Earlier this year we had visited the Titanic Museum in Branson, Missouri, and it made quite the impression on our kids. So, in this moment we reminded the kids of our museum trip and they quickly glued their eyes to the screen. I continued about my cleaning. With every dish I washed, and every towel I folded I could hear the scene playing out in the background and I could see the images from the film in my mind. After all, I have seen it enough times (skipping the adult scene) that I can pretty much quote it word for word.
During the week as life got busy, I never gave another thought to that movie. That is until I began seeing reminders of it EVERYWHERE! It was in a news article that the Titanic II is under construction and expected to set sail in 2022, following the same design and course of the original ship. Clive Palmer, an Australian businessman and chairman of Blue Star Line said, "The ship will follow the original journey, carrying passengers from Southampton to New York," Palmer said in a statement last month. "But she will also circumnavigate the globe, inspiring and enchanting people while attracting unrivaled attention, intrigue and mystery in every port she visits."
Then, on Tuesday during an annual well-check appointment for my daughter, we looked up and there was a giant portrait of the Titanic hanging in the doctor's office. I thought that odd that we had just seen the movie, and there it was again; but apparently not odd enough to continue pondering it. Then today I was volunteering in my son's kindergarten class and the kids were making boats for a science project. The teacher alerted the class by saying, "boys and girls... I forgot to tell you that you need to give your boats a name!" Suddenly they all began to shout, "My boat is the Titanic!" There it was again.
It wasn't until I sat down to write this post, that I made the connection. As I typed the words, "tip of the iceberg", it all came together! Let me explain.

Truly, our Savior Jesus Christ is the rescue boat. He's alway there in the aftermath offering hope and offering life to those who are hanging on after their ship has gone down - having been let down, disappointed, and deceived by the ship's builder, captain, and crew. Waiting in the cold water, looking for that light in the dark. The truth is that light. Jesus is the truth. Jesus is that light.
They have come to the realization that the ship was not what it seemed. Though just like Clive Palmer said above, the Titanic inspires, enchants, brings mystery and intrigue...on April 15th 1912, it could not live up to its promise, and proved to lead to a dark, cold, and fatal destination.
And so it is with, "that world". As I described in recent video messages and blog posts, "that world" that encompasses mindfulness, universal life force energy philosophies, Christ consciousness, energy system balancing, and spiritual awakening, all under the umbrella of healing, wholeness, and prosperity - it inspires, enchants, is mysterious, and intriguing. It pulls us in. However, just like the Titanic, when we entertain this path, we'll soon find that instead of living up to its promises, it instead leads us to a dark, cold, and spiritually fatal destination. It is a deception of Titanic proportions!
If you are reading this blog for the first time, I highly recommend that you click on the links down at the bottom, where I first sounded the alarm on this deception last month. In what became the most controversial video/blogpost I have ever published, the rewards have far outweighed the opposition. The Adversity I faced was unlike anything I have ever experienced in my entire life, but the fruits of this labor exceeded my expectations in every way!
This deception is laced with counterfeit healing, prosperity, peace, and happiness. Though its tentacles have entangled a large proportion of members of the Church, it spreads across the globe into every nation, and every people. It has infiltrated all of Christianity, and its goal is to pull Christians away from the true Christ, and into the presence of a counterfeit Christ. Its not just any wolf in sheep's clothing - it's the leader of the pack!
Scriptures tell us that it's so deceptive, that the very elect will fall for it. It produces such amazing signs and wonders, that we will overlook the warning signs, while the Adversary carefully leads us to our spiritual downfall. Yet, because it promotes healing, spiritual awakening and advancement, we are blind to the bondage and see it as liberation.
As I have shared my own personal experiences and countless experiences of others, our stories have born witness that this great deception has led many into demonic strongholds, physical and emotional trials and challenges, spiritual blindness, apostasy, and even physical death. Yes, this path has taken lives! It's not a topic to be taken lightly. This wolf has made its way into our families, schools, and churches. It's seen as harmless and scientific - yet it is spiritual at its very core.
Many continue to reach out to me and share how these videos and blog posts have come just at the right timing. It was an answer to their prayer and a wakeup call. It was a witness to what they have been feeling and experiencing. Most of them being women, have made a complete change of course and recognized this deception for what it is. A few months ago they would have been angry and rejected this message, but the Lord times things just right! In fact, there were many who were angry by what I have shared, but later had a change of heart and messaged me to tell me about their wakeup call.
Next year 2020, is the year of God's perfect vision. It is also the 200 year anniversary of the the First Vision. And furthermore, it's also the 400 year anniversary of the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth. There are no coincidences. It is a pivotal year. I have felt this all year long, and President Nelson confirmed that in the recent general conference. He has asked us to spiritually prepare for April 2020 general conference as it will be historic and unlike any other. I don't believe it was a coincidence that I released this message the week prior to general conference. We need to clean out our closets, our homes, do a spiritual inventory, and prepare for what God has in store for next year. This deception is preventing so many from that preparation. We have become so immune to it, that it sounds ridiculous to most to consider that yoga, meditation (in its modern definition), or energy healing is spiritually dangerous. However, before planning or attending your next yoga class Relief Society activity, you'll want to visit these links below and check out this article I recently wrote:
In this next link, https://youtu.be/orqrS4ULxuQ go to 2:33:29 in the video. Videos #127 and #128 on my channel follow this video and are filled with even more experiences and insight.
Here is a recent video that someone shared with me, that adds witness to all that I have shared. These Christian women used to be some of the biggest teachers and influencers of new age, energy work, yoga, etc. They have since renounced it all, and have made it a mission to expose the deception behind it all. A reminder, that you can't serve two masters. You cannot have a foot in both worlds, and stay standing. It's amazing that what they say, is almost exact word for word of the personal revelation I have received and been sharing. I love this!