinct to Lydia, and said with one voice, ‘Sister Lydia rise up.’
“And then the great glory of God was manifested to this weak but trusting girl. She was enveloped as with a flame, and unable longer to retain her seat, she arose and her mouth was filled with the praises of God and His glory. The spirit of tongues was upon her, and she was clothed in a shining light, so bright that all present saw it with great distinctness above the light of the fire and the candles.”—Lydia Knight’s History
“Joseph Smith then gave an explanation of the gift of tongues, that it was particularly instituted for the preaching of the Gospel to other nations and languages, but it was not given for the government of the Church.” —Joseph Smith
“As to the gift of tongues, all we can say is, that in this place, we have received it as the ancients did: we wish you, however, to be careful lest in this you be deceived. ... Satan will no doubt trouble you about the gift of tongues, unless you are careful; you cannot watch him too closely, nor pray too much. May the Lord give you wisdom in all things.”—Joseph Smith
“I read the 13th chapter of First Corinthians [at a meeting held on December 26, 1841], also a part of the 14th chapter, and remarked that the gift of tongues was necessary in the Church; ... the gift of tongues by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Church, is for the benefit of the servants of God to preach to unbelievers, as on the day of Pentecost.” —Joseph Smith
“Tongues were given for the purpose of preaching among those whose language is not understood; as on the day of Pentecost, etc., and it is not necessary for tongues to be taught to the Church particularly, for any man that has the Holy Ghost, can speak of the things of God in his own tongue as well as to speak in another; for faith comes not by signs, but by hearing the word of God.”—Joseph Smith
“Be not so curious about tongues, do not speak in tongues except there be an interpreter present; the ultimate design of tongues is to speak to foreigners, and if persons are very anxious to display their intelligence, let them speak to such in their own tongues. The gifts of God are all useful in their place, but when they are applied to that which God does not intend, they prove an injury, a snare and a curse instead of a blessing.”—Joseph Smith
“We have also had brethren and sisters who have had the gift of tongues falsely; they would speak in a muttering, unnatural voice, and their bodies be distorted... ; whereas, there is nothing unnatural in the Spirit of God.”—Joseph Smith
“Speak not in the gift of tongues without understanding it, or without interpretation. The devil can speak in tongues; the adversary will come with his work; he can tempt all classes; can speak in English or Dutch. Let no one speak in tongues unless he interpret, except by the consent of the one who is placed to preside; then he may discern or interpret, or another may.” —Joseph Smith
“If you have a matter to reveal, let it be in your own tongue; do not indulge too much in the exercise of the gift of tongues, or the devil will take advantage of the innocent and unwary. You may speak in tongues for your own comfort, but I lay this down for a rule, that if anything is taught by the gift of tongues, it is not to be received for doctrine.” —Joseph Smith
“Currently available evidence indicates that in the nineteenth century, speaking in tongues was quite common. At the turn of the century, such experience was still widespread in the church....Emmeline B. Wells reported an experience in the Tabernacle in February 1900, where a missionary had spoken in tongues and given interpretation. The gift of tongues was manifested in a conference in Pueblo, Colorado, October 1900, and Anthon H. Lund witnessed a sister speaking in tongues in Lehi in February 1903. In January 1901 Joseph Eckersley listened as his wife sang in tongues. His little boy ‘made the simply childlike truthful statement...that his mama sang as he had never heard her before, that it was beautiful and sounded like a violin and piano and other kinds or music all being played at one time.’...In June 1908 Anthon H. Lund heard a woman speak and sing in tongues in the Tabernacle. In general, however, the incidence of this sort of experience had begun to decline in the early twentieth century, though glossolalia declined more rapidly among men than among women.” —Thomas G. Alexander
"Great manifestations of power were witnessed in the Kirtland Temple . . . The first patriarchal
blessing meeting over which Joseph Smith, Sen., presided was one of the most striking and
noticeable features of that particular period of time. In this meeting I received the gift of singing inspirationally, and the first Song of Zion ever given in the pure language was sung by me then, and interpreted by Parley P. Pratt, and written down; of which I have preserved the original copy. It describes the manner in which the ancient patriarchs blessed their families, and gives some account of “Adam ondi Ahman.”
"The Prophet Joseph promised me that I should never lose this gift if I would be wise in using it;
and his words have been verified." —Elizabeth Ann Whitney
“The members of the Branch in Pennsylvania were the first in the Church who received the gift of tongues.
“That speaking in tongues may have been a severe test for Brigham, who had earlier been repelled by the excesses of frontier evangelical groups carried away by their religious ecstasy. (See footnote 16.) But here the context of edifying common sense and the balance of convincing rationality apparently made such emotional experiences quite different. Brigham was not only able to accept speaking in tongues as one of the appropriate signs that follow those who believe but gradually to respond personally, and evento participate in such expressions, as his own suspicion of emotion and ecstasy was calmed...
“...While with a group gathered at Heber Kimball’s house for family prayer, Brigham reports that ‘the Spirit came on them, and I spoke in tongues, and we thought only of the day of Pentecost.’...” —Eugene England
"The members of the Branch in Pennsylvania were the first in the Church who received the gift of tongues.”... "A few weeks after my baptism, I was at brother Kimball's house one morning, and while family prayer was being offered up, brother Alpheus Gifford commenced speaking in tongues. Soon the Spirit came on me, and I spoke in tongues, and we thought only of the day of Pentacost when the apostles were clothed upon with with clothen tongues of fire...In September 1832, brother Heber C. Kimball took his horse and wagon, brother Joseph Young and myself accompanying him, and started for Kirtland to see the prophet Joseph. We visited many friends on the way, and some branches of the church. We exhorted them and prayed with them, and I spoke in tongues. Some pronounced it genuine and from the Lord, and others pronounced it of the Devil...In the evening a few of the brethren came in, and we conversed together upon the the things of the Kingdom. He (the prophet Joseph) called upon me to pray; in my prayer I spoke in tongues. As soon as we arose from our knees, the brethren flocked around him, and asked his opinion concerning the gift of tongues that was upon me. He told them it was the pure Adamic language. Some said to him they expected that he would condemn the gift brother Brigham had, but he said, 'No, it is of God, and there will come a time when brother Brigham Young will preside over this Church."—Brigham Young
"I spoke in tongues and conversed with Elder Kimball in an unknown tongue..."
"I asked the following questions and reasoned thus, - why do the people oppose the gifts and graces of the gospel?...if a man by faith and humility before God can get a testimony of Jesus Christ, and prophesy of things to come, or be able to speak in tongues or cast our devils, I ask what harm is there in all this? Does it do any harm? No, it does not..."...While in that stage we had a very interesting conversation with to Campbellite preachers, who attacked us on "Mormonism". They contended that that which was in part had been done away, and that which was perfect had come, and that there was now no need of tongues, interpretations, etc. Elder Woodruff replied - "You then have no need to contend. For if that which is perfect has come, you certainly should all see eye to eye, being in possession of perfect knowledge." - Brigham Young
"I found the saints in confusion; they had the gift of tongues among them, and the interpretation, and they were so ignorant of the nature of these gifts. that they supposed that everything which was spoken in tongues, was immediate revelation from God; a false spirit had therefore crept in, and division was the result."I taught them that when they spoke in tongues, the language might be from the Lord, but with that tongue, they spoke the things which were of their hearts, whether they were good or evil, the gift of tongues was given as a blessing to the Saints, but not to govern them, nor to control the Elders, or dictate the affairs of the Church.” —Brigham Young
"...after which I called upon Sister Whitney who stood up and invoking the gift of tongues, sang a beautiful song of Zion in tongues.The interpretation was given by her husband, bishop Whitney, and me, it related to our efforts to build this house to the privilege we now have for meeting in it, our departure shortly to the country of the Lamanites, their rejoicing when they hear the gospel and of the ingathering of Israel...I spoke in a foreign tongue, likewise brother Kimball." —Brigham Young
“In 1830, while serving as a missionary in Kirtland, Parley P. Pratt desired to move westward as he looked forward not only to converting the Indians, but to the gift of xenoglossia. Pratt ‘knew, for his Heavenly Father had told him, that when they got among the scattered tribes, there would be as great miracles wrought, as there was at the day of Pentecost...’
“From 1833 to 1836, speaking in tongues became a church-wide phenomenon. The ‘language’ spoken was often identified as the language of Adam. Because speaking in tongues was generally regarded as a sign of the truthfulness of the restored gospel rather than as a tool to be used in spreading the gospel in foreign lands, it generally took the form of glossolalia rather than xenoglossia...
“During a conference on 22 January 1833, Joseph Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, and William Smith spoke in tongues ‘after which the Lord poured out His Spirit in a miraculous manner, until all the Elders spake in tongues, and several members, both male and female, exercised the same gift’ The conference continued late into the evening. The next day, when the conference reconvened, these gifts were again manifested. On 17 January 1836, while the First Presidency, the Twelve, the Seventy, and the [High] Councilors of Kirtland and Zion were gathered together in conference, ‘the gift of tongues came on us also, like the rushing of a mighty wind.’ Five days later the gift of tongues again came to this group ‘in mighty power...’
“Many exercised this gift in their homes....At the dedication of the Kirtland Temple in March 1836, speaking in tongues was abundant. Joseph Smith pled in his dedicatory prayer, ‘Let it be fulfilled upon them, as upon those on the day of Pentecost; that the gift of tongues be poured out upon thy people, even cloven tongues as of fire, and the interpretation thereof’ (D&C 109:36). ‘Hundreds of Elders spoke in tongues, but, many of them being young in the Church, and never having witnessed the manifestation of this gift before, some felt a little alarmed.” Joseph prayed to the Lord to withhold the Spirit and then instructed the congregation on the nature of the gift of tongues. Later, Brigham Young gave an address in tongues which David W. Patten interpreted. Patten then gave a short exhortation in tongues himself. That day many others spoke in tongues and prophesied. Adults were not the only ones to speak in tongues. According to David Pettigrew, ‘The gift of tongues, I think, was the cause of the excitement of the opponents of the Church in Missouri. When they heard little children speaking tongues that they did not themselves understand,’ the people became alarmed at the Saints' presence.” —Lee Copeland
"Most modern Mormons understand the ‘gift of tongues’ as the ability to quickly learn a foreign
language in the Missionary Training Center. But early Latter-day Saints had a very different concept of tongues. ...the early Mormon practice of tongues was part of what originally got me investigating Mormon history. My church claimed to have restored the gift of tongues to the world in 1906 at the Azusa Street Revival. So to learn that Mormons had beaten us to the practice by more than 70 years both intrigued me and disturbed me." —Christopher Smith
(Non-LDS scholar, Utah State University)
"On December 15, 1897 when five of the temple sisters or ordinance workers were conversing upon spiritual and temporal blessings, one of the ladies arose and addressed Anna R Keller in tongues. Of course she could not understand the words. But another sister arose and gave the interpretation which was that her work and integrity were accepted by the Lord and that her departed husband was watching her with great interest as well as pleased with her and that all her affairs should turn to her spiritual and temporal welfare." —Anna R. Keller
Scripture References on Tongues, Baptism of Fire, Baptism of the Spirit, etc.:
- Jeremiah 31:31-33
- Isaiah 28:11-12
- Ezekiel 11:19
- 1 Corinthians 12:1-3
- Ezekiel 36:26
- 1 Corinthians 12:13
- Ezekiel 39:29
- 1 Corinthians 13:1
- Joel 2:28-29
- 1 Corinthians 14:1-5, 18, 21-28, 37-40
- Matthew 3:11
- 2 Corinthians 3:3-18
- Matthew 28:20
- Galatians 3:14, 27
- Mark 1:8
- Galatians 4:4-6
- Mark 15:17-18
- Galatians 5:22-23
- Mark 16:17
- Ephesians 2:18
- Luke 3:16
- Ephesians 3:16-17
- Luke 11:9-13
- Ephesians 4:30
- Luke 24:48-49
- 2 Thessalonians 2:13
- John 1:33
- 2 Timothy 1:7
- John 3:5
- Hebrews 10:15-16
- John 4:14
- James 3:2, 8
- John 7:37-39
- Titus 3:5
- John 14:16-18
- 1 Peter 1:2, 10-12, 22
- John 14:26
- 1 Peter 4:14
- John 15:26
- 1 John 3:24
- John 16:7, 13
- 1 John 4:13
- John 20:22
- Jude 1:20-21
- Acts 1:4-8
- 1 Nephi 5
- Acts 1:33
- 2 Nephi 31:13-14, 17
- Acts 2:4, 16-18, 33, 38, 39
- 2 Nephi 32:2
- Acts 8:15-17, 19
- Omni 1:25
- Acts 9:17
- Mosiah 5:2
- Acts 10:38
- Mosiah 27:25-26
- Acts 10:44-47
- Alma 5:14-16
- Acts 11:15-18
- 3 Nephi 9:20
- Acts 19:1-6
- 3 Nephi 12:1
- Romans 5:5
- 3 Nephi 17:15-17
- Romans 7:6
- 3 Nephi 26:14
- Romans 8:1-16, 23-27
- 3 Nephi 29:6
- Romans 14:17
- Mormon 9:7
- Ephesians 1:13-14
- Moroni 10:8, 15-16, 30
- Ephesian 6:17
- D&C 109:36-37
- 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
- D&C 46:24-26
- 1 Corinthians 3:16
- Articles of Faith 1:7- 1 Corinthians 6:11, 19
- “Church History in the Fulness of Times” Institute manual; Chapters 10, 11, 13, 32
- “Saints, Volume 1;” Chapters 15, 16, 21, 41
- “Doctrines of the Gospel” student manual; Chapter 16
- “History of the Church,” Volumes 1-7
- “The Journal of Brigham: Brigham Young's Own Story in His Own Words”
- “Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches,” Lee Copeland
- “The Tongues of the Saints: The Azusa Street Revival and the Changing Definition of
Tongues,” Matthew R. Davies
- “Young Brigham,” Eugene England
- “Mormonism in Transition,” Thomas G. Alexander, pgs. 294-5, 305
- “The Gift of Speaking in Heavenly Languages - A Gift Gone?” Lindsey Willardson Rietzsch
- “The Tongue of Angels: Glossolalia Among Mormonism’s Founders,” Dan Vogel and Scott C.
- “’We believe in the gift of tongues’: The 1906 Pentecostal Revolution and Its Effects on the
LDS Use of the Gift of Tongues in the Twentieth Century,” Alan J. Clark
- “Spiritual Manifestations at the Dedication of the Kirtland Temple”
- Just search “Tongues” in the Gospel library app.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Are Healings Outside of the Priesthood Legit?
Not a question I have been pondering, however I know many people who have. I came across this 1979 Ensign article last week, when searching for something completely unrelated. Because this has been a question that has surfaced lately in social media groups, I thought I would share this article here on my blog.
Can healings be real if they are not performed by the priesthood?
William E. Berrett, stake patriarch and professor emeritus of Church history and doctrine, Brigham Young University While considering this question, remember that one of the Lord’s apostles once said to him,
“Master we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.
“And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.” (Luke 9:49–50)
Clearly, it is good to be healed. And there are many ways to be healed in addition to the administration of the priesthood—by good health habits, herbs, medicines, and prayers of faith.
God has given us the Word of Wisdom as a health guide. He has also provided various herbs in the earth that have healing properties. We read in the book of Alma that “there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land—but not so much with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate.” (Alma 46:40)
For countless ages medicine men in all cultures have used many of nature’s remedies and have healed many people. And in our day, God has poured forth knowledge upon the earth which the medical profession has used to administer much relief to the sick and afflicted—thankfully going far beyond the limited herbal remedies available to earlier cultures.
God expects us to utilize all that he has provided to heal us of our afflictions. The question which has bothered man the most has had to do with healings in which none of nature’s known remedies or of man’s medical skill has been applied to the sick individual. These have usually been termed faith healings—healings which may have occurred either through the power of the mind over the body or by the administration of the power of God. While both of these methods are legitimate, they are often confused; healings caused by mind over body are frequently mistaken for priesthood healings.
The more we learn about the power of the mind over the body, the clearer it becomes that to some extent, and in ways still largely unknown to us, our mind can and does effect a powerful role in selected kinds of health improvement. Mostly, however, we are just beginning to glimpse these capabilities, rather than being able to implement them.
Countless healings have occurred through exercising the power of the mind over the physical body. Aboriginal doctors, for example, have employed sometimes devious methods to induce faith in the sick that they might be healed. Healings have often followed not because of the incantations of the doctor, but because of a natural law whereby the mind is able to affect the body.
The great preacher, George Fox, founder of the Society of Quakers, advocated faith healings with some success, though all too often the malady returned, only to be labeled by him as a punishment for disobedience to God. Other healings have occurred at shrines such as Mecca in Arabia, though only a very small proportion of those who go to be healed actually are. There have been some faith healings at revivalist meetings, but the permanence of some of the relief has been questioned. Further, Christian Scientists contend that pain does not exist but is only an error of the human faculty.
I believe that many who are healed by the power of the mind and the spirit over the body have not been led by men influenced by the devil but by good-intentioned individuals, and that the faith which has produced healings at shrines, for example, is not necessarily the work of the devil, but may have been simply the application of an unrecognized God-given principle of life. I also believe that when we classify all such healings as being of the devil, we do an unjustice to that group of well-meaning individuals who have induced the sick to exercise faith, even though it is very apparent that some incantations and exhortations used and some settings and individuals do not reflect the Spirit of God.
I believe that we must recognize that there are charlatans, imbued with unholy purposes, who use the true principle of the relationship of mind and body in devilish ways. While the devil cannot do good, men imbued with evil designs may sometimes mix the good and the evil. This led Brigham Young to say of the hypnotism he saw practiced in his day: “Mesmerism is an inverted truth; it originated in holy, good, and righteous principles, which have been inverted by the power of the devil. … Show me one principle that has originated by the power of the devil. You cannot do it. I call evil inverted good, or a correct principle made an evil use of.” (Journal of Discourses, 3:156–57)
We find examples of this evil use of true principles in Biblical and historical accounts. For examples, using demonic powers, the magicians of Egypt were able to duplicate many of the miracles Moses performed with the power of God. (See Ex. 7–8.) During the days of the early apostles, Simon the sorcerer so convincingly portrayed his satanic powers as divine that many people, “from the least to the greatest, [said], This man is the great power of God.” (Acts 8:10) In 1830, Hiram Page, one of the eight witnesses of the Book of Mormon, claimed to receive “revelations” for the Church from a certain stone he had obtained. Although these “revelations” contradicted those Joseph Smith had received from the Lord, his manner of receiving them deceived several members of the Church, including Oliver Cowdery. The Lord commanded Oliver to tell Brother Page “that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me and that Satan deceiveth him.” (D&C 28:11) Eight years later, Hiram Page left the Church. Obviously in these cases, Satan gave men mighty power so similar to that manifested by true servants of God that many were deceived. It seems to me, therefore, that true principles can be used both for good and for evil.
Now, with this understanding of other kinds of healings—some good and some of Satan, let’s turn to priesthood healings. There are limitations to healings produced by faith alone. But when the faith of the sick person is accompanied by the healing administration of priesthood power, there is no limit to the possible results. Listen to the invitation of Christ to the Nephites:
“Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.” (3 Ne. 17:7)
In priesthood healings the faith of the afflicted is also a vital factor—but it is true faith in a true power: the priesthood. In such cases, faith acts somewhat as a catalyst in bringing about the desired physical reaction. Mark, in his Gospel writing, records that the Lord could perform few of his usual healings during his visit to the people of his native Nazareth because of the people’s unbelief. (See Mark 6:5.)
Thus, when the priesthood of God lays hands upon the faithful sick, a powerful healing element flows from the priesthood holder to the mind and body of the recipient. It is as real as the ultraviolet ray or the laser beam, but far more potent, when the right conditions prevail, in affecting the physical body. Brigham Young thus explained it:
“When I lay hands on the sick, I expect the healing power and influence of God to pass through me to the patient, and the disease to give way.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 162)
Although this healing power which flows through proper priesthood administration is not understood by the world, it is known and attested to by the people of God. Thus, while recognizing the power of faith without priesthood administration, Latter-day Saints look for the far more potent healing power of the priesthood of God, which circumscribes and encompasses all other forms of healing, and when necessary, goes far beyond any of them in its power and healing influence. (See D&C 43:44.)
Can healings be real if they are not performed by the priesthood?
William E. Berrett, stake patriarch and professor emeritus of Church history and doctrine, Brigham Young University While considering this question, remember that one of the Lord’s apostles once said to him,
“Master we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.
“And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.” (Luke 9:49–50)
Clearly, it is good to be healed. And there are many ways to be healed in addition to the administration of the priesthood—by good health habits, herbs, medicines, and prayers of faith.
God has given us the Word of Wisdom as a health guide. He has also provided various herbs in the earth that have healing properties. We read in the book of Alma that “there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land—but not so much with fevers, because of the excellent qualities of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases, to which men were subject by the nature of the climate.” (Alma 46:40)
For countless ages medicine men in all cultures have used many of nature’s remedies and have healed many people. And in our day, God has poured forth knowledge upon the earth which the medical profession has used to administer much relief to the sick and afflicted—thankfully going far beyond the limited herbal remedies available to earlier cultures.
God expects us to utilize all that he has provided to heal us of our afflictions. The question which has bothered man the most has had to do with healings in which none of nature’s known remedies or of man’s medical skill has been applied to the sick individual. These have usually been termed faith healings—healings which may have occurred either through the power of the mind over the body or by the administration of the power of God. While both of these methods are legitimate, they are often confused; healings caused by mind over body are frequently mistaken for priesthood healings.
The more we learn about the power of the mind over the body, the clearer it becomes that to some extent, and in ways still largely unknown to us, our mind can and does effect a powerful role in selected kinds of health improvement. Mostly, however, we are just beginning to glimpse these capabilities, rather than being able to implement them.
Countless healings have occurred through exercising the power of the mind over the physical body. Aboriginal doctors, for example, have employed sometimes devious methods to induce faith in the sick that they might be healed. Healings have often followed not because of the incantations of the doctor, but because of a natural law whereby the mind is able to affect the body.
The great preacher, George Fox, founder of the Society of Quakers, advocated faith healings with some success, though all too often the malady returned, only to be labeled by him as a punishment for disobedience to God. Other healings have occurred at shrines such as Mecca in Arabia, though only a very small proportion of those who go to be healed actually are. There have been some faith healings at revivalist meetings, but the permanence of some of the relief has been questioned. Further, Christian Scientists contend that pain does not exist but is only an error of the human faculty.
I believe that many who are healed by the power of the mind and the spirit over the body have not been led by men influenced by the devil but by good-intentioned individuals, and that the faith which has produced healings at shrines, for example, is not necessarily the work of the devil, but may have been simply the application of an unrecognized God-given principle of life. I also believe that when we classify all such healings as being of the devil, we do an unjustice to that group of well-meaning individuals who have induced the sick to exercise faith, even though it is very apparent that some incantations and exhortations used and some settings and individuals do not reflect the Spirit of God.
I believe that we must recognize that there are charlatans, imbued with unholy purposes, who use the true principle of the relationship of mind and body in devilish ways. While the devil cannot do good, men imbued with evil designs may sometimes mix the good and the evil. This led Brigham Young to say of the hypnotism he saw practiced in his day: “Mesmerism is an inverted truth; it originated in holy, good, and righteous principles, which have been inverted by the power of the devil. … Show me one principle that has originated by the power of the devil. You cannot do it. I call evil inverted good, or a correct principle made an evil use of.” (Journal of Discourses, 3:156–57)
We find examples of this evil use of true principles in Biblical and historical accounts. For examples, using demonic powers, the magicians of Egypt were able to duplicate many of the miracles Moses performed with the power of God. (See Ex. 7–8.) During the days of the early apostles, Simon the sorcerer so convincingly portrayed his satanic powers as divine that many people, “from the least to the greatest, [said], This man is the great power of God.” (Acts 8:10) In 1830, Hiram Page, one of the eight witnesses of the Book of Mormon, claimed to receive “revelations” for the Church from a certain stone he had obtained. Although these “revelations” contradicted those Joseph Smith had received from the Lord, his manner of receiving them deceived several members of the Church, including Oliver Cowdery. The Lord commanded Oliver to tell Brother Page “that those things which he hath written from that stone are not of me and that Satan deceiveth him.” (D&C 28:11) Eight years later, Hiram Page left the Church. Obviously in these cases, Satan gave men mighty power so similar to that manifested by true servants of God that many were deceived. It seems to me, therefore, that true principles can be used both for good and for evil.
Now, with this understanding of other kinds of healings—some good and some of Satan, let’s turn to priesthood healings. There are limitations to healings produced by faith alone. But when the faith of the sick person is accompanied by the healing administration of priesthood power, there is no limit to the possible results. Listen to the invitation of Christ to the Nephites:
“Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.” (3 Ne. 17:7)
In priesthood healings the faith of the afflicted is also a vital factor—but it is true faith in a true power: the priesthood. In such cases, faith acts somewhat as a catalyst in bringing about the desired physical reaction. Mark, in his Gospel writing, records that the Lord could perform few of his usual healings during his visit to the people of his native Nazareth because of the people’s unbelief. (See Mark 6:5.)
Thus, when the priesthood of God lays hands upon the faithful sick, a powerful healing element flows from the priesthood holder to the mind and body of the recipient. It is as real as the ultraviolet ray or the laser beam, but far more potent, when the right conditions prevail, in affecting the physical body. Brigham Young thus explained it:
“When I lay hands on the sick, I expect the healing power and influence of God to pass through me to the patient, and the disease to give way.” (Discourses of Brigham Young, sel. John A. Widtsoe, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 162)
Although this healing power which flows through proper priesthood administration is not understood by the world, it is known and attested to by the people of God. Thus, while recognizing the power of faith without priesthood administration, Latter-day Saints look for the far more potent healing power of the priesthood of God, which circumscribes and encompasses all other forms of healing, and when necessary, goes far beyond any of them in its power and healing influence. (See D&C 43:44.)
Word of Wisdom and Are We Ready?
Word of Wisdom, virtue, power, prophecy, healing....just some of the topics in this week's video message. ❤️
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