Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Message from Lynn!

This weekend we launch our tour in Independence, Missouri. I am super excited! I know the impact that this movement and tour is going to have on communities throughout the nation. I believe it's fulfilling prophecy. If you do too, please support us!

Each of us serving on this tour, do so voluntarily. We are not getting paid or compensated. It's a lot of time away from family and it does require money in order to send our ministry team to each state, to pay for food and facilities. To conserve as best we can, we are lodging with local church families in each community we visit. We believe that the Lord will bless us as a whole for our sacrifices and efforts. Please take a moment and read the following message from our friend and founder Lynn. 

Believers Building Bridges Tour
Lynn Ridenhour, PhD

Let me tell you about our tour. I want to speak heart to heart. We're an interfaith ministry team made up of members of the Baptist faith, Pentecostal, Latter-day Saint, Community of Christ, Catholic, Charismatic, and other various church affiliations. As we visit churches, going from state to state, we stand heart to heart, hand in hand, and shoulder to shoulder, ministering the love and unity of our blessed Savior, Jesus the Christ among our brothers and sisters.

 We have a saying: “It’s our firm belief that Christians have far more in common than all our differences. Are there differences? Of course, but we believe it’s time we began celebrating our commonalities rather than continue magnifying our differences.”

 We believe the Bible does not teach conformity of doctrine but unity of the Spirit (Eph.4:3). Conformity of doctrine is based upon creedal agreement whereas unity of the Spirit is based upon His Lordship. If Jesus is the Lord of your heart and life and He’s the Lord of my heart and life—we’re family! You’re my brother. My sister, regardless of creed, class or color.

Pray for us as we tour America, visiting every state in the nation, dedicated for the purpose of bringing God’s people together. 

 We Want to Bless You.

Jesus said to His disciples one day, “Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you…Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return” (Luke 6:38). (The Passion Translation)

Jesus said, your blessing us blesses you in return. We believe that. As Believers Building Bridges ministry team travels from state to state ministering the gospel of love and unity, we depend upon the goodness and generosity of God’s people to do that. It takes funds to travel. Our ministry team is on a nationwide tour, visiting every state in the nation to bring together God’s people.

 Would you consider contributing to our tour by going to our website:

 Manna Ministries is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible. And greatly appreciated.

 God Bless You! Please pray for us.

               Lynn Ridenhour, PhD

               Founder, Believers Building Bridges Tour     

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