Wednesday, June 5, 2019

No One Knows the Day or the Hour?

Someone shared this with me today and I absolutely loved it!! It reminded me of Revelation 11. Go read it to see what I'm talking about. 

"No one knows the day or the hour."  Really?

This is one of the most oft quoted verses in the Scriptures that Yeshua spoke.  He meant what He said and said what He meant ... but what exactly did He mean? 

There is a first century Jewish idiom that will shed much light on what Yeshua was saying to His followers 2,000-years-ago, and to us today.

The Hebrew calendar is based upon the lunar cycle and consists of twelve 30-day months; with the month officially beginning with the sighting of the first sliver of the new moon.

All Jewish holidays always fall on the full moon of the month - except one.  Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year) is the only holiday that occurs on the first of the month, during the month of Tishri.

Before science understood the cycles of the planets and the solar system, the Jews knew that there was a two-day window for the sighting of the new moon. 

The new month could not officially begin until two witnesses reported to the High Priest that they had seen the sliver of the new moon.  Once the first two sightings were confirmed, the priests would sound the shofar to declare the start of Rosh HaShanah.

Watch this amazing video from El Shaddai Ministries. It shows Revelation 12 coming to life in the night sky over Jerusalem.  This only happens on one night of the year - on Rosh HaShanah.  (Full Screen)

But until these two witnesses came forth, the response from the priests would always be "no one knows the day or the hour" of when the holiday would begin.  Thus the words of Yeshua become significant here with this understanding.  (Matthew 24:36)

Yeshua was saying that He would come for His bride at Rosh HaShanah (Feast of the Ingathering or Feast of Trumpets).  His disciples would have understood immediately what He meant.  But the meaning has been lost over the centuries as the Scriptures have been separated further and further from its Hebrew roots.

Yeshua was saying that we would not know which [of the two] days or at what hour [which watch during that night (Mark 13:35)], or which year that He would come.  However, He did insist that we know the times and the season.  This is why He gave us so many signs to look for. 

Yeshua said to 'Watch!'  (Matthew 24: 42-43)  Are you?

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