Friday, September 28, 2018

Encounters with Angels and Prophecy Fulfilled

I have been a fan of the Sid Roth show for a few years now, and occasionally I share some of my favorite episodes. Here are two recent videos that really lit up my heart. The first video reminds me of the type of work 311 workers are engaged in this last hour, and the second video is a man named Mike Bickle who I have mentioned before. He started a prayer movement on 9/19/1999 (significant numbers) known as IHOP (International House of Prayer) in Missouri. In this video he shares how a prophetic minister prophesied over his life back in the 70's and it has since all come to pass.

My friend Lynn Ridenhour who founded our Believer's Building Bridges movement and also lives in Missouri, is a part of Mike Bickle's movement as well. In Lynn's books he talks about Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, and Randy Clark who are all apart of this restoration movement in which their core beliefs are:

• Recognizes  the  prophetic; particularly  the  offices  of prophet and apostle.
• Believes in open revelation.
• Believes that God speaks today.
• Embraces  kingdom  theology;  i.e.,  the  kingdom  of God not  only will  be  established on earth
but is on the earth.
• Embraces  remnant theology that will overcome this world's present - day government.

With all of their commonalities with what we believe as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and what the prophet Joseph already has restored to the earth, we are excited to bring these groups together to become more acquainted with each other, as we believe this interfaith unity will bring about Zion.

I have provided recent videos below of Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, and Randy Clark so you can hear their incredible testimonies and stories of faith, prayer, and healing. God is working with so many wonderful Christian men and women all over the earth to bring about His purposes. I believe we will see more of this as we continue building Zion together all throughout the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops. In my last comment I said Sid Ross. His name is Sid Roth. Sorry.