
Friday, December 22, 2017

Three Podcasts You'll Be Glad You Listened To!

Several months ago, I wrote this blog post  in which I shared a link to a free PDF of a book about Jewish feasts written by Mormon Jew Gayle Boyd. After reading it, I promised myself I would celebrate Hanukkah this year with my kids especially because in the book the author lays out the blueprint for fun ideas on how to celebrate these feasts with your family and keep it simple.Unfortunately for me, Hanukkah passed me right up before I had the chance to celebrate it.

Did you know that Jesus celebrated Hanukkah? It's recorded in the book of John that Jesus observed the celebration of dedication in the temple during the winter of AD 29.

John 10:22 

And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.

The name of the holiday, Hanukkah, comes from the Hebrew word for “dedication,” “consecration” or “inauguration.” Jesus was celebrating the feast of the dedication AKA Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that commemorates the purification and re-dedication of the Temple by Judas Maccabeus.

In the spirit of Hanukkah (now that it's ended), I have three MUST WATCH videos! The bottom video is a segment taken from a video of Sundar Selvaraj Sadhu from January 2017. I remember watching that video back in January. He shared some interesting insight on the coming year. One specific highlight that he shared was that on 11/29/1947 Israel entered a 70-year covenant with God when it became recognized as an official state - a fulfillment of prophecy. That 70-year covenant ended on 11/29/2017. Sundar Selvaraj Sadhu prophesied that 2017 would be a major turning point for Israel and this would happen around 11/29/2017. On December 6th 2017 President Trump announced that the United States now recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel - indeed a major turning point. To hear more about what's in store for Israel - you will want to watch the video.

The first video will blow you mind (in a good way). For those of you who have never heard of Johnathan Cahn before, he's a NYT bestselling author and a Messianic Jewish Rabbi - meaning he is a Jew Rabbi who converted to Christianity. I have shared messages from him before on my blog.

Sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like if Rabbi Cahn was a Mormon. I mean just imagine the awesome parallels and paradigms he could unfold from the Book of Mormon - especially since it was scripture written for our day. I don't know how he does it but he sure has a way of detecting the neatest mysteries and connections from ancient scripture.

In this recent interview below, Johnathan shares details about December 2017 and world events in connection with Hanukkah foreshadowing prophecy about the anti-Christ. He shares a parallel of a tolerance only for evil in our day. It's a parallel of what's bad is called good and what was once good is now called bad. There will be those who shout "tolerance" but they only want tolerance for things that are evil. They want their wickedness tolerated but they do want to tolerate righteousness. It's a parallel with a message of not looking at the present-day circumstances but instead looking to God. Hanukkah is a warning of the anti-Christ spirit in our day.

The second video goes perfectly with my last two blog posts. I had mentioned previously that I stumbled across a video that was a strong witness to what I shared in my December 18th  blog post. This is that video. It talks about parallels in the Old Testament in connection to our day. If we understand how the parallel played out back then, we can understand how it will play out in our day.

Hope you enjoy!

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