I am on the email list for a movement called, "Independence is Alive and Well" which is headed by the Latter-day Saint Stake President of the Independence, Missouri stake - President Dennis Cato. The movement/group is made up of LDS, RDLS, and members of other local churches and ministries.
Today the following prophetic testimony from a missionary in 1999, was shared in the group's email chain. Independence, Missouri is a very special place of past, present, and future significance. I found this testimony very interesting and wanted to share here. ❤️
Testimony given at Independence Christian Center, Oct. 10, 1999, by Paul Tucker, missionary, recently ministering to the Ojibwa Indians in Canada.
My message this morning deals with ‘Reaching Your Destiny.’ Now, I don’t know what I’m
going to preach, but that’s my sermon topic. You know, during the course of a service anything can change. But I’ve learned one thing, that there are certain keys that we need to recognize in a service. And we’ve had several this morning.
The first things I’m going to tell you about is a little insight the Lord gave me in the first service. As we were worshipping the Lord, suddenly, I saw what I described as an invisible wall that seemed to be surrounding this community, this whole community. And I call it invisible simply because we couldn’t see it. It was very real to me. It was a very high wall, a very thick wall, but I saw this wall being dismantled bit by bit, piece by piece, board by board, post by post, I saw it being dismantled. And I though in my mind, What is causing this to be dismantled, and suddenly I saw a group of people that were praying. And I believe that somebody in this church, a group of people, has been praying_how many have been praying?_there’s some kind of a wall that’s coming down_I want you to know that_that’s being torn down.
And then the scene was changed and I saw a throne over this community, like a throne, a big seat; and a big, dark, ugly looking character was sitting on this throne, and he was looking down on this church with a big frown upon his face, at this church. He was very unhappy with what was happening here, a look of disgust and disdain and disappointment, and as this group of people over here was praying I suddenly saw a figure come to where this throne was at, which I believe was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, He’s the King of kings, and He’s the king over every throne, and over every dominion_how many know that this morning?_and I saw Him just kind of sit on this seat and go like this (bump)_you know_and suddenly this figure exited, he was pushed off the throne, hallelujah, and I believe that God is bringing down principalities and powers.
Oh, one other thing: I saw, in the Spirit I saw, that this wall had been built, erected generations in the past because somebody, some generation in the past, did not take their rightful place and did not hold on to the inheritance that God gave them and so an outside invader came in and took possession of the territory that really belonged to God. How many know this community belongs to God? Amen. I’m talking about the one true living God. And I’m not talking about syncretism, if you know what syncretism is. That’s a mixture of all kind of conglomerates. How many know that God doesn’t like mixed drinks? Amen. He likes the pure stuff, Amen? Hallelujah. And so God is not content to have a lot of false leaven in the bread. So I believe that God is establishing purity, and the Lord has a real destiny for this church, hallelujah.
And this former generation of people that relinquished what God gave them, the Lord gave me a verse for this church, 1Peter two and verse nine, which says, You are a chosen generation.This is the generation that’s going to make an impact on this community, hallelujah, Amen.This is the generation right here, you’re the generation, praise the Lord. You’re the chosen generation. God has a special mission for you. You are a people on a mission impossible, hallelujah. How many of you want to a part of that team, Mission Impossible? Well, we’re going to call it Mission Possible, because all things are possible with God. And God is going to change the course of things.
[My sister, Kathy Hamrick, was present at this service and afterwards obtained a tape of the testimony. She loaned it to me and I copied it from the tape.]
[Note: Check out RLDS D&C 98:6./LDS D&C 101:43-51]

Mosiah 18:9 - Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection that ye may have eternal life
Monday, March 25, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Shifting Your Paradigm!
As I was short on time (though it was a long video) with this week's livestream, I left out a few things that I had wanted to share in this video message. So, I thought I would share them here in a blog post.
First off, YouTube has again disabled my comments - as soon as this video was finished live-streaming. That tells me that certain words will tag a video and and put an instant block on the comments. This video was all about unity among Christians in America. I have been emailing back and forth with YouTube over the past few weeks about this issue and the customer service reps who have been handling my case, say they are confused as to why this is happening to me. They agree that my channel is not breaking any rules or at risk in any way, however they aren't getting answers from the people at the top, so we are just waiting it out. It's the comment section that allows us to connect and have conversations about these important topics. The Adversary does not want us having these conversations. He wants to silence our voices. Please keep my videos and channel in your prayers!

That same day, I saw that there had also been attacks on Israel and so Israel had struck back. There on the news post was that number attention grabbing number of mine, 113. I heard "pay attention". I happened to take a screen shot of this post at 11:30 - of course!
In the video, I had mentioned a couple of images that didn't show up in my program as I was recording. I described them but decided to share them here as well.
The first is the screenshot of the restaurant we were searching. 113 was all over the screen. Right after I took this screenshot, we saw the the license plate in front of us had 113 on it, and I showed that in the video.
Later there was some posts about attackers and pedophiles (wolves in sheep's clothing) being brought into the light and their masks pulled off. This post had 144 and 11 on it. Over the last few weeks there have been a lot of people close to my age and younger who have been whistleblowing their childhood sexual abusers and bringing it into the light. Some I have not met, but their stories have been all over the media. Others live in my community and I do know them. Many have been coming into my life and opening up to me about it. I feel that this is part of prep work for the 144,000. They must be healed and they must be made whole, so the Lord can use them. It is so important!

Earthworms happen to symbolize digging deep in our subconscious mind and unearthing hidden memories, feelings, or desires and bringing them to the surface. These things can be beneficial for our growth, healing, and development. It represents a time of renewal and restoration. Being restored back to wholeness!
How fitting for what I just shared, right? And how fitting for spring time.
Something I wanted to clarify since I can't leave comments on my videos, is about the analogy I had made about "what if everyone is right?" and the Big Bang Theory. I mentioned that maybe the Lord banged some things together to create our universe. What I meant by that is maybe speaking the beginning into existence resulted in an explosion. The elements responded to His word and reacted, and things began to form and take their proper place. He did everything through His word. Just wanted to add that.
When speaking about my Missouri experience, I mentioned in the video that things began to open up inside of me and little downloads of knowledge would go into my mind about each person I prayed for, so I knew exactly what to say. This happened all night on the first day, and we witnessed some incredible things! I forgot to mention that the following morning Pastor Steve approached me with a twinkle in his eye and asked, "Had you ever done that before?" I replied, "No." and he chuckled and said, "I didn't think so." It was a witness for He and I that the Lord did something awesome that night, and it was something new.
I shared a little bit about Marilyn and her husband and their awesome stories. They were hosting me in their home. I forgot to mention something neat that they shared. They belong to a break-off of the Community of Christ Church (RLDS). Marilyn had explained to me that many changes had taken place in their church since 1844 (when Brigham Young went west with the saints, and Joseph Smith's wife, mother, and children along with many others stayed behind). Those who stayed behind continued practicing their beliefs, doctrine, priesthood etc., and supported Jospeh Smith III to be the prophet's legitimate successor.
With each change over the years, many people split off from the Reformed Latter-day Saint church forming new churches or a branches each time. In 1984 the first monumental change was announced which was the announcement of ordaining women to the priesthood. About half of the members left the church when this change occurred.
Marilyn said in 2013, the church began to ordain gay marriages. After that many more members left. She mentioned that now there is some kind of scuttle going on with how the church's finances have been handled and it might be the final straw that causes everything to crumble. Because of all of these changes, there are now many different smaller groups and churches who meet together. She said numbers have been dwindling in her small church as well. If I remember correctly she said they have 40 + members but only half come to church.
Despite all of the drama of their past, Marilyn and her husband have been faithful to their beliefs and continue worshiping the Lord daily. She is the lady that prayed over a missing thumb and watched it grow back. Her husband is the patriarch of their church and while I was there he had been preparing and fasting to give a patriarchal blessing that coming Sunday. He had mentioned he was nervous because the sweet sister requesting the blessing was Catholic! He was looking forward to giving the blessing but nervous at the same time.
He shared an incredible story about a debilitating depression that he was healed from three years ago. It was so bad, that he was admitted to a rehab facility and from there, experienced a downward spiral. Marilyn felt that if she didn't intervene her husband would soon die in that facility. She did all that she could and exercised faith and prayer and through a dangerous mistake that the staff made that almost cost her husband's life, they were able to bring him home. It was a bitter-sweet mercy from the Lord.
Since that day Marilyn has helped her husband heal. He expressed how much he enjoys serving the people in their church. He takes his priesthood duties very seriously and carries around a bottle of anointing oil at all times. He is such a kind, gentle, and caring man and he and Marilyn have incredible faith! They walk in miracles daily, and experience wonderful manifestations of the Lord's presence.
These are just some of the stories I learned about the many people I got to meet that weekend in Missouri. They all have different backgrounds, different stories, and operate in different spiritual gifts, but their faith and love for the Lord is all the same! Each of them is so eager to serve and bless all of God's children and I was so humbled when many of them offered to pray over and bless me in their different and unique ways. Some used oil, some spoke in tongues, some laid hands, some raised their hands heavenward - but all were united in faith and belief that the Lord was there and He was listening and answering!
It truly was an incredible weekend and I was so honored and humbled to be a part of it all. ❤️We are trying to raise funds so we can plan the next event and hopefully come to your city. Here is a link to our GoFundMe campaign - please support us and share!
Joseph Smith,
women of faith,
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
A Message from Lynn!
This weekend we launch our tour in Independence, Missouri. I am super excited! I know the impact that this movement and tour is going to have on communities throughout the nation. I believe it's fulfilling prophecy. If you do too, please support us!
Each of us serving on this tour, do so voluntarily. We are not getting paid or compensated. It's a lot of time away from family and it does require money in order to send our ministry team to each state, to pay for food and facilities. To conserve as best we can, we are lodging with local church families in each community we visit. We believe that the Lord will bless us as a whole for our sacrifices and efforts. Please take a moment and read the following message from our friend and founder Lynn.
Believers Building Bridges Tour
Lynn Ridenhour, PhD
We have a saying: “It’s our firm belief that Christians have far more in common than all our differences. Are there differences? Of course, but we believe it’s time we began celebrating our commonalities rather than continue magnifying our differences.”
We believe the Bible does not teach conformity of doctrine but unity of the Spirit (Eph.4:3). Conformity of doctrine is based upon creedal agreement whereas unity of the Spirit is based upon His Lordship. If Jesus is the Lord of your heart and life and He’s the Lord of my heart and life—we’re family! You’re my brother. My sister, regardless of creed, class or color.
Pray for us as we tour America, visiting every state in the nation, dedicated for the purpose of bringing God’s people together.
We Want to Bless You.
Jesus said to His disciples one day, “Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you…Your measurement of generosity becomes the measurement of your return” (Luke 6:38). (The Passion Translation)
Jesus said, your blessing us blesses you in return. We believe that. As Believers Building Bridges ministry team travels from state to state ministering the gospel of love and unity, we depend upon the goodness and generosity of God’s people to do that. It takes funds to travel. Our ministry team is on a nationwide tour, visiting every state in the nation to bring together God’s people.
Would you consider contributing to our tour by going to our website: www.mannaministries.life
Manna Ministries is a 501 C-3 non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible. And greatly appreciated.
God Bless You! Please pray for us.
Lynn Ridenhour, PhD
Founder, Believers Building Bridges Tour
Join our mailing list! Receive periodic tour updates. We’re more than happy to share our exciting testimonies with you; i.e., what state we’re in, uplifting stories of changed hearts and lives.
Simply email us at believersbuildingbridges77@gmail.com, requesting to be put on our mailing list.
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Where There's a Stone, There's a Beam!
It's the Adversary's plans to divide. Just what tactics is he using right now and how does this relate to current events? Watch to find out & join in the conversation.
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