My sweet five-year-old, Cambrey had a dream last week that she was so eager to share with me. She said that we were camping in a tent with our family. We prayed and then went outside of our tent. Suddenly an angel appeared in the sky and said, "Jesus will visit you soon" After that Jesus came down on a cloud and began to tell us many important things. She couldn't remember what he said, but remembered it being very special and important. After that, Jesus joined us in the car on the drive back home. He sat in the backseat and told us lots of great things. Then He went back up to Heaven on the cloud. She was beaming as she shared this with me,
A week prior, she had found some pretty pink crystals in the basement. They were scattered about on the floor in a way meant just for her. Almost like a trail someone had made. No one in the family had ever seen them before. When I asked her whose they were, she said they were a gift to her from Jesus. She said, "Mom, Jesus knows that I love crystals and that pink is my favorite color. He did this just for me!" She was so happy, she took them to show-and-tell at preschool and told everyone what had happened.
I have been fasting and praying over the past few months to have a personal witness of my Savior and to see Him face to face and talk with Him. I know it sounds like a big request, but I also know that He tells us to ask and we shall receive. No request is too big for the Lord. When I heard my daughter say, "Jesus will visit you soon", I couldn't help but feel that message was just for me. It was a beautiful and tender mercy.
I know that the Lord hears our prayers and they are important to Him. He knows the desires of our hearts and it pleases Him when we ask for them in faith. He wants to bless us with what we ask for. Never give up on your prayers and never give up on the Lord.
I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Mosiah 18:9 - Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as a witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection that ye may have eternal life
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Well, this is as Indie as it gets! I've been working on a Christ-Centered album over the past few months. It's been so rewarding and fun to make. I tapped into my singer/songwriter gifts and here is the result!
This is the first track release from my new album, "Outside the Box". The track is called, "Through the Night". The album is set to be released next month and features a lot of local talent. I'm so excited!
Here is a link to more details about my music, and I pasted an interview I did about the song and album, below. It really was a special experience!
"I love to think about how God cannot be kept in a box.
Sometimes we put limits on Him, when in reality He is so much more than we
realize. When we step outside the box, we begin to see the incredible hand of
God in our lives in a way we never thought possible. Our faith is strengthened,
our hope is lifted, and we step into a new light."
What is "Through the Night" About?
"This heart-felt song represents the desperate and
weary plea of someone who has tried to overcome deep trials and challenges on
their own. When the breaking point has been reached at the end of a long day,
the only option is to turn to the Lord and ask for His love, grace and will to
be done. When we ask, He sends us that peace and we realize we can make it
through anything with His help.
It was actually written in a major key, but changed into a
minor to reflect the mood of the lyrics. The song then lifts into a major key
as the lyrics reflect faith and triumph."
What Can We Find on the Album?
"This album features first single release from 2012,
"Faith is", as well as guitar performances by Michael Dowdle, vocal
contributions by EFY artist Brinleigh Kinne, a bonus track cover of
"Through the Night" featuring vocalist Bethany Gainer, a vocal
appearance of local musician Troy Langston, and a beautiful new rendition of
the hymn 'Lord I Would Follow Thee' - all produced by the very talented, award
winning Mark Stephenson (MAS
What's the Inspiration Behind the Video?
"When we are at the end of our rope, and ready to plead
our case to the Lord, it's usually at the end of the day, in our home, on our
bed, the couch, the porch, or wherever we can find solace. When we talk to Him,
we are alone. For this reason the video was filmed in my home. Different shots
of places where I usually speak to Him. The sunset was key in the video. Not
only representing the end of the day, it also represents "the Son".
When we face the Son, we can give Him our pain, suffering and worries and He
shines His Light on us. He points us in a better direction.
I always involve my family in my projects - especially my
kids. They love to be a part of what I do. Their feedback is so important to
me. Each of my kids took turns being the camera man, and when I needed at least
a few still shots, my husband took over. They helped during the editing process
as well. Their favorite part though, was coming into the studio and singing on
the track, "Stand Up Tall".
What Was it Like, Making This Album?
"Writing these songs and being able to sing them, was
an incredible experience I will always treasure. This album has a nice mixture
of fun, upbeat Christian/folk, contemporary ballads, peaceful hymn elements,
and raw, heartfelt energy. The songs have great hooks, are catchy but even more
importantly, they have a deep message. This album is a gift for my family and a
legacy of love for my posterity to cherish.
The music was Divinely inspired and helped me tap into a new
area of musical gifts that has elevated my entire being. It was so much fun
inviting others to be a part of this project. I'm honored to showcase local
talent, and give a spotlight to all the amazing people in my community who
contributed their gifts and time on this album. I'm so excited to be able to
share it with the world, and hope that it finds it's way into the lives of all
those will be touched by it's message."
What Inspired You to Get Involved with Music?
Music has a powerful influence over us - I have felt that
many times. There's enough music in this world that sells us lies and changes
our paradigms for the negative. I wanted to be a part of influencing the world
for good.
The music I write doesn't come from me, it comes from Above.
It's all about the Lord and the messages He shares with me. I want my kids to
have music that helps remind them who they really are, where they come from,
and what they are capable of. It's so rewarding when they get my songs stuck in
their heads. It's so cute to hear their sweet voices singing the words that I
wrote. They are my smallest, yet biggest fans, and it makes all of the hard
work worth it.
What Advice Can You Give to Other Christ Centered Indie
Songwriters, Authors, etc?
While working on the video, there were days when the
adversary would cast doubts in my mind. The video wasn't "good
enough", my voice wasn't "good enough", people were going to
criticize my work, and it would distract from the message of my song, etc. But
then one day I heard a voice say, "You will always be good enough for Me,
and that's all that matters." Shortly afterward, I heard a song come on
the radio that crushed all my doubts. I smiled because it's the same advice I
always teach in my workshops and videos but I needed to hear it from someone
else. The song is called, "It's Not About You" by Davis Handley.
There's a line in the chorus says, "It's not about you,
it's for the people who are blessed by what you do." That's the truth.
Whenever you are nervous or afraid to share your gifts or be in the spotlight
remember who it's really about - and all your fear will go away. When you are afraid, who are you listening
to? The adversary puts the focus on us - fear comes from him - but the Lord
helps us put our focus on other people, and we find peace. When I speak, write
books, present, or sing, I'm speaking, writing, and singing to "the
one". The one person who I know was the reason for why I was inspired to
share my gifts. The one person I may never meet. God is using me as an
instrument in His hands to bless the one."
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Surprise Text
A few weeks ago I received a text out of the blue from someone I met a year-and-a-half ago. Before you understand the power of that text, I have to fill you in on the story.
18 months ago, I was standing in a corner of a room chatting with some ladies I had met at a class. The class had ended and we were enjoying refreshments and making small talk. Now, I didn't need to attend this class, I had already attended it months prior, but for some reason I felt I was supposed to go. So I paid the $20 and drove to Farmington.
About this time, I was telling these ladies that I didn't learn anything new, but felt I was supposed to be there - not sure why.Right after mentioning that, a lady I had never met or spoken to before walked across the room, came up to me and said, "I have a message I'm supposed to share with you."
Yes, my spirit antennas went up. She continued, "I know this sounds strange and you don't know me, but I have a gift. I'm getting such a powerful message about you, and I feel prompted to share. I seldom do this, but when the Spirit prompts, I obey. Here's my card. Call me anytime, and I'd love to share with you."
The next day I called her and she was kind enough to talk to me for two hours on the phone. I had a pen and paper in hand as she shared with me everything she was feeling. She spoke of fears of mine (that no one would know), obstacles I'm facing, but most important she told me that I'm to be a teacher/leader - it was part of my mission and I wasn't doing it because I was afraid. She spoke in powerful parables and I'd ask her to explain. It was the language of the Spirit and it was beautiful. She encouraged me to lose my fear of man and trust the Lord. It was a phone call that changed my life.
The next day, after a second confirmation through a well known public speaker who said, "If you are in this room right now, you are supposed to be a teacher. You are here for a reason. You need to teach others how to be a bright light in this world." - again my spirit antennas went up. I knew that I was to teach the things that I knew, that had made my life better and brighter. That was the day I began teaching classes and shortly after being asked to speak at conferences.
Now several months later, a turn of unexpected events happened that caused me to worry about putting myself in the spotlight. These events caused me to be fearful of what others thought of me and the fear of being misunderstood. When the fear would subside and I'd get going again, another event would knock me to my feet. Yes, it was the adversary and I didn't want to let him win, but I decided to take a break from teaching/speaking so I could go back to a quieter life of normalcy.
This quiet period went on for several months. I was comfortable and just focused on me and my family. Then one day, I began to wonder about teaching again. It popped into my head several times on a certain day, but I would just push it away to the back of my mind. However that changed when later that evening at 11:00 pm, I got a text from this lady, "Misty" who had spoken with me on the phone 18 months prior. The text said that I was on her mind and she need to talk to me.
The next day she called me and we spoke as long as we could. Then, she'd call me again, and we'd text back and forth. This went on all day, and I was so grateful to her willingness to obey the Spirit and take the time to share her thoughts, feelings and wisdom with me.
She told me that she had stumbled across my business card while cleaning her office and had a strong feeling that something wasn't right with me - I had stopped teaching. Again, she encouraged me to share my knowledge and gifts and teach! It was the basis of my mission and when I wasn't doing it, my spirit was sad. She knew this and I knew it.
The spirit had been impressing these nudges upon my mind, but I wasn't listening. I needed a phone call - someone to tell me loud and clear what I had already been feeling. And so I listened. I've started teaching and speaking again - and it feels great!
When thoughts impress upon your heart and mind - realize they are from the Spirit. If they promote good, they are of the Lord. Don't push them aside - you could miss out on an opportunity that will change your life. Always listen the first time and act upon what you are prompted to do. As you do this, the Spirit will speak to you more often and you will begin to notice and hear. Life will fall into place.
This I testify in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
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