I watched this a few years ago and I loved what I learned! The other day it popped up in my feed again, and I was excited to share!

Mosiah 18:9 - Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection that ye may have eternal life
Monday, February 18, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The John 3:16 Story!
This is a great story about how God uses numbers to send profound messages to us individually and to the world!
Faith and Hope,
Your Purpose
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Most Powerful Testimony!
I shared this video with family last Sunday as part of our home church lesson. The lesson was about becoming born again. I explained to them that sometimes even after we learn of Jesus Christ our Savior, who He is, what He has done for us, and we are baptized, it still can take many years before we have that true born again conversion - what Alma refers to as the "mighty change of heart".
This man had the true born again conversion the first time he learned of Jesus Christ and prayed to know Him. Even 20 years after the matter, his spirit is still on fire for Jesus. I love his story!
John 3:5,16
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Missionary Work,
Saturday, February 9, 2019
#3) The Hppy Lady - The Power of Forgiveness!
Hello, welcome back! So glad to see you. Today is a really good topic. So, if you’ll recall, last time in the last video we talked about two different powers. The two powers that we use to create which are faith and fear. Today we are going to talk about another power – and that’s the power of forgiveness. So, the power to imprison or the power to free. So, we are going to look at it from both sides of the coin today.
(00.38) So, why is it so important to forgive? We know that it’s something we should make more of a priority in our lives but why is it so critical for our happiness? The way I look at it is that when you forgive, you release yourself from a real prison cell. You release yourself form that heaviness, and you also release the person or the situation that you’re forgiving. Not only do you release yourself, but you release others, and it’s absolutely empowering!
(1:15) Forgiveness to me, is like an actual key. I want you to just envision for a minute, a large gold key. Here you have this experience, memory, situation, a person (maybe more than one person), and they’re in this prison cell. You’re also in that prison cell. You are all in there together. And in that prison cell are all these feelings of hate, grief, sorrow, pain, and suffering. It’s all just locked in there real tight. You have this gold key, and that key has the power to unlock the door to that prison cell and just let everything out, and let everyone be free.
(2:00) So, it is a power. You have that key to just let it go, and rise above your potential. It’ a really critical power.
(2:14) Some people look at it this way; this is a really great way to just bring it all home. With my faith in my beliefs, I believe in a literal spirit prison and a spirit paradise. I believe that spirit prison is a place where we put ourselves. I don’t believe anyone forces us to go there, I believe it’s a choice that we make. It’s a place that we put ourselves because we haven’t forgiven ourselves, or we haven’t forgiven an experience or a person in our lives and we just want to hang on to that pain, suffering, and guilt. So, we just let it linger and it weighs us down until we’re just kind of stuck.
(2:57) I want to share something. I wasn’t sure about doing this but I think it’s just another way to kind of give it more of a spiritual perspective. I’m going to share with you a very personal experience that I had, that I’ve actually had on about three occasions. I had some experiences not too long ago, where a loved one of mine (on three different occasions) who had passed on and was on the other side of the veil, came to me and let me know, that they were unhappy and stuck. They were in this dark place of grief, sorrow, and despair – there was no hope. They came to me because they didn’t know what to do, and they wanted to know that they had been forgiven, by all of us that they had left behind, all of us family members. Granted they had probably made some not-so-good choices in their life, I think they probably realized that, and they were actually keeping themselves in a prison. Instead of going on, (what we say as “go to the light”) and being with their friends and family in that spiritual paradise, they chose to stay stuck and suffer that pain and sorrow of those experiences that they were not willing to let go of and forgive. Also, I think they felt that guilt of not being forgiven. (4:44) I guess you can say that I had a very powerful spirit to spirit conversation with these loved one of mine, and let them know that “we forgive you. I forgive you. My family forgives you. Go be free! Go to the light. Go progress. Go do better. Just let it go. You don’t need to suffer for these problems anymore. You can forgive yourself, and we forgive you.”
(5:14) I literally felt…I get goosebumps talking about it right now, I felt that energy just shift in the room, and all around me. I could feel that heaviness that they were feeling, absolutely escape. I felt this light pour in and this lightweight…just that feeling of freedom. I could tell that they had decided to take that key that I talked about, and they had unlocked that prison cell. They let it go.
(5:50) I share that with you because I think sometimes if we have that deeper perspective of how this power of forgives affects us not only here now in the present time but in the future and in the eternities, it really is an important principle to understand.
(6:12) So, why do some of us have such a hard time with forgiveness? Think about that for a minute. Think about yourself, think about people that you know who really seem to struggle with just letting things go, and forgiving. I believe just with experiences that I’ve had with people in my family and just people that I know…I believe that it’s more of a thought pattern or a thought process that you know…”if I forgive this person or this situation, well then that means that they’re off the hook. They did something wrong to me and it hurt, and I feel horrible, and I’m a victim. They should suffer. If I forgive them and I just let it go, then they’re not going to suffer the consequences that I believe they need to have. They need to be held accountable for what they did to me.”
(7:08) Now, does that sound familiar? I truly believe without a doubt that that is one of the most common reasons why people have such a difficult time with forgiveness. They want to be that victim, and they want those people to be held accountable so that people will always know, and the world will always remember, how they have been wronged, and how this person was the abuser. We just really need to let that go. It’s not important. You don’t have to make sure that others suffer their consequences, that’s not your job and that’s not your responsibility. Your responsibility lies within you! You just need to forgive and let it go. Everything will play out how it’s supposed to.
(7:58) I think another reason that it’s hard for people to forgive, is a lot of people out there don’t know how to function unless they are experiencing grief, sadness, and they are always in that victim mode. They just don’t know how to function in a world of happiness, so they hang on to all of these experiences and all of these problems, and they surround themselves in it. These are the people that we…you know, that we refer to as the “negative people” in our lives. The “porcupines”. The prickly porcupines that we just don’t want to hug. It’s really difficult for them to let that go because they don’t know how to function without it. That’s what they’re used to. Sometimes it helps to have that perspective when you are dealing with people in your life who are really struggling with forgiveness.
(8:50) As I mentioned before, sometimes we just don’t understand the full picture. It’s hard for us to forgive because we want to understand everything before we can make that choice whether or not we are going to let it go. But, what we have to realize is that we just have to change our perspective. We have to look at it from a completely different view. It’s almost like you have to pull yourself away from the situation and look at it as an outsider looking in. When you do that, a lot of times you will see everything playing out in a completely different way. Suddenly your feelings change. Maybe you’re not so mad as you were before.
(9:35) If you have a hard time doing that, and it’s difficult for you to change your perspective, or look at it from another angle, something that you can do is ask God to change your perspective.
(9:51) No matter what your beliefs are, most everyone believes in a higher power. For me, it’s my Father in Heaven. I can go to Him in prayer and I can ask Him to change my perspective. To help me see things in a different way, in a different light, and possibly to be able see them the way that He does. That always helps soften my heart, and the change the way I feel about a person a situation. So, I offer that advice to you, give that a try and see how that helps you in your quest to forgive.
(10:32) So when talking about forgiveness as being a key to unlock that prison cell, I’d like to share with you something from a book that I absolutely love. This book is called, “There is No Death” by Sarah Menet. She had a near death experience back in 1979, and this book is just her entire story of what she experienced. I want to share in there something that’s always stuck with me. I found it very powerful.
(11:07) It’s an experience where she ran into her father on the other side of the veil. She didn’t have a good relationship with her father. She hated her father. Really, when he died, she wasn’t sad one bit. He had been abusive, and a lot of things had happened throughout her childhood where she just thought that she could never love or forgive him. Now, here’s what she says,
(11:38) “Suddenly, for some purpose, I was allowed to feel a small part of the pain that he was feeling for the life that he lived. It was so completely overwhelming and excruciating that even 22 years after that experience, I can still feel the pain my father felt. I could not bear to look at him. But I began to feel great compassion for him. As I stood there listening to him crying and feeling his horrific pain, the spirit of pain that had been my constant companion during life, causing me to hate him and everyone else, suddenly and inexplicitly left me. I truly felt God move the sword of hate out of my hand. I felt so sorry for my father and I wanted to put my arms around him perhaps to give him some comfort of understanding that I had forgiven him.”
(12:32) So, that just for me again, gives it another perspective. When you forgive, you have that power to unlock that prison cell. So, like I said, not only do you release yourself, but you relase the person that you’re forgiving. It’s incredible!
(12:50) Here is another little story that I absolutely love that I think really helps shed a different light on seeing things from a different perspective. This is a children’s parable. It’s really cute, it’s really sweet, and it’s really powerful.
It’s called “The Little Soul and the Sun”, and it’s by Neil Donald Walsh. Just to sum it up, there’s two souls that are having a dialogue here. They are eternal friends in the pre-mortal realm. So, they haven’t come down to earth yet and they haven’t been born. They are excited to come down and they are talking about what it’s going to be like. There’s “Friendly Soul” and “Little Soul”. Little Soul starts to express his desire that he wants to be one who learns to forgive. When he comes to earth, he wants to be one of those people who has that ability to forgive. But in Heaven there is nothing to forgive. Everything is wonderful. So, he’s kind of in a predicament thinking, “will I be able to forgive? I don’t know what that’s like.”
(14:04) As little soul is having this conversation with Friendly Soul, Friendly Soul pretty much says, “I have an idea. How about I come down to earth and I give you something to forgive?” and Little Soul says, “Why would you want to do that? You’re such an amazing spirit, you’re such an amazing being, I admire you. You’re so wonderful. Why on earth would you want to come down and give me something to forgive?” And here’s what Friendly Soul says,
(14:35) “Simple. I would do it because I love you. I will come into your life on earth and be the ‘bad one’. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the one who forgives.”
“But what will you do,” the Little Soul asked just a little nervously, “that will be so terrible?”
“Oh,” replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle in his eye, “we’ll think of something.”
So, the Little Soul gets excited. Now he knows that he’s going to come down to earth and he’s going to have this experience where he can learn forgiveness. But then he looks over and he notices his friend, the Friendly Soul, looking a little discouraged and he says,
“What is it? What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me.”
“In the moment where I strike you and I smite you,” the Friendly Soul replied, “in that moment that I do the worst to you that you could possibly imagine, in that very moment,”
“Yes?” the Little Soul interrupted, “Yes?”
“Remember who I really am.”
“Oh, I will!” cried the Little Soul. “I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here right now.”
“Good!” said the Friendly Soul, “Because you see, “I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember for a very long time, and if you forget who I am, you may even forget who you are. And we will both be lost.”
“No we won’t,” the Little Soul promised again, “I will remember you, and I will thank you for bringing me this gift. The chance to experience myself, who I am.”
I love that.
(16:26) To end on that note, I just think it’s a great little story to end on. We sometimes don’t have the full picture. We don’t understand and we don’t remember who we were before we came here. When we choose to see it in that light, and we choose to see the people who have wronged us in that light, it changes everything!
(16:52) So, now comes the time at the end of the video where I give you that tip, or your homework assignment. These are just little things that you can try to help apply what it is we talk about in these videos.
So, I want you to make a list, do it today if you can, make a list of all the things that you can think of right now, all the things, experiences, people, anything in your life that you feel you are struggling to forgive, and I want you to write them all down. And I want you to take that list with you wherever you go, so that you see it every day. And I want you to start saying out loud, as you go down this list each day, “I forgive ______,” and fill in the blank. And you just go down that list, and you say it out loud, “I forgive, I forgive, I forgive,” You know at first, it’s going to feel really strange because you still might be struggling and thinking, “well, gosh I’m kind of lying because I still feel angry and I still feel hurt. So, it’s hard to say these words that I’m forgiving them.” But, I promise you as you keep doing it and you make it a habit to do it every day, it will start to turn into the truth. You will really start to feel your heart change. And just by doing that, you’re going to manifest that forgiveness. You’re going to create that power, and you’re going to feel yourself being set free.
(18:31) So, if you’re still struggling with this concept of forgiveness, and it’s still something that’s really hard for you, I want to share with you something that I do that works for me. Now with my faith and with what I believe, I believe in the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. And what I do, is if there’s any burden or any feeling, anything that’s weighing me down and I just don’t want to deal with it anymore, I ask Him to take it. I freely hand it over to Him. It works every time. He takes it from me and I don’t have to suffer anymore. This is something that I do every day, and it really works for me. So, don’t give up. Don’t get frustrated, and don’t feel like this is something that’s hopeless for you. Go into this with a positive “can do” attitude. If you truly go into this with the intentions that you want to change and you want to be different, and you want to have better experiences, you will be successful. You will be able to experience the power of forgiveness.
Well thanks so much for joining me today. I know it’s kind of been a deep subject, but nonetheless an important one. For more tips and videos, go ahead and check out my website, at “yourhappylady.com”. You can also watch my videos on my YouTube channel, under “HappyMarriages”. Thank so much and we’ll see you soon!
(00.38) So, why is it so important to forgive? We know that it’s something we should make more of a priority in our lives but why is it so critical for our happiness? The way I look at it is that when you forgive, you release yourself from a real prison cell. You release yourself form that heaviness, and you also release the person or the situation that you’re forgiving. Not only do you release yourself, but you release others, and it’s absolutely empowering!
(1:15) Forgiveness to me, is like an actual key. I want you to just envision for a minute, a large gold key. Here you have this experience, memory, situation, a person (maybe more than one person), and they’re in this prison cell. You’re also in that prison cell. You are all in there together. And in that prison cell are all these feelings of hate, grief, sorrow, pain, and suffering. It’s all just locked in there real tight. You have this gold key, and that key has the power to unlock the door to that prison cell and just let everything out, and let everyone be free.
(2:00) So, it is a power. You have that key to just let it go, and rise above your potential. It’ a really critical power.
(2:14) Some people look at it this way; this is a really great way to just bring it all home. With my faith in my beliefs, I believe in a literal spirit prison and a spirit paradise. I believe that spirit prison is a place where we put ourselves. I don’t believe anyone forces us to go there, I believe it’s a choice that we make. It’s a place that we put ourselves because we haven’t forgiven ourselves, or we haven’t forgiven an experience or a person in our lives and we just want to hang on to that pain, suffering, and guilt. So, we just let it linger and it weighs us down until we’re just kind of stuck.
(2:57) I want to share something. I wasn’t sure about doing this but I think it’s just another way to kind of give it more of a spiritual perspective. I’m going to share with you a very personal experience that I had, that I’ve actually had on about three occasions. I had some experiences not too long ago, where a loved one of mine (on three different occasions) who had passed on and was on the other side of the veil, came to me and let me know, that they were unhappy and stuck. They were in this dark place of grief, sorrow, and despair – there was no hope. They came to me because they didn’t know what to do, and they wanted to know that they had been forgiven, by all of us that they had left behind, all of us family members. Granted they had probably made some not-so-good choices in their life, I think they probably realized that, and they were actually keeping themselves in a prison. Instead of going on, (what we say as “go to the light”) and being with their friends and family in that spiritual paradise, they chose to stay stuck and suffer that pain and sorrow of those experiences that they were not willing to let go of and forgive. Also, I think they felt that guilt of not being forgiven. (4:44) I guess you can say that I had a very powerful spirit to spirit conversation with these loved one of mine, and let them know that “we forgive you. I forgive you. My family forgives you. Go be free! Go to the light. Go progress. Go do better. Just let it go. You don’t need to suffer for these problems anymore. You can forgive yourself, and we forgive you.”
(5:14) I literally felt…I get goosebumps talking about it right now, I felt that energy just shift in the room, and all around me. I could feel that heaviness that they were feeling, absolutely escape. I felt this light pour in and this lightweight…just that feeling of freedom. I could tell that they had decided to take that key that I talked about, and they had unlocked that prison cell. They let it go.
(5:50) I share that with you because I think sometimes if we have that deeper perspective of how this power of forgives affects us not only here now in the present time but in the future and in the eternities, it really is an important principle to understand.
(6:12) So, why do some of us have such a hard time with forgiveness? Think about that for a minute. Think about yourself, think about people that you know who really seem to struggle with just letting things go, and forgiving. I believe just with experiences that I’ve had with people in my family and just people that I know…I believe that it’s more of a thought pattern or a thought process that you know…”if I forgive this person or this situation, well then that means that they’re off the hook. They did something wrong to me and it hurt, and I feel horrible, and I’m a victim. They should suffer. If I forgive them and I just let it go, then they’re not going to suffer the consequences that I believe they need to have. They need to be held accountable for what they did to me.”
(7:08) Now, does that sound familiar? I truly believe without a doubt that that is one of the most common reasons why people have such a difficult time with forgiveness. They want to be that victim, and they want those people to be held accountable so that people will always know, and the world will always remember, how they have been wronged, and how this person was the abuser. We just really need to let that go. It’s not important. You don’t have to make sure that others suffer their consequences, that’s not your job and that’s not your responsibility. Your responsibility lies within you! You just need to forgive and let it go. Everything will play out how it’s supposed to.
(7:58) I think another reason that it’s hard for people to forgive, is a lot of people out there don’t know how to function unless they are experiencing grief, sadness, and they are always in that victim mode. They just don’t know how to function in a world of happiness, so they hang on to all of these experiences and all of these problems, and they surround themselves in it. These are the people that we…you know, that we refer to as the “negative people” in our lives. The “porcupines”. The prickly porcupines that we just don’t want to hug. It’s really difficult for them to let that go because they don’t know how to function without it. That’s what they’re used to. Sometimes it helps to have that perspective when you are dealing with people in your life who are really struggling with forgiveness.
(8:50) As I mentioned before, sometimes we just don’t understand the full picture. It’s hard for us to forgive because we want to understand everything before we can make that choice whether or not we are going to let it go. But, what we have to realize is that we just have to change our perspective. We have to look at it from a completely different view. It’s almost like you have to pull yourself away from the situation and look at it as an outsider looking in. When you do that, a lot of times you will see everything playing out in a completely different way. Suddenly your feelings change. Maybe you’re not so mad as you were before.
(9:35) If you have a hard time doing that, and it’s difficult for you to change your perspective, or look at it from another angle, something that you can do is ask God to change your perspective.
(9:51) No matter what your beliefs are, most everyone believes in a higher power. For me, it’s my Father in Heaven. I can go to Him in prayer and I can ask Him to change my perspective. To help me see things in a different way, in a different light, and possibly to be able see them the way that He does. That always helps soften my heart, and the change the way I feel about a person a situation. So, I offer that advice to you, give that a try and see how that helps you in your quest to forgive.
(10:32) So when talking about forgiveness as being a key to unlock that prison cell, I’d like to share with you something from a book that I absolutely love. This book is called, “There is No Death” by Sarah Menet. She had a near death experience back in 1979, and this book is just her entire story of what she experienced. I want to share in there something that’s always stuck with me. I found it very powerful.
(11:07) It’s an experience where she ran into her father on the other side of the veil. She didn’t have a good relationship with her father. She hated her father. Really, when he died, she wasn’t sad one bit. He had been abusive, and a lot of things had happened throughout her childhood where she just thought that she could never love or forgive him. Now, here’s what she says,
(11:38) “Suddenly, for some purpose, I was allowed to feel a small part of the pain that he was feeling for the life that he lived. It was so completely overwhelming and excruciating that even 22 years after that experience, I can still feel the pain my father felt. I could not bear to look at him. But I began to feel great compassion for him. As I stood there listening to him crying and feeling his horrific pain, the spirit of pain that had been my constant companion during life, causing me to hate him and everyone else, suddenly and inexplicitly left me. I truly felt God move the sword of hate out of my hand. I felt so sorry for my father and I wanted to put my arms around him perhaps to give him some comfort of understanding that I had forgiven him.”
(12:32) So, that just for me again, gives it another perspective. When you forgive, you have that power to unlock that prison cell. So, like I said, not only do you release yourself, but you relase the person that you’re forgiving. It’s incredible!
(12:50) Here is another little story that I absolutely love that I think really helps shed a different light on seeing things from a different perspective. This is a children’s parable. It’s really cute, it’s really sweet, and it’s really powerful.
It’s called “The Little Soul and the Sun”, and it’s by Neil Donald Walsh. Just to sum it up, there’s two souls that are having a dialogue here. They are eternal friends in the pre-mortal realm. So, they haven’t come down to earth yet and they haven’t been born. They are excited to come down and they are talking about what it’s going to be like. There’s “Friendly Soul” and “Little Soul”. Little Soul starts to express his desire that he wants to be one who learns to forgive. When he comes to earth, he wants to be one of those people who has that ability to forgive. But in Heaven there is nothing to forgive. Everything is wonderful. So, he’s kind of in a predicament thinking, “will I be able to forgive? I don’t know what that’s like.”
(14:04) As little soul is having this conversation with Friendly Soul, Friendly Soul pretty much says, “I have an idea. How about I come down to earth and I give you something to forgive?” and Little Soul says, “Why would you want to do that? You’re such an amazing spirit, you’re such an amazing being, I admire you. You’re so wonderful. Why on earth would you want to come down and give me something to forgive?” And here’s what Friendly Soul says,
(14:35) “Simple. I would do it because I love you. I will come into your life on earth and be the ‘bad one’. I will do something really terrible, and then you can experience yourself as the one who forgives.”
“But what will you do,” the Little Soul asked just a little nervously, “that will be so terrible?”
“Oh,” replied the Friendly Soul with a twinkle in his eye, “we’ll think of something.”
So, the Little Soul gets excited. Now he knows that he’s going to come down to earth and he’s going to have this experience where he can learn forgiveness. But then he looks over and he notices his friend, the Friendly Soul, looking a little discouraged and he says,
“What is it? What can I do for you? You are such an angel to be willing to do this for me.”
“In the moment where I strike you and I smite you,” the Friendly Soul replied, “in that moment that I do the worst to you that you could possibly imagine, in that very moment,”
“Yes?” the Little Soul interrupted, “Yes?”
“Remember who I really am.”
“Oh, I will!” cried the Little Soul. “I promise! I will always remember you as I see you right here right now.”
“Good!” said the Friendly Soul, “Because you see, “I will have been pretending so hard, I will have forgotten myself. And if you do not remember for a very long time, and if you forget who I am, you may even forget who you are. And we will both be lost.”
“No we won’t,” the Little Soul promised again, “I will remember you, and I will thank you for bringing me this gift. The chance to experience myself, who I am.”
I love that.
(16:26) To end on that note, I just think it’s a great little story to end on. We sometimes don’t have the full picture. We don’t understand and we don’t remember who we were before we came here. When we choose to see it in that light, and we choose to see the people who have wronged us in that light, it changes everything!
(16:52) So, now comes the time at the end of the video where I give you that tip, or your homework assignment. These are just little things that you can try to help apply what it is we talk about in these videos.
So, I want you to make a list, do it today if you can, make a list of all the things that you can think of right now, all the things, experiences, people, anything in your life that you feel you are struggling to forgive, and I want you to write them all down. And I want you to take that list with you wherever you go, so that you see it every day. And I want you to start saying out loud, as you go down this list each day, “I forgive ______,” and fill in the blank. And you just go down that list, and you say it out loud, “I forgive, I forgive, I forgive,” You know at first, it’s going to feel really strange because you still might be struggling and thinking, “well, gosh I’m kind of lying because I still feel angry and I still feel hurt. So, it’s hard to say these words that I’m forgiving them.” But, I promise you as you keep doing it and you make it a habit to do it every day, it will start to turn into the truth. You will really start to feel your heart change. And just by doing that, you’re going to manifest that forgiveness. You’re going to create that power, and you’re going to feel yourself being set free.
(18:31) So, if you’re still struggling with this concept of forgiveness, and it’s still something that’s really hard for you, I want to share with you something that I do that works for me. Now with my faith and with what I believe, I believe in the atonement of my Savior Jesus Christ. And what I do, is if there’s any burden or any feeling, anything that’s weighing me down and I just don’t want to deal with it anymore, I ask Him to take it. I freely hand it over to Him. It works every time. He takes it from me and I don’t have to suffer anymore. This is something that I do every day, and it really works for me. So, don’t give up. Don’t get frustrated, and don’t feel like this is something that’s hopeless for you. Go into this with a positive “can do” attitude. If you truly go into this with the intentions that you want to change and you want to be different, and you want to have better experiences, you will be successful. You will be able to experience the power of forgiveness.
Well thanks so much for joining me today. I know it’s kind of been a deep subject, but nonetheless an important one. For more tips and videos, go ahead and check out my website, at “yourhappylady.com”. You can also watch my videos on my YouTube channel, under “HappyMarriages”. Thank so much and we’ll see you soon!
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Sunday, February 3, 2019
#2) The Happy Lady - Resolutions vs. Affirmations
#2) The Happy Lady - Resolutions vs. Affirmations
Published on Dec 31, 2014
So, today I thought it would be really fitting with the new year coming, to talk about
resolutions! I am not a big fan of the New Year resolution, and I’ll explain in a little bit. But that’s kind of something that’s always been a tradition in our society, is to begin the year with something that you are going to improve about yourself, or something you are going to try. Before we get started with that, I want to kind of tell you what comes to mind when I see the word “resolution”.
I find it interesting that in the word, you see the word “resolve”, “solve”, and “solution”.
To me, when I think about New Year's resolution the top ones that come to my mind are losing weight, getting a better job, going on a fun vacation, improving spirituality... it's interesting also to know that New Year's resolutions have actually been around for a long time. The ancient Babylonians used to practice them at the beginning of every new year they believed in making these promises to their gods of returning objects that they had borrowed and paying off their debts and then in later years we see with Jews, Catholics, and the rest of Christianity, certain holidays or holy days that are set aside to reflect on self-improvement. So, really it's something that's been around for a long time throughout so many different cultures and beliefs. In 2007 there was actually a study performed it was conducted at the University of Bristol by a man named Richard Wiseman, and it was really interesting in the study he had 3000 participants and they all put together these resolutions, and overall when all was said and done 88% of the participants failed. That's a huge number that tells us that 12% of 3,000 participants actually succeeded in their New Year's resolutions. So, I I don't know I find that pretty interesting and that's kind of where I want to take today's video.
(2:33) So why are people most likely so unsuccessful with reaching their resolutions? Personally my opinion with it is New Year's resolutions are “I will” statement so their statements that haven't happened yet there of the future, “I will lose weight”, “I will get a better job”, “I will complete my education”, these are all things that were set on doing down the road so they haven't happened yet. Now as time gets going in our busy lives, we have these excuses, and things happen, and suddenly that future doesn't look quite the way we wanted it to. It's not quite like we anticipated, and slowly we kind of fall off that track. And what happens to our goals and resolutions? We kind of abandon them, kind of forget about them, they kind of seem almost hopeless. So that's where today's video is is going to lead into.
(3:33) I want to talk about affirmations. Affirmations are what I use. I don't do New Year's resolutions, I don't do resolutions, I do affirmations. So, what's the difference between an affirmation and a resolution? Well like I said a resolution is and “I will” statement an affirmation is an “ I am” statement. That’s powerful! So “I am” is what's happening in the present time, that's what is happening right now. It's what you believe. It's your reality. Think about it for a minute, think about all the times you said... you look in the mirror and you say negative, “I am” statements all the time, “I'm fat”, “I'm ugly”, “I'm not good enough”, “I'm this”, “I'm that…” Usually we were set on noticing the things that we don't like about ourselves but we truly believe them. We truly believe that that's our reality and that's why we hear ourselves say, “I am”.
(4:34) So, now what if we flipped on around? If there's power in it towards the negative things about ourselves, why don't we recognize that there's also power in it about the positive things in our lives? If we were to start saying more, “ I'm beautiful”, “I'm healthy”, “I'm intelligent”, “I'm amazing”, all of these wonderful things about ourselves. If we were to start staying those everyday and say, “I am”, and actually believe them, we're creating our reality. Those things will come to pass as we believe that they are coming to pass.
(5:10) So, that's what I want to talk about today. That is the power of an affirmation. Now for those of us who are Christians, who believe in Jesus Christ, I find it really interesting if you look in the New Testament, how many times the Savior refers to himself as “I Am”, “I Am the bread of life”, “I Am the light of the world”, “I am the beginning”, “I Am the Alpha and Omega”, all of these “I am” statements. Now there's reason behind that. There is power in “I am” statements.
(5:45) For those of us who are Christian, we believe that we have the Light of Christ within us. Everyone who comes into the world, has that Light of Christ already in them. So, you already have this power in you, the power to know who you really are. So, when you say “I am”, it is powerful and it's it is your reality you make it real. I want you to think about that because it's very powerful and it's very important.
(6:15) I'm actually going to take a minute now to kind of explain this, by telling you some of my affirmations and how doing this has worked in my own life. You can see I got lots of affirmations written down and as things come into my mind as the weeks go on I continue to add to these growing list of affirmations. Now what's important about this is you have to do them every day. Every day that you're saying these statements, you're creating your reality for that day. So, for me, I noticed whenever I miss an opportunity or a day, or a couple days go by and I don't see these these “I am” statements, I notice a difference in my life. I do. And so, saying these out loud is very powerful on your mind. Your your mind believes what you tell it to believe. So if you're saying these statements and you're saying that you are these things, your mind is absolutely going to believe that you are those things! And after you do this so often, day after day after day, you just create that reality.
(7:21) Okay I'm going to share with you some of my statements that have recently come to pass. There's a lot that are really personal so I'm not going to talk about those but I've had many many come to pass recently and it's been amazing! One that I want to share with you because I think a lot of people can relate to, is in regards to food. It says “I am only craving foods that are good for my body, foods that are toxic for my body do not sound or taste delicious to me”. Now let me tell you this was incredible because I've been doing this for a couple weeks - this statement - I remember I had a friend and she surprised me with this delicious cupcake, one of my favorite cupcakes from a certain place that I absolutely love and she surprised me with it and I looked at it and I thought, “Huh, gosh normally this sounds so delicious but I'm looking at it and for some reason it doesn't sound very delicious at all.” But I went home and I said no no no this is something I really like I'm going to indulge. So, I took a bite into this cupcake and it was not what I thought it would be. Same cupcake I've had many times before, my absolute favorite flavor and when I bit into it I didn't like it. I didn't enjoy it. It didn't taste good to me. And a light bulb went on, and I remembered it was this affirmation, this “I am” statement that I have been saying every day and it had come to pass. And I laughed. I took a minute and I laughed about it and I thought, “wow”! In the moment that I thought I would want a cupcake I had to be grateful that I actually didn't because I wanted to start making healthier choices for my body and I felt that it was difficult for me to do. So, in this moment when it was such an easy choice you know, “I don't need this cupcake. I don't desire it. It doesn't taste good to me,” it was absolutely incredible!
(9:21) Another statement that I want to share with you is...I am really big into family history and I've been building my family tree for for quite some time now, and for me I would spend a lot of days sitting at the computer feeling like I was just wasting hours trying to find a name, and I couldn't solve the mystery as I’d get stuck on a person and I couldn't figure out where the family tree went from there. I spent so many hours doing it feeling like I was getting nowhere, and it was really frustrating. So, here's the statement I came up with: “I am building my family tree with ease and joy while finding plenty of time in my schedule to do so.” I started saying this statement and I kid you not, the very next time I sat down at the computer to do my family history, the names just came. I was Finding name after name, after name, within just a short amount of time and still to this day as I sit down every few days and I do my family history I can find anywhere from 12-15 names in 1 hour which is incredible for me. Never been able to do that before, and I know it's because of the statement I've been telling myself. I've been creating this reality that when I sit down to build my family tree it's easy for me and I find joy in it. And that wasn't happening before, so this has truly been incredible for me.
(10:50) With that there's vision boards. I'm not going to really go into detail on mine, it's kind of personal, but a vision board is something where you put together visualisations of the things that you want to happen in your life, and for some of us seeing is believing. When we see something and we visualize it happening happening to us, it just becomes more real. So I recommend getting that vision board and doing it hand-in-hand with your affirmations.
(11:19) Okay, so for some of us seeing is believing. Not all of us not all of us need to see something in order to believe it, and that’s where the faith comes in but some of us need just a little extra help. So that's where the vision board comes in handy because you're seeing those images before you and you're putting that in your mind that these things are happening. So, I want to give you a little example of what it looks like when I sit down and I do these affirmations each day. Everyone does them a little bit differently. What's most important is it that you do them, you do them regularly, you do them each day, and that you create a system, a way of doing it that works for you.So here’s what I do.
(12:00) Each day, usually in the afternoon when my kids are down for a nap and the others are at school, I go into the office and I kneel down and I just start with a prayer. And I thank the Lord for blessing me with these desires that I have for helping them and making them come to pass. For orchestrating the details in my life and the events and setting things up the wonderful way that He does so that these things happen according to His time and His will. Because my affirmations I feel like are good, they’re righteous desires that I have, I do believe, firmly believe, that my Heavenly Father wants to bless me with those things. So, I thank Him up front for doing all the work and orchestrating these things on my behalf, to help them come to pass in my life.
(12:53) Then I go through and I read off the entire list of all of these affirmations... “I am, I am, I am”. As I'm saying them I imagine them happening in my mind. So, if I say I am healthy what what does that look like? I see it in my mind what life looks like for me when I'm 100% healthy. And if I say... here’s one a lot of us would say... “I'm completely debt-free” well, what does that look like? You know, imagine what that would look like for you in your life - if you were completely debt-free. So, as you say these “I am” statements, I want you to imagine in your head what that looks like and then it becomes more powerful and more real for you.
(13:34) So, as I come to a close, I end the prayer and I just ponder for a minute and I just soak it all in. I think about all these things and then I just kind of send it out there. Let it all go out there. Let those statements just kind of float off out into space or wherever. Just know that they're out there. It's kind of like a boomerang - you throw them out there, those statements are real because you said them, and you just put them out there. They're going to go away and then they're going to come back and those are those black things that you're going to receive into your life coming back and those are those blessing that you’re going to receive from what you put out, from what you sent away.
(14:12) Anyways, so here is your homework assignment. I always try to give a small assignment at the end of every video to kind of help you put these things into practice so that you can experience them in your life. So, today's homework assignment is so simple. Just go ahead and start with coming up with 5 real simple,real basic, positive “I am” statements that you want to see in your life, and write them down on a piece of paper and I want you to try for the next 30 days to repeat these - even several times a day, maybe the first week even do it more than once a day. Do it so often that it becomes a habit. The more you say them, the more you're going to believe them. Now that's important for me to point out. The first time that you start doing this you're going to be saying some things that you programmed your brain not to believe. At first you're going to kind of feel like you're lying. You know, a good example of that would be, “I have amazing children. We have an awesome relationship”, and maybe you know, you laugh at that because (you know where I'm going with that) yeah you say it and it feels like a lie, like “this isn't true, my kids are horrible. Why am I saying this? It's not true.” Well, every time you tell yourself it's not true, you're creating that reality, and it isn't true.
(15:30) So, it's going to be really hard that first week and you just have to keep saying over and over, “imagine what that looks like with your kids being amazing. Imagine what that relationship looks like for the both of you”, and do this for 30 days. And I want you to write down what starts happening. Keep a little journal. Log down each day what you're noticing going on in your life, and at the end of those 30 days revisit this. Watch this video again. Evaluate what happened and you will see an amazing difference in your life, and then from there because you did it with just five simple “I am” statements, you can grow your list and it becomes easier to do. You become more of a believer with it and from their life just gets incredibly amazing.
(16:16) So thank you so much for sitting down with me today and reviewing affirmations with me. Life is what you make it. It is what you make it. So, I just want to challenge you to be more positive and start seeing the things and believing the things that you want to happen in your life.
For more tips and videos on all of this amazing stuff on being more positive you can visit my website yourhappylady.com and you can also watch my channel on YouTube at “HappyMarriages”. Thanks so much, good luck, and we'll see you next time!
Saturday, February 2, 2019
#1) The Happy Lady - Introduction
I am embarking on a new project! I have recently felt to the need to transcribe my videos. In the past, many have asked me to do this, but I have not had the time. Some have volunteered to help but the process has been too slow. I often get emails asking me to help someone find a certain video where I talk about a certain something, and I have no idea which video and where to begin looking. I have thought, "If only my videos were transcribed, I could just do a quick keyword search and find what they are looking for".
Well, the other day I had this feeling that I needed to go back and listen to all my old videos as well as transcribe them. By doing so I would be strengthened and edified by my words from the past and reminded of the many blessings, miracles, and answered prayers I have received over the years. So, even though this will be a very tedious process, it will be a treat for my spirit!
I have created a label on my sidebar called, "Video Messages". You can click there to see these videos in order, or you can simply find the search bar in the upper left hand corner of your computer screen (this option is only for PCs) and type in key words you are looking for and the video transcription will pop up in your search, along with posts on similar topics.
Also, some of my viewers have not known that they can simply go to my YouTube channel and click on "playlists" and go to "Happy Lady Videos" and find every video message I have ever made, in order from newest to oldest. Also, there is a "search" option on the main page of my YouTube channel "HappyMarriages" where you can type in key words or topics and it will pull up all the videos I have made that contain those subjects and key words.
I hope this will be helpful for all my viewers out there, and yes you have my permission to share anything you like!
#1) The Happy Lady - Introduction
Published on Dec 15, 2014
Hi, I’m so glad you found this video, and I just want to say that I believe everything happens for a reason – and so you finding this video is definitely meant to be. So, I hope you can find some inspiring words that I have to share, and I can uplift you and motivate you, and give you what you need and what you are looking for today.
I just want to start out with an introduction of who I am and why I am making this video. My name is Lindsey Rietzsch and I’m an author. I’ve written various different self-help books, but my favorite things to talk about, the thing that I am most passionate about which is why I’m doing these videos, is how to be happy!
You may have heard of my book, “the Happy Lady”. In there I share lots of experiences of times in my life when things were rough and tough and I didn’t have a lot of hope, but somehow, I pulled myself out of it through being positive, and so I’m so excited to share this message of positivity with the world. Because I believe with more positivity we can overcome the negative, we can change our world, we can change everything around.
The reason that I’m doing this most of all, is because actually I was inspired to do it. I had a dream not too long ago that I was to start making these videos and share these happy, positive, uplifting tips, and get that message shared around the world. And so, I’m excited to do this just to see what happens, and who I’m able to reach out to and who I am able to inspire, touch, and uplift. I think we are all on an incredible journey, and I’m excited that you’re along for the ride with me.
I think also, a thought that I just want to share is, we live in a gloom and doom kind of world – and a lot of people will ask me, you know with everything going on in the world, there’s so much negativity out there, everything just seems so terrible. Can you really be happy and positive and have hope when everything around you just seems so negative and miserable? And the answer to that is a big fat YES! You can be positive and you can be happy, and that’s what I’m here to do. I’m making these videos to teach you how to do that, so that you can make a difference and you can be a bright light in a world that is so dark and so gloomy. You know, we’re all on a different journey, we’re all on different paths, but I believe overall we all have the same destination. All we really want, all of us, in peace, joy, and happiness. And so, you know with that in mind, I think that there’s something we can all do to change ourselves just to be a little bit happier, and to uplift those around us. And it’s kind of like a domino effect – you star applying these things, you start becoming more positive, and it just trickles down. And everyone around you catches on, they catch the wave, and they respond positively and they start to become happier.
You know, you might be someone who found this video who’s generally pretty happy but your just experiencing a challenge right now, you’re just kind of going through a hard time and you’re just looking for some ideas and some tips. You might also be someone who is going through a phase right now where you know, you feel stagnant, you feel “blah”, you just feel kind of stuck, and you’re looking for something just to help you out of that. You might also be someone right now who is in a really dark place, and you’re looking for someone to turn a flashlight on, and guide you out of that dark place. So, whoever you are, whatever situation you are going through right now, whatever your journey is, I invite you to keep coming back t these videos. I invite you to join me, and I welcome you to be a part of this…I’m going to call it a movement. Just spreading joy and happiness throughout the world. So, I hope you’ll stick around and give me a try and check out some more of my videos. You can find me at yourhappylady.com for more tips, ideas, and videos, and you can also follow me on YouTube under the name “Happy Marriages”. So, thanks for checking me out today and I hope we can continue together to uplift and inspire, and make this world a more positive place.
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