
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

What's Around the Corner for America?

I have shared messages before from Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj (a Christian minister from India) on this blog. It is so amazing how the Lord works. The other day I was wondering if  brother Sadhu had been to the United States to speak recently. This morning as I went to find something to listen to while cleaning my kitchen today, a couple videos popped up back to back from a best selling author that had to do with exactly what I shared in my post yesterday about President Trump. I will put together my thoughts about those two videos and share in a post in the next couple days.Then this new video popped up of brother Sadhu on the Jim Baker Show and when he mentioned some revelation he received about L.A. and the United States I felt the Spirit confirm the truthfulness of what I shared in yesterday's post from my own revelation.

These videos were an additional witness to what the Spirit has been speaking to me. This week will be filled with more posts than I usually write in a week - but there is so much flowing into my mind and heart lately that I can't help but piece it together on my blog.

These videos seem long, but when you fast forward through the commercials and advertisements, they aren't so long. They are listed on order of day one to day four. The last video appears to be a clip from a sermon he gave on the Jim Baker Show around the same time, I can't find it in it's entirety and it's not on the Jim Baker Channel. If anyone happens to find it, please share. Hope you enjoy, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

UPDATE - I happened to stumble across the video in it's entirety (on the last day of the year) and added it at the bottom.

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