Signs in the heavens, world events, and the war of two kingdoms!

Mosiah 18:9 - Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection that ye may have eternal life
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
In the Spirit of the Covenant - Give Thanks!
Talking about President Nelson's 11/20th message in relation to current events and headlines. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Connections of the Generations of Ether And the Pilgrims!
This is so very interesting!
It will play on a desktop computer, but for some reason won't play on a phone. If you are having trouble playing it, try this link:
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Saturday, October 17, 2020
October General Conference - A Fire Has Been Lit!
My commentary on October General conference messages in relation to current events. A fire has been lit to do what our leaders have asked. Overall theme, "When the world speaks less of Christ, let's speak more of him. Time to build Zion."
Friday, October 2, 2020
Standing on the Front Lines of the Lord's Battalion!
Just in time for conference weekend! Here's the link if you'd like to listen to a prophet of the Lord speak.💛
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
The Dark & Mysterious Origins of Mother Goose - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing?
This is a research piece I did last year that was part of a much longer video called, "Your Wakeup Call". In my last Happy Lady message, I talked about the Pied Piper and promised to make a shorter video clip of this topic I covered las year. Because it's a copy, the sound quality isn't as sharp, but I think the point is well made. This is a great example of a wolf in sheep's clothing in our culture and traditions.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Not Hiding You Light Under a Bushel!
Everyone needs to watch this! Modern day gadianton robbers influencing the next generation. This church member from Paris is serious about building God's kingdom. The points that he makes about how we need to offer something that's different from the world, and not blend in with what the world is already doing - that's exactly how I feel about Halloween.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Ye Are Children of the Light!
1 Thessalonians 5:5 is a good rule of thumb to live by, during these times. ❤️
Sunday, September 13, 2020
2020 and the Passover - Have You Marked Your Home?
2020 has been a year where we have seen the world grow increasingly darker. I have so much been looking forward to September, a time when we pull out all of our harvest décor and reflect on what the Lord has blessed us with. A time when we bottle our bounty through endless days and late nights of canning down the last apple and tomato. With the events of this year and the nationwide canning shortage that sprung upon us this month, I have really been reflecting on light and the harvest. First let me share about the harvest.
During their 40-year exodus, the children of Israel were only to gather enough manna to sustain their families for a day. They could not put some aside and store it for later, or it would spoil, and they’d lose it all. This taught them to rely 100% on the Lord for their sustenance. As we found ourselves this week unable to preserve all that the Lord has blessed us with, I felt a peaceful yet powerful assurance from the Spirit, that we are approaching a time when we too will need to learn to rely 100% upon the Lord for our daily sustenance both spiritually and physically. Through experiences that are meant to humble us and bring us to our knees, 2020 and the months to come will certainly bring us closer to our Savior. Will help us rely on him, and him alone. As I think about the gratitude I have for my harvest, I can’t help but be grateful for 2020’s catastrophes that have brought me closer to the Lord and have caused me to turn to him for answers and peace that only he can provide. For years, we have prepared all that we can for this prophesied time in history, and after doing our part and heeding the counsel of the prophets, the Lord
Now let’s talk about the light. Prior to their exodus out of Egypt, the children of Israel survived a very dark night filled with great fear and terror for some. The Lord told Moses that the destroying angel would come into Egypt that night, and those who marked their doors and homes with lamb’s blood (symbolizing the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ), would be spared the death that awaited every firstborn son as a punishment to the stubbornness and pride of the hardened Pharaoh. Sure enough, that night, the angel of death descended upon the streets of Egypt, approaching every home in the land and bringing with him certain death. As he approached homes with the blood of the Lamb marked on the doors, he passed over and left those families unharmed. This event known as “the Passover” is overserved every year by the Jewish people to remind them of how the Lord protected and liberated his people.
COVID-19 has had such stark similarities to the night of the Passover. Just like the destroying angel, it has brought with it a sort of death and destruction of the way things used to be. It has brought with it much anger, fear, and anxiety to people all over the world. However, just like the Israelites, those who have chosen to fill and mark their homes with the mark of the Lamb, the Light of Christ, have been spared the destruction that we are seeing play out in cities and homes all over the world.
A few years ago, as this time of year was fast approaching, I had a sort of light-bulb moment. As I looked at my décor stacked in mountains of totes in our storage room, something didn’t feel quite right. Normally this time of year, I would be super excited to get out my wreathes and figurines of witches, gravestones, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, and ghosts, and spread them throughout my house and yard from top to bottom. Afterall, October was my favorite month of the year. It was the one time where we as saints, Christians, and disciples of Christ could mark our homes, doors, yards, and children, with these symbols of darkness all in the name of fun for our children. Symbols of death, darkness, and evil, were sugar coated or “cute-ified” into what we had always considered harmless fun. From sugar cookies, to dinner place mats, to the toys in children’s kids meals; it was engrained in our culture and were passing down these traditions to our Heavenly Father’s precious children.
No, we would never dream of participating in witchcraft, or digging up the deceased and using their corpses or bones as front porch décor. Nor would we even consider inviting ghosts/spirits into our homes to hang out in our entry way or summon the demonic such as vampires and ghouls to sit on our mantles and windowpanes. But during this one month out of the year we were teaching our children that these things were okay when just for the sake of entertainment. Yes, we were teaching them that it’s okay to entertain darkness.
Have we forgotten what's written in the word?
Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22
Wherefore, all things which are good cometh of God; and that which is evil cometh of the devil; for the devil is an enemy unto God, and fighteth against him continually, and inviteth and enticeth to sin, and to do that which is evil continually.
Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil. Moroni 7:12,14
And just like what Nephi pleaded to us when he said,
And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil. 2 Nephi 2:18
I could hear Satan saying to the children of Adam and Eve today, “Go ahead! Partake of Halloween. You shall not be harmed in doing so, but shall create wonderful experiences with your families, friends, and neighbors. It’s harmless fun for your children.”
What was I doing? Eleven months out of the year, I was teaching my children according to the prophets and the scriptures, that we should avoid the very appearance of evil. We should not entertain darkness. And that sorcery and witchcraft was an abomination to the Lord. But every October I was being a hypocrite. I was sending a mixed message that during these 30 days out of the year this was okay. I looked around at our Latter-day Saint culture and saw how we dressed our children as witches, vampires, zombies, and devils. We watched movies that glorified the gore and darkness. Our kids sang songs and chanted spells in their classrooms all in name of “harmless fun” and tradition. They put on masks, disguised their identities as children of God, hid their light ,and went out into the dark of the night. We attended festivals and baked cakes that glorified the dark side. For one month out of the year we were trying to serve two masters. Yes, we had forgotten the words of our Savior when he said;
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke 16:13
We had forgotten that our Lord and Savior is returning soon. We are to forsake the world. Walk away from Babylon and it’s traditions and prepare the earth for the Lord to rule and reign. It occurred to me that during the millennium there will be no Halloween. If we are to prepare the earth now for his millennial reign, we have to learn to give up Babylon and walk away from darkness.
I remember looking at my totes, and remembering the words of modern prophets and apostles who urged us to make our homes like the temple. I thought to myself, “I would never put witches and skeletons on the walls of the temple. Why am I putting it in my home? What do these things symbolize? The spirit certainly recognizes what they symbolize. The spirit cannot dwell where darkness dwells. What am I doing?” How could I justify putting witch potion bottles and cauldrons next to the portrait of Christ on my mantle? How did that ever seem right? I thought about how if a day ever came where we would need to have church in our homes, how would I feel about taking the sacrament in a room filled with spider webs, witches and goblins? Yet, we were having parties in our church meeting houses, the very buildings where we participate in the sacred ordinance of the holy sacrament. We were bringing witches, gravestones, zombies, and devils into the church all in the name of entertainment for the children. We were calling evil good!
COVID-19 brought with it “home church”. My thoughts from a few year ago, were now becoming reality. Our homes truly needed to be like a holy temple more than ever. I began to wonder how the saints would feel taking the sacrament in a room decorated with devils, witches, jack-o-lanterns, and ghosts. Maybe it would take this blessing of home church, to help us all recognize the double standard of inviting in Christ’s spirit while also inviting in darkness. Maybe COVID-19 would be a tender mercy to keep the children home on Halloween night, as trick-or-treating is being banned in many cities and states.
Again, I am reminded of the Israelites who stayed safe in their homes on that fateful dark night when the destroying angel went from street to street, home to home, and took the lives of the unprotected. Those who were out an about were vulnerable, and those who marked their homes with the symbol of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, His blood, showed the enemy they were shielded in His power from death and destruction. Satan had no power over them, and he moved on to the next house. They were spared.
In that moment, as the light bulb lit up. Marking my home with darkness and death, created a breach in our home and was an open door, an invitation, a welcome mat that read, "Darkness is welcome here." It gave the destroyer, power over me and my family. Yes, the power to destroy. Destroy what? Marriages, relationships, identity, testimonies, faith, health, and even life itself. I knew what I needed to do. I sacrificed these deceitful traditions that I had loved for so long, in honor of the greater sacrifice – the blood of the Lamb. I put it all on the alter for Him, and let it burn. I threw away every decoration, pencil eraser, t-shirt, pillowcase, and story book that promoted Halloween. I was no longer going to serve two masters, and send mixed messages to my children. On the darkest day of the year, we were going to flood our home with light. For the last three years that is exactly what we have done, and we have been greatly blessed for doing so. It’s a night and day difference in our home, especially in the days and months that follow Halloween.
Today and forevermore, our fall decor reflects beauty, gratitude, and an invitation of the presence of the Lord. On the front of my door and in every room of our home, hangs a portrait of Christ. All who approach and pass by our home, know who we serve. We have marked our door with the Lamb. He holds up a lantern, inviting all who approach, to come to him.
As we see how closely the Book of Mormon has paralleled 2020 in our Come Follow Me study,t his scripture we have yet to study stands out:
And it came to pass that there were sorceries, and witchcrafts, and magics; and the power of the evil one was wrought upon all the face of the land, even unto the fulfilling of all the words of Abinadi, and also Samuel the Lamanite. Mormon 1:19
Again, we see ourselves as the inhabitants of this land, following the same pattern. We glorify magic, witchcraft, sorcery, and the powers of darkness in books, movies, music, and entertainment. And as it was heavy in the land before the Savior came the first time, it is again heavy in the land prior to his coming the second time. History repeats itself.
Just like that fateful night in Egypt, when the Israelites experienced what felt like the darkest day of the year, we too are soon approaching the literal darkest day of the year, October 31st. This day in 2020, will feature a unique full moon known as the “Hunter’s moon” which will also be a blue moon (meaning the second full moon to appear in the same month). The Hunter’s moon follows the Harvest moon of October 1st. As we participate in the final end-time harvest, let’s not forget that it was prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah that during these last days we (the Gentiles) would participate as “hunters” in gathering in the scattered children of Israel.
…and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
…I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Lord. (Jeremiah 16)
It will be our light, the Light of Christ, that will shine through the darkness of these end times and help us find His children in the “holes of the rocks”. It will be His light within us and in our homes that will shine in the darkness and draw them to us. It will be His Light that gathers, protects, and heals us from our afflictions. Light overcomes darkness and the powers of the destroyer. So, what are we doing to fill ourselves and our homes with His light?
Here's the video of my story:
Monday, August 31, 2020
What Does It Mean to "Come Forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection"?
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is an event that many Christians throughout the world are fully aware of and often discuss. However, there are components that not all Christians are aware of. Did you know that the Savior will make several appearances before His Second Coming to all the world. Modern day revelation teaches us the following:
#1) Appearance at Adam-Ondi-Amhan
Christ will come in private to his prophet and to the apostles then living. Those who have held keys and powers and authorities in all ages from Adam to the present will also be present” (Bruce R. McConkie, The Millennial Messiah,578–79).
“Daniel in his seventh chapter speaks of the Ancient of Days; he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael, he [who] will call his children together and hold a council with them to prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. He (Adam) is the father of the human family, and presides over the spirits of all men, and all that have had the keys must stand before him in this grand council. This may take place before some of us leave this stage of action. The Son of Man stands before him, and there is given him glory and dominion. Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as holding the keys of the universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family” (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 157).
#2) Appearance at the New Jerusalem (Western Hemisphere)
Christ's next appearance will be to the righteous Saints who have gathered to the New Jerusalem (all land west of the Missippi River). In this place of refuge they will be safe from the wrath of the Lord, which will be poured out without measure on all nations.
#3) Appearance at Jerusalem (Eastern Hemisphere)
“[Christ’s] next appearance [after his appearance in the New Jerusalem] will be among the distressed and nearly vanquished sons of Judah. At the crisis of their fate, when the hostile troops of several nations are ravaging the city and all the horrors of war are overwhelming the people of Jerusalem, he will set his feet upon the Mount of Olives, which will cleave and part asunder at his touch. Attended by a host from heaven, he will overthrow and destroy the combined armies of the Gentiles, and appear to the worshipping Jews as the mighty Deliverer and Conquerer so long expected by their race; and while love, gratitude, awe, and admiration swell their bosoms, the Deliverer will show them the tokens of his crucifixion and disclose himself as Jesus of Nazareth, whom they had reviled and whom their fathers put to death. Then will unbelief depart from their souls, and ‘the blindness in part which has happened unto Israel’ be removed” (Charles W. Penrose, “The Second Advent,” Millennial Star, 10 Sept. 1859, 583).
#4) Appearance to the World at His Second Coming
“The great and crowning advent of the Lord will be subsequent to these two appearances [to the New Jerusalem and to the Jews]; but who can describe it in the language of mortals? The tongue of man falters, and the pen drops from the hand of the writer, as the mind is rapt in contemplation of the sublime and awful majesty of his coming to take vengeance on the ungodly and to reign as King of the whole earth.
" will be an event that will be seen by all—all flesh shall see the glory of the Lord; when he reveals himself the second time, every eye, not only those living at that time in the flesh, in mortality on the earth, but also the very dead themselves, they also who pierced him, those who lived eighteen hundred years ago, who were engaged in the cruel act of piercing his hands and his feet and his side, will also see him at that time” (Orson Pratt, in Journal of Discourses, 18:170).
“At the time appointed by the Father, the Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven. It is an unknown day in the beginning of the seventh thousand years of the earth’s temporal continuance. War, such as has not been known from the beginning of time, is in progress. All nations are assembled at Armageddon.
“All things are in commotion. Never has there been such a day as this. The newspapers of the world, as well as radio and television, speak only of war and calamity and the dread that hangs like a millstone around every neck. …
“And the signs in heaven above are like nothing man has ever seen. Blood is everywhere; fire and vapors of smoke fill the atmospheric heavens. No man has seen a rainbow this year. …
“And above all are the vexing words of those Mormon Elders! They are everywhere preaching their strange doctrine, saying that the coming of the Lord is near, and that unless men repent and believe the gospel they will be destroyed by the brightness of his coming.
“In this setting, as these and ten thousand like things are in progress, suddenly, quickly, as from the midst of eternity, He comes! Fire burns before him; tempests spread destruction; the earth trembles and reels to and fro as a drunken man. Every corruptible thing is consumed. He sets his foot on the Mount called Olivet; it cleaves in twain. The Lord has returned and the great millennium is here! The year of his redeemed has arrived!” (McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 21–22).
“When the Lord comes in his glory, in flaming fire, that fire will both cleanse the vineyard and burn the earth. In that day, so intense shall be the heat and so universal the burning, the very elements of which this earth is composed shall melt. The mountains, high and glorious and made of solid rock, shall melt like wax. They shall become molten and flow down into the valleys below. The very earth itself, as now constituted, shall be dissolved. All things shall burn with fervent heat. And out of it all shall come new heavens and a new earth whereon dwelleth righteousness” (McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 526–27).
Who Gets "Raptured"?
So, just who will be caught up to meet him when he comes? Many Christians speak of a rapture in which the righteous in Christ will be taken from the earth and spared the destruction that comes upon the wicked at His final coming. This is based on the scripture 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
In Latter-day Saint doctrine, we refer to this event as the Resurrection. We believe that the righteous will remain on the earth during the tribulations but many will be protected through their faith and power of their covenants. The Resurrection then precedes and heralds in the Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. The Faithful Saints or "First Fruits" on both sides of the veil will be caught up to meet the Lord when he returns. They will descend with Him upon the earth at His coming.
“Christ’s, the first fruits—who are they? They are all those who were with him in his resurrection. They are all those of Enoch’s city, a righteous people who first were translated and who then gained full immortality when Christ rose from his tomb. They are all those of ages past who have burst the bands of death. They are the living saints who are quickened by the power of God and are caught up to meet their Lord in the air. They are the righteous dead who shall come forth in this, the morning of the first resurrection, to receive an inheritance of eternal life and to be one with their glorious Lord. All these shall have an inheritance of exaltation in the highest heaven of the celestial world. All these shall ‘behold’ their Lord’s ‘face in righteousness,’ for they shall ‘awake’ with his ‘likeness.’ (Ps. 17:15.)” (McConkie, Millennial Messiah, 636).
Many Latter-day Saints are familiar with the promise of coming forth in the morning of the First Resurrection. This is a promise I have personally received in my own blessing. Just what does it mean? And will all good people who believe in Christ be caught up to meet him when he comes? The following is from an article on
Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote, “Nothing is more absolutely universal than the Resurrection.” Though all people will be resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:22), not all will be resurrected at the same time. Technically speaking, there are four resurrections.
The Morning of the First Resurrection: This resurrection began with Christ’s Resurrection and will continue in and through the Millennium. This resurrection is reserved for those who have lived righteously. It is reserved for those who are destined to be heirs of the Celestial kingdom. (The covenant makers and keepers who have remained faithful and endured to the end). Those who sacrificed, and devoted their time and talents to building up the Kingdom of God.
The Afternoon of the First Resurrection: This resurrection starts once the Millennium has begun and will carry on throughout the thousand years of the Millennium. It is reserved for those who have lived good lives but were not necessarily valiant. Those who strayed from the covenant path or never walked it. This resurrection is reserved for those who are destined to inherit the Terrestrial kingdom.
The Morning of the Second Resurrection: This resurrection begins at the end of the Millennium. It is reserved for those who have lived sinful lives, for those who have lived contrary to the dictates for their conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Those who come forth in this resurrection will inherit the Telestial kingdom, the lowest of the three degrees of glory. Those who inherit this glory will not spend eternity in the presence of Satan and his minions. However, they will be eternally shut out of the presence of God and Christ.
The Afternoon of the Second Resurrection: This resurrection will take place after all others have been resurrected. It is reserved for the sons and daughters of perdition, for those who will spend eternity with the devil and his angels because, in mortality, they did the work of the devil and his angels. It is the only one of the four resurrections that provides its recipients with no glory whatsoever. Hence, the eternal abode for those who come forth in this resurrection is known as “outer darkness” (Alma 40:13), where God’s light never shines (D&C 88:6–13).
Thus, what does it mean if your patriarchal blessing promises you that you will “come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection”? One stake patriarch suggested that it means you will be resurrected “at the first opportunity you are able to be.” It certainly means that if you are true to your covenants, you will be exalted. It is the promise that, through your faithfulness and through Christ’s Atonement, you are going to make it to the celestial kingdom, where you will preside over your posterity for eternity, doing what God does, because you will have become what He is. Could there be any greater promise that God could make to any of His children?
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Missionary Miracle Testimony
This was posted in a facebook group and then almost 24 hours later, the link to the original source was no longer working and the story had disappeared. It was thought that the elder who wrote it was asked to take it down as the nature of it is very personal and the sister missionaries are known to the public through the news story. I was able to find the story here in a reddit post and have pasted it below. It's the exact story I read before the link was taken down. Here is a link to the news story as well. This story was published on KSL a couple of weeks ago.
Hey everyone!
For those of you who don't know, and even for those of you that do know, I'd like to talk about the Sisters that got stabbed in my mission.
They are my friends. I was in training with one of them in my first area for about 5 months. I know her very, very well, and this has been soooo hard. Just hard. I cannot express the pain this has brought me, other missionaries, and both of those sisters and their families. It sounds so foreign and distant until it happens to a friend. Or a brother. Or a sister. Or a daughter.
It's very, very real now.
I'll say what I know though, for the express reason that it has built my faith completely, and my faith in the savior has only increased because of this trial.
So the Sisters were stabbed in the middle of the night by an invader inside their apartment. The man came in at 4AM, removing his shoes to be quieter, and grabbed a knife out of their kitchen. Then he walked into their bedroom and started stabbing both sisters.
Both sisters had to go to the hospital, because each was stabbed multiple times, and were in the ICU for about a week, and now both are returning home from their missions to heal where they may or may not return to missionary service.
Now let me talk about some of the miracles involved though...
First, neither sister was stabbed anywhere their garments covered. It was not touched.
One sister did have her garment shirt roll up in the night, and she was stabbed in her side.
Second, after their parents were notified, their fathers were there 3 hours after the stabbing.
Third, the sister that got stabbed in her side was stabbed in her hands and her feet as well. One hand was stabbed completely through to the other side...
In a very, very literal way, she now has wounds in her hands, feet and side to match the Savior's.
The same sister shared her testimony about how she now feels closer to her savior than ever before. She feels like she was given this so she could more fully witness of the suffering the savior had to go through for each of us. She told us all that she had completely forgiven her attacker, and she was grateful for the miracle that both Sister's had been given.
Her wound in her side was really bad, but she shared with us that in her setting apart blessing she was blessed that if she was obedient and kept the commandments, she would be safe, and even the "very organs of her body would be kept safe." She told us that if the knife in her side had turned one way or the other in any direction, she would have bled to death and they wouldn't have been able to save her.
Fourth, when the Sisters were being attacked, they tried to fight back against him, and they prayed. Both sisters remembered praying, but the Hermana that I was friends with recalled saying a prayer, and as soon as she finished, she made eye contact with her attacker and said, "Stop right now and leave this apartment."
After she said that, the attacker dropped the knife, turned around, and walked out of the apartment.
I witness that the power of the ministering of angels is real, and the priesthood power is just as accessible by women acting in faith and righteousness as it is to any worthy man that holds that priesthood.
Fifth, when our mission president heard that the Sisters were in the hospital, he knew he needed to get there as soon as he possibly could. He called a STL in their apartment complex and asked her to talk with the police and find out which hospital they were admitted to.
But since time was of the essence, he and his wife prayed together, got in the car picked a direction and started driving. Not knowing beforehand where they needed to go.
When they got the address to the hospital, they were only two minutes away.
Brothers and Sisters, I know that these things could only have happened by the power of God. There is no other possible explanation. And I'm so glad to be in a place where I can witness these things and bring them to you.
I testify to each of you that the Lord will make good on his promise, and he will always "consecrate thine afflictions for thy good." (2 Nephi 2:2)
I know that it does not matter where you are and it does not matter who you are. It does not matter what the circumstance is. It does not matter if you think you have fallen out of the reach of God (because you haven't). It does not matter if you think that miracles only come sometimes and God is more subtle than bold and real. It does not matter if you think God is punishing you for some misdeed.
It. Does. Not. Matter
I promise you, that God will act boldly, and he does. God has said, "Behold, I am God. And I am a God of Miracles, and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today and forever. And I work not among the children of men, save it be according to their faith." (2 Nephi 27:33)
If you think miracles won't come, then they won't. If you say, "well that's a cool story, but it doesn't always happen like that," then it definitely won't to you.
There's a reason Jesus could not do miracles in Nazareth.
I know God is real, and he will bring us unto him, and no matter who you are. He will protect you, he will love you, and you will always be safe from harm, as long as you faithfully look to him to rescue you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder X
Friday, August 28, 2020
Dreams, Scriptures & Insight for Our Day!
I accidentally left out a clip of this video, so I included it in a separate video down below. Would love to hear your thoughts and any additional insight you have on the topics in the video. So much to ponder! 💛
This weekend I plan to add some more posts to this blog related to this video, check back later!
Friday, August 14, 2020
"In the Early Hour" - A Hymn I Wrote
Here's a hymn I wrote and submitted for the new hymn book. It's not a professional recording (we just recorded it from our phones), but I wanted to share it. Details about the song and recording are in the video description. ❤️
Some Church History Food for Thought!
A friend of mine who lives in Missouri (who I'll keep anonymous), recently went on an amazing church history tour. She had some fascinating insight and I have her permission to share. I've pretty much just pasted our conversation below for you to enjoy.
Ok, some write up about impressions and things learned on the church history tour last week. Brother B. is in our bishopric and president of a historical society for early church history out here. The counsel for it is made up of people from both the LDS church and various other offshoots.
He said there were over 800 offshoots of the church, 200 of which still survive today. There's great mutual respect and a shared appreciate for the early history of the church, as each shares that. They all bring different perspectives to the table.
Hiram Page - I don't remember his history very well, except that he was the one who thought he was receiving revelations through a seer stone for the church, and a revelation was given through Joseph that only the prophet could do that, and Hiram was being deceived (it's in the D&C). He ended up leaving the church.
As Brother B. said, many RLDS descendants around today have explained to him that the feeling is their ancestors felt the church left THEM. Those that went out to Utah were called "Brigham-ites". Those that stayed felt Joseph Smith had named Joseph Smith III as successor, and did not practice plural marriage. I actually even just read that two of Joseph Smith's sons (Alex & David) went to Utah to serve missions! Alex got into quite the heated public debate with Joseph F Smith over doctrine while there (they were both in their 30's - Both born at Far West and the debate drew quite the crowd because Hiram & Joseph's sons were together again). It got heated enough that Joseph F. Smith called Emma some bad names, and Alex got quite offended and defended his mother. It ended the debate and Alex went packing home. So, for those that didn't go to Utah, there has been a very different perspective of themselves being "The Church" and those that went to Utah being the offshoot branch.
With that in mind for Hiram Page - another thing happened. The church moved on without them, evolved, received further revelation, etc, and they felt abandoned by the church. A lot of the earliest members especially felt hurt they didn't have higher positions in the church as it progressed since they had been part of it since the start. Hiram Page was one of the Eight Witnesses of the BOM, and this is some of the sense Brother B. got about him and others leaving the church.
Hiram Page ended up leaving the church and having a farm in Missouri (Clay or Ray County area). No one in the church knew what happened to him until recently.
They have tried to put up monuments for each of the BOM witnesses at their grave sites, and his was one that they couldn't find for years. Through some miraculous turn of events, they were able to find out that he died in a farming accident and was buried on his property. One of his descendants found the burial place and contacted Brother B's organization. They got a marker put up and Brother B. marked the grave with stones from his own garden wall.
Eagle Scouts came out to do their service project out there to make it nice for people to stop. And because Hiram Page died outside of the church, he did not have anyone with the priesthood to dedicate his grave. So Brother B. dedicated it with the scouts and said it was a really neat experience.
Again, I don't know much of Hiram Page's story, but as soon as we were approaching his grave, this giant rainbow appeared in the sky. It stayed the whole time we were there and left after we left. I took quite a few pictures with it in the background. And two different times, had a sacred and peaceful feeling come while there.
The impression I had was he had come back to the fold, and all was well again. There just seemed to be a happy feeling there about it all. I thought that was neat.
The second interest to note is about Far West. If standing in the parking lot, if you look across the street, Southwest direction, you'll see a grove of trees. Joseph Smith's house was just on the other side of that grove of trees.
Apparently there is an event in church history with Joseph Smith came face to face with the adversary. It was at that home in Far West. Apparently his son had a big headache or something, and Joseph came and blessed him and the headache left right away. It soon came back, was blessed away again. And a third time with the same results. This happened numerous times. Finally, Joseph inquired of the Lord as to what was happening, a vision was opened to him and he contended with the devil face to face. "He said it was his house, it belonged to him, and Joseph had no right there. Then Joseph rebuked Satan in the name of the Lord, and he departed and touched the child no more." (This event is recorded in Heber C Kimball's biography).Brother B. then talked about another interesting thing that came up there in Far West that may tie to that incident.
Years ago, David O McKay made a trip there with Alvin R Dyer of the First Presidency. While there, Alvin R Dyer extended his arm to the little small knoll on the south, just beyond the gates and said, "And right there is the spot where Cane killed Abel." 😳 President McKay confirmed what he said was true. Thus there, at Far West, were the first oaths made between Satan and man and that whole wicked works started. Satan has had great hold upon this area since. And thus, there has been quite the fight for this land.
It brought to mind something told to us after we moved here. A member of the stake had come to visit to give my husband a calling. He asked if we'd had our hardship hit yet. We were surprised, but confirmed we'd had quite a few financial issues come up since coming. He nodded and shared what had happened to him when he moved here. I'd heard others mention similar stories. He said that the Stake President said that Satan fights against any new saints moving here and does not want more of the Lord's people to come here. It generally lasts a few months for everybody when they first get here, where they go through some hardships and set backs.
It has often amazed me that of all the places the Saints went to build up Zion in the early days, they ended up with some of the roughest "lost souls" America had to offer here in western Missouri. So it was interesting to hear that there has been quite the battle for this land since the beginning of man really.
I also wondered about the temple spot being called holy Ground before it was even dedicated or set apart as a temple space. I wondered what had happened there to make it holy? I do wonder now if one of the early alters was there for Adam's sons to offer sacrifice?? I don't know. Brother B. said he had not come across info about any church leaders saying one way or the other. I had the name Noah come to mind that one time. So it could be many things.
What also stood out to me - not long after leaving there, we passed a grove of trees on the left, and Brother B. slowed his car down, called me and pointed it out, saying it's where David W Patten died.
David W Patten was the first martyr of the church. He led the rescue for some LDS men who they were told were captured by the mobs. (I believe the result was the Battle of Crooked River??) He ended up dying later from the wounds in a cabin near Far West, in the grove he pointed out to us.
What struck me about this - how interesting that the first matyr of mankind (Abel) was so near the place where the first matry of the latter-day church happened as well (David W Patten). There are some parallels there.
A friend had joined us with her family. She gasped at the info shared about where Able was killed as well, and what came to her mind was the role this area had in the United States joining the United Nations. She lives near the Independence sites right now and has explored them quite a bit. She said Harry S Truman is from the area and is the one who signed the treaty putting us into the united nations, he was instrumental in arranging it. There's a statue commemorating it out here. It just seems some of the adversary's plans are hatched out here. And it made more sense understanding the background of what happened here so long ago, and why a fight is put up to have the Saints come back and reclaim these areas for the Lord.
Last thing that stood out to me - we went to see where D&C 105 was given during Zion’s Camp. That’s not far from our home and significant to me, as that section is what gave us one of the big answers to move forward with trying to buy this home.
As we were approaching the site, we turned on to a street whose name really stood out to me - Salem! I pointed it out to my husband and explained it was a reference to the Savior, Jerusalem and Peace.
We soon saw the road Salem runs right through what was Zion’s Camp! That seemed symbolic to me.
Later in the tour, Brother B. quoted a general authority as saying in a recent conference that Zion’s camp was the second most important event in the church, after the First Vision. Reason being it united the Brethren, put them in a position where they were willing to die for one another and the cause of building Zion, and trained and pointed to the Q of 12 and future church leaders.
The next day, I was listening to Tim Ballard’s book, Pilgrim Hypothesis, and wouldn’t you know - he was talking about Salem! The East Puritan settlement. What he said seemed to parallel Zion’s camp so much to me, that I went back and listened a few times to copy down what he said:
Zion’s March & Pilgrims
Historian Perry Williams said about the Puritan settlers: “Winthrop believed their errand was not a mere scouting expedition. It was an essential maneuver in the drama of Christiandom. The Bay Company was not a battering remnant of suffering separatists thrown upon a rocky shore. It was an organized task force of Christians, executing a flank attack on the corruptions of Christiandom.
These Puritans did not flee to America. They went in order to work out the complete reformation which was not yet accomplished in England and Europe.” They often called their leader, Winthrop, Nehemias Americanus - referring to the ancient Hebrew king that led the Israelites out of Babylon back into the promised land, rebuilt Jerusalem, and inspired his people to return to their national covenant.
The Puritans named one of their first towns Salem - which has its root in the word Jerusalem and translates from the Hebrew word meaning “Peace”
They called their colonies the “New Jerusalem” and believed they were fulfilling prophecies concerning the last days. The tapped into the ancient covenants, for the enlargement and restoration of the Gospel.” (End quote)
Wow!! All of that paralleled Zion’s Camp and the importance of it so much! A latter-day Hebrew King (Joseph was later crowned King of Israel), bringing the Lord’s Covenant people out of Babylon and “restoring Jerusalem’” - both figuratively with the people and literally with the New Jerusalem - and bringing Israel back to their covenants. Just as Nehemiah did, and just as Winthrop was trying to do.
All the quotes - so much parallel!
And D&C 105 is so interesting - it talks about the New Jerusalem, and also to “lift up the ensign of Peace” - Peace - Salem! Name of the road!
The map - so here you can see the site where Zion’s camp was (in red) and how it’s just off the road, Salem. Section 105 background says Joseph received the revelation on the banks of the Fishing River - there on the right of the road Salem is the river! It’s one of the forks from the Fishing River. It’s amazing to me that a road now parallels that river called Salem, especially with all that section 105 talks about! That cannot be mere coincidence 😊
And to clarify some things I wrote after reading back over them - The impression I had was Hiram Page had returned to the fold and all was well between him and the church in the spirit world. There was very much a feeling of sacredness to the site that touched me a few times, and a sense of appreciation for what had been done for him there (burial site, site dedicated, etc).
And Zion’s camp - the quote about the puritans not being a mere scouting expedition, but an essential role in the drama of Christiandom - Zion’s camp was the same. It was one of the most important events of the church - and thus Christiandom and the full restoration. Only they were literally fulfilling last day prophecy in restoring Jerusalem.
(My response):
I was fascinated with this history, when I visited Missouri last year. Most of the friends I met, belonged to the various offshoots. The couple I stayed with said that their little branch/offshoot and dwindled down now to just about 8 people. It made me wonder how they don’t see that as a sign? You look at the “Brigham-ites” 😄 and see how the Church now covers the globe and has billions of dollars, meets with diplomats, and helps the world. You see these other little offshoots who are dying off and going bankrupt. Just so interesting!
Yes! I thought the same thing. The RLDS Church (community of Christ) is something like 70 million dollars in debt right now, most of it the retirement or pensions owed to their employees. They have sold a lot of properties to the church, but still run them. Brother B. hadn't heard of the sales I’d heard about, but did confirm the church gave the RLDS church 10 million recently to help keep up the Kirtland temple. They also used some kind of metal that leaks for their temple in Independence and it’s in desperate need of repair. They tried to sell it to the church, but asked too much money and the church walked away. The church does own the parking lot for their temple though 😅
And yes, comparing how the churches have done financially is fascinating. Didn’t a report come out this year about the church having $100 Billion tucked away?? That floored me! They have been blessed in both gathering funds and knowing how to manage them.
Yes, you are right. Billions. And just that our church is growing and flourishing and theirs seems to be dwindling. The lady I stayed with told me how their Community of Christ church gave the women priesthood and allowed gay marriage because they didn’t want to lose even more members. That’s when even more break offs happened. She then broke off and they started a new branch and now that’s down to about 8 people. I asked if I could go with her that Sunday because I was curious, and she told me I would be bored and unimpressed and that I should find an LDS meeting house and attend. That’s when I contacted my friend and she gave me that amazing tour of Farr West and other sites. I felt something special about Farr West. We visited the little white church across the street and they gave us a tour and told us all about their history. I had no idea about Satan having the land and Cain killing Able there. But I remember hearing that the land Adam and Eve dwelled in, spread out for miles and miles. There was just something about Farr West, I could feel it. I remember you mentioning Noah and that area.
Oh wow. That’s really interesting about the split off church down to 8 people! There’s a small town called Kidder where we did some co-op classes, and there’s still a split off branch of the church there too, also down to a handful of people.
One thing I also found interesting is Brother B. has an original Book of Mormon collection with rare copies. He wanted to show it to us and was very excited about his newly acquired “Whitmer-ite” Book of Mormon someone had gifted him. There were only 200 copies made.
I didn’t know what the Whitmer-ites were (though can guess as many of the Whitmers left the church). But he told us that under the direction of President Frederick M Smith of the RLDS, they did a re-translation of the Book of Mormon! They have in fact done so many re-translations at this point, that their BOM ended up 200 pages longer than ours. It starts with the same first verse, but then goes off from there!
The Whitmer-ite Book of Mormon was a re-translation of the RLDS church’s original re-translation 😜. Apparently a few of the off shoot churches did that! So interesting!
I do remember touring the building while doing my semester in Nauvoo at BYU. They played beautiful organ music in the center, and served coffee in the lobby. I remember there being artwork everywhere - but it was of such dark and grotesque things. Focusing on starving children and wickedness around the world. Causes their charities work with. But, it left such a cold, dark feeling to look at. It felt like such a contrast to me from our temples - where the artwork inspires hope, faith, and feelings of the Spirit. They concentrate on the beauty of an area, history, moments of faith and of course on Christ.
The other thing they had there were a lot of pictures of women giving priesthood blessings, and “Q of the 12” that were women. I could see members splitting off as they adopted philosophies of the world. The United Methodist church has done the same recently, and factions are forming and starting to split their church as well over the same issues.
The other thing I remember is the tour we were given by a member of the RLDS church. They kept referring to Joseph Smith going to the groves or a sacred experience, but wouldn’t say what it was. I raised my hand and asked what they thought happened in the Sacred Grove. He said, “Well, everyone has their different opinion about what he saw. There’s no official stance on it.” 😳
He also referred to Joseph Smith as writing the Book of Mormon. I again asked if he meant “translated” the Book of Mormon, and he again said, “Well, everyone has their own opinion about that as well. It’s up to members if they want to use it as scripture or not.” Again 😳
I wondered how people could follow church leaders that had no real stances on anything, especially fundamental founding principles of a church. I guess if the BOM has been added to, taken away from and changed so many times by their leaders, it would lead to people no longer feeling the book was inspired.
The other thing that stood out to me was finding out how their “General Conferences” are run. I asked about that, and he described the great debates that would happen with various parties within the church yelling at each other over how to run the church and next steps to take. He described it as very exciting and similar to a law-making council in government, only more lively. My jaw just dropped. I know General conferences in Nauvoo were filled with inspiring talks from the leaders, not meetings of debate. Where did they get that from?
In conclusion, our semester director (Brother Larry Dahl is you know him from publications, he was the leading historian for the church at the time). He let us see and explore it all, then gathered us on the temple grounds. I remember him pointing back to the RLDS temple and said, “They are wonderful people doing much good in the world, and it’s a beautiful building. But they have no idea what to do with it and what a temple is for. They do not have the saving ordinances a temple is built for.” That has stayed with me.
I’m so glad that you were able to take that tour with your friend! What a kind thing to take you around to the various sacred sites.
When he told us and showed us the spot where Cain killed Abel, I felt tingles up and down and a strong spirit of confirmation. Talking with my friend after and she did too! It was a really interesting experience.
Looking at the scriptures surrounding that event, it has made me wonder if the Abel being martyred there may have made it holy ground as well. Much as we travel to the place where Joseph and Hyrum were martyred and there is a feeling of sacredness for the sacrifice given there. Perhaps it is the same with Abel’s place of martyrdom.
There are two different scriptures that note about his blood crying from the ground, and the earth receiving his blood.
Monday, July 20, 2020
My Talk on Storms and Faith
Prior to speaking, the bishop greeted me and told me that there was no time constraint. There was no pressure to fill time, nor was there a problem if I were to go over the ten minute allotted speaking time. I said to him, "I really like that!" and he responded, "We do too." With no pressure either way, it felt as though the spirit could really flow, and it did!
After the bishop announced that I would be speaking, he said we would close with the hymn, "True to Faith". My heart lit up. I had planned to read the lyrics to "True to the Faith " in my talk as I had felt inspired to the night before. The Lord is amazing!
I ended up speaking for about fifteen minutes, and after the meeting had ended, some of my friends and neighbors asked me if they could have a copy of my talk. I didn't feel I had anything adequate to share, I had given my talk from a paper filled with bullet points and quotes. So, today I took the time to type up what I shared in yesterday's sacrament meeting, as well as the parts I skipped over. Here it is.
I was asked to speak about the fruits of our faith, and finding refuge from life’s storms. It felt very fitting with the Come Follow Me lesson from this last week as well as everything going on in the world right now. As I pondered this topic, three things came to mind;
First, there have been a lot of storms since now and last March, when life drastically changed for everyone.
Second, during this time, I have come to know of many people who have suddenly taken their life. Enough to count on two hands.
Third, in the last seven days, I’ve witnessed two friends renounce their faith and walk away from the gospel. As far as I'm concerned, that’s two people too many.
During these hard times, I’ve seen many friends and family struggle, as I am sure many of us have. I’ve also noticed that those who don’t believe in God, or have abandoned Him, seem to struggle the most. They struggle because they try to face the storms on their own. Alone.
Storms will do one of two things; they will either make our testimony, or break it. It all depends upon our faith. We have been reading about faith in Alma this last week in Come Follow Me, and I have been reflecting on this topic all week. I'd like to share with you one of the storms that our family has been dealing with.
Earlier this year, prior to COVID, we decided to get a dog. We bought an English Labrador Retriever puppy who we named "Ace". He has been so good for our kids, especially during these crazy times. Yes, he has been our greatest joy and also our greatest trial.
Last week he injured his foot and it has required 24/7 care. Just when the wound starts healing he manages to reopen it and he leaves a trail of bloody paw prints through the house. This trial has been exhausting, and there have been days when every one of us has said, "I'm done. I give up. I can't do this anymore." It has definitely been hard.
The other day I decided to make a list of all of the difficult feelings I have felt during these last few months. I have felt;
• Uncertain
• Alone
• Uneasy
• Anxious
• Frustrated
• Cluster phobic
• Defeated
• Annoyed
• Disappointed
• Exhausted
Which have led to me feeling, Humbled.
Because of this, I am grateful for life's storms and challenges. You see, they make us even more dependent upon the lord. They humble us. And as Alma taught, humility softens our heart. When our heart is soft, seeds of faith can be planted.
Often when I think of faith, I think of my pioneer ancestors. This week we'll be celebrating Pioneer Day. Again, the timing of this topic couldn't have been more perfect.
I have a wonderful heritage of pioneer ancestors who immigrated from Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, England, and Ireland. Some of them sacrificed everything for the gospel and to come to America. Others were so poor that they didn't have much to give up, the gospel is what gave them hope and something to live for. My ancestors experienced many trials on their journey to America, including being disowned by family, kidnapped by Indians, robbed of all possessions and family heirlooms, attacked by mobs and persecuted for their beliefs, betrayed by friends, afflicted with sickness, and experiencing the sudden and unexpected deaths of parents, spouses, and young children.
One of these ancestors, my Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother Elizabeth Mills Oakden Whitaker (whose home is a museum in Centerville) shared in her biography some reflection on her own storms and the storms of the Saints.
While reflecting on the martyrdom of the prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum she said,
“This scene occurred in America. ‘the land of the free, and the home of the brave,’ to which our ancestors fled for religious freedom, where the dear old flag yet waves.
Oh the things I have seen in my life! I saw the Nauvoo temple burn. What a terrible thing that was. All that beautiful work. The terrible sacrifices the Saints made to build it and all gone up in smoke. We all wept. Even the little children. I was little then too, but I cried as if my heart would break.
I remember taking my father’s lunch to him when he worked on it when it was being built, and the Prophet holding me on his knee, stroking my hair. I remember his strong, beautiful face, his deep powerful voice, mellowed with a gentle kindness impossible to describe. Then, he was dead, the beautiful temple destroyed. What next? But behind the anguish and despair, there was no thought of giving up among those faithful saints, just the pain of witnessing the cruel destruction of that sacred structure that tore at our hearts. We all knew we would go on an endure to the end.”
Just the other day I heard someone say, “I didn’t come this far in life to give up now”. I imagine the pioneers saying that as they faced obstacle after obstacle on their journey to Zion. “I didn’t come this far, all this way, to give up now”. Their sacrifices have built my own faith. What they gave up so that I could have the gospel means more to me than they probably ever knew. No, I don’t want their sacrifices to be in vain. I am a fruit of their faith. We are a fruit of their faith. Our children are the fruit of our faith. The gathering of Israel taking place right now on both sides of the veil, is the fruit of someone’s faith.
So, what is it that helped their faith endure? Elder Ricardo P. Giménez of the Seventy said in his talk, “Finding Refuge from the Storms of Life”,
"As I have seen the storms that affect people’s lives, I have concluded that no matter what kind of storm is battering us—regardless of whether there is a solution to it or whether there is an end in sight—there is only one refuge, and it is the same for all types of storms. This single refuge provided by our Heavenly Father is our Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
I am reminded of Helaman 5:12 -
Remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
All week long, the hymn "True to the Faith" has come into my mind, especially the second verse and the chorus;
While we know the pow’rs of darkness
Seek to thwart the work of God,
Shall the children of the promise
Cease to grasp the iron rod? No!
True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God’s command, Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand.
I've been reading President Nelson's biography, and last week I read an experience he shared that goes along with faith. He shared how he had taken his family on a rafting trip down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. They encountered some rapids and a drop in the river which catapulted President Nelson from the raft. For a while he was trapped under the raft and thought that he just might drown. Eventually his family spotted him and pulled him up to safety.
They pulled off to the side for a break and when it was time to head back down the river President Nelson counseled his family, “No matter what happens, the rubber raft will remain on top of the water. If we cling with all our might to the ropes secured to the raft, we can make it. Even if the raft should capsize, we will be all right if we hang tightly to the ropes.”
Forty years later reflecting on this experience he said, “If anything good came from that experience, it was a powerful lesson for me. We are all, metaphorically speaking, on a rafting trip through life. Some of the trip is beautiful and peaceful, but at some point we all hit rapids. As we face the churning challenges of our lives, the greatest, and only real safety comes, as we hold on to the raft, which is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Clinging to others can help as we minister to each other, but not if it means letting go of the raft."
What wise counsel from our prophet! I imagine the raft also being the iron rod, and I like to imagine that when we hold to the iron rod we are holding the Savior's hand. We should never let go.
The storms in life are inevitable, and in the year 2020 we have definitely hit the rapids. Now, we can face these storms and rapids alone, or with the Lord. So my question is, WHY DO IT ALONE?
When we hold to the rod (the Lord's hand), and stay on the covenant path, we have his power to help us. Power from our covenants.
Sheri Dew said in a 2003 devotional, “You were recommended to help run the last leg of the relay that began with Adam and Eve because your premortal spiritual valor indicated you would have the courage and the determination to face the world at its worst, to do combat with the evil one during his heyday, and, in spite of it all, to be fearless in building the kingdom of God.
You simply must understand this, because you were born to lead by virtue of who you are, the covenants you have made, and the fact that you are here now in the 11th hour.”
Let’s not forget that. I believe this speaks for all of us.
Truly, I am so grateful for life's storms. Yes, I'm grateful for 2020, because without trials we wouldn’t know the miracles. As I look back on my life, my greatest miracles came from my greatest trials. I’ve come to learn that it’s not the trial itself that grows our faith, it’s the miracles which are the fruits. If 2020 has shown us some pretty wild storms, we can expect that some pretty incredible miracles await on the horizon.
Back to the feelings that I listed above; our Savior experienced them all in the garden. He sacrificed and suffered, so that I don’t have to. I don’t want to take that for granted. I know that as we verbally hand over our pain and suffering to the Lord, he will gladly take it. He wants to lighten our burdens.
That’s how we’ll be able to endure until He returns.
I say this in Jesus' name amen.