
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Piecing the Puzzle to See God's Design in Your Life

I recently had the experience of going back and revisiting old journal entries as prompted by the Spirit. I was shown how past dreams (I had forgotten about) and prayer requests (I had journaled about) were fulfilled in amazing ways! Had I not revisited them and connected the pieces, I would have never realized how God was speaking to me and answering me.

In this week's video message, I show you just how to do this! You may think that God does not hear you, speak back to you, or answer your prayers - I plan to prove that wrong in this video.

Also, I share some updates of how the adversary has been trying to interfere in my life - and how he has failed. Learn how he can fail in your life as well. :)


  1. Thank you, again, Lindsey. The cues you and others have taught me to pay attention to have absolutely protected me and given me insights that I need to confirm that I am doing the right thing when I follow His promltings. I am soo happy that you are able to find joy and see truly how the last days aren't quite what others are glooming about. There is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel. We have our flashlights, and we have promised to help others with our own bright knowledge. May we all exercise the complete faith to see the Lord's face and be made holy and complete. ☺️

  2. If I ever move to Utah I want to live in your neighborhood Lindsey! I just want to thank you for being a great example and teacher. Much light and love! Melyssa

  3. I am almost your neighbor (I'm in Davis county as well) and I want to be your friend! ❤ Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are so welcome Amy. Glad to have you as a neighbor! 😊
