
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Heavenly Manifestation

An experience I shared on my Happy Lady facebook page on Wednesday;

"This morning I went to the temple. I almost didn’t go because I got a late start, but then decided to go to the Ogden temple and just do initiatories. I was sad because I have ancestor names filed at the Bountiful temple in our stake drawer. I really wanted to do their work. I had this feeling that all would be well. A friend of mine (with the same name 😄) just texted me right now and told me she went to the Bountiful temple this morning to do an endowment and took a name from the stake drawer. She told me she was so happy when she looked down and saw that I had submitted the name. I also learned that she was sick but decided to go to the temple anyways. I felt so blessed. God is so amazing! Even though I couldn’t do my ancestors work today, because I went, their work got done. Because my friend went, God used her to bless our family! I know He is sending blessings her way as well ❤️ I felt so much love and texted her some hearts. Then I looked down and saw this heart right in front of my feet! My ancestor sent her love as well."

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