
Saturday, September 30, 2017

General Conference - Did You Notice?

I am just loving General Conference! In next week's video message, I'll be touching on all of my favorite parts. Stay tuned...

In the meantime, I shared in last week's video message that I had noticed at Women's conference (on the song 'True to the Faith' ) there were no lyrics posted on the congregational hymns. Did you notice this too? In our chapel, the women were partially silent, some humming along as they fumbled for phones and hymn books trying to find the lyrics.

In that moment, I had the impression that we were being taught to know our hymns. Not just sing them from the books, but really KNOW them. I felt the Spirit say that we are to study our hymns and know them by heart - every single one.

Possible scenarios came to mind of future times when we may not have access to our hymn books or scriptures. Whether because of natural disasters, war, or unexpected events - wherever we live throughout the world, we may one day find ourselves temporarily or permanently without our material possessions. We may find ourselves in frightful or uncertain situations, at which times we could really benefit from the power of singing our hymns, and reciting scripture verses. Through singing we can offer comfort and strength to others.

Do you know your hymns? Do you know your scriptures? There is real power in knowing the Word. I recently wrote a post earlier this year (click here to read) about the power of the hymns - and facts most people don't know. There have been certain hymns I have been led to study this year. Study the lyrics, the melody, and the story behind the lyrics. There is a wealth of spiritual knowledge in our hymn books.

April 2017 Womens Conference
Then today I noticed again, that all of the congregational songs did not have the lyrics posted on the TV screen. It would be so easy to add them, it has never been a problem before, By now I knew that it clearly wasn't an accident. The leaders want us to know our hymns. The Lord wants us to know our hymns.

I was curious to see what other members of the church were saying about this change in sans lyrics. In my search, I discovered that the lyrics were also missing from April 2017 conference. Here are some comments I found in LDS forum.

One commenter wrote:

"We are no longer broadcasting the lyrics to the Congregational Hymn. Why, you ask? 
All the world receives the same video feed. We then add over 90 live languages to that video. In a global church, it no longer makes sense to have everyone view the English lyrics on their screen. 
So grab your Hymnal, or check out the LDS Music app and sing along in whichever language you prefer!"

The identity of the commenter is not verified, therefore this could be the commenter's own opinion. Many responded by asking why the screen does not at least list the hymn page number. I had the thought that most likely the hymn books throughout the world are probably not the same. Why would countries outside of the United States sing American patriotic songs such as "America the Beautiful" and the "Star-Spangled Banner"? I looked into it and discovered that the German hymn book for example has 210 hymns and the American Hymn Book has 341 hymns. That's a big difference! So page numbers would not be the same for a particular hymn, depending on where you live in the world.

We have been a global church for years, and have always had subtitles on the screen. It's interesting that they no longer include them. I truly feel it is a push to know our hymns.

April 2015 Women's Conference

In regards to International Hymn Books, did you know?

The journey to producing an international version of the hymnbook begins with a request from an Area Presidency. Following approval, a years-long process begins that involves the Area Presidency, a local committee made up of those with musical knowledge, and the Church’s General Music Committee.

International hymnbooks typically comprise 200 to 206 hymns: Church headquarters provides a standard list of 104 hymns and a recommended list of 50 hymns from the English hymnbook. All language hymnbooks include the standard list, and most include all those on the recommended list.

The remaining hymns may be chosen by the area committee. Many of these are selected from the current English hymnbook. A few may come from former hymnbooks in the language. Some hymns indigenous to the country may also be chosen.

This structure allows for a wide variety in the number of hymns, as well as what hymns, an international hymnbook may contain. The Kekchi Hymns, for instance, contains the maximum 206 hymns. The Icelandic version, however, includes 120. (The Children’s Songbook has 139 standard songs, with nine pages allowed for areas to fill with personal choices.)

Once the list of hymns is finalized, local translators and sometimes translators from headquarters carefully work through the difficult process of rendering the hymns into the language.

“You want it to say what the English says, and to mean what the English means as closely as possible,” Brother Peck explained. “And you also want to maintain the poetic structure, matching as much as you can the poetic structure and rhythmic accentuation patterns.”

Although they try to match the translation to the original as closely as possible, sometimes small changes—the addition of an extra note or the tying of two notes together—are necessary to preserve musicality. A scriptures committee checks to make sure everything is doctrinally correct before the international version is typeset—the final step before the hymnbook is released.

“Translating text for music is difficult. You can translate it literally, losing the poetry, or you can translate it poetically and lose the meaning. Finding a happy medium and still matching the text with the music is an art,” said Diane Bastian - music manager for the Church.

“Our sacred music prepares us to be taught the truths of the gospel,” Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has taught in explaining why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints uses a standard hymnbook. He continued, “We need to make more use of our hymns to put us in tune with the Spirit of the Lord, to unify us, and to help us teach and learn our doctrine.”

In the moment last weekend during the hymn "True to the Faith", I felt impressed to study and learn more about this hymn. I was sad I did not know it by heart - as I have always loved the lyrics. This hymn has a powerful message and it rings loud and clear with what I have been sharing about forsaking false traditions and holding tight to the iron rod, while always seeking the Lord's will before your own.

1. Shall the youth of Zion falter
In defending truth and right?
While the enemy assaileth,
Shall we shrink or shun the fight? No!

True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God’s command,
Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand.

2. While we know the pow’rs of darkness
Seek to thwart the work of God,
Shall the children of the promise
Cease to grasp the iron rod? No!

True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God’s command,
Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand.

3. We will work out our salvation;
We will cleave unto the truth;
We will watch and pray and labor
With the fervent zeal of youth. Yes!

True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God’s command,
Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand.

4. We will strive to be found worthy
Of the kingdom of our Lord,
With the faithful ones redeemed
Who have loved and kept his word. Yes!

True to the faith that our parents have cherished,
True to the truth for which martyrs have perished,
To God’s command,
Soul, heart, and hand,
Faithful and true we will ever stand

Evan Stephens
Evan Stephens (the composer of this hymn) has contributed 18 Hymns to our current Church hymnal. He lived from 1854-1930. As a child he had a great desire to learn and perform music. He also spent 26 years as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Director. Stephens grew the choir to 300 members, created the current tiered and curved seating arrangement, and was conducting when the Choir was first successfully recorded.

Evan Stephens
The multiple messages all directed at the youth in this Church hymn could easily peg it as Stephens favorite. He wrote “True to the Faith” to be “spiritual advice” to the youth. This is clear by the themes he has included: chastity, commitment, honesty, and worthiness.

How wonderful to have a song specifically designed to strengthen the youth. The rising generation always have a big burden to carry. This song is perfect for buoying up the youth and reminding the youth why they shall not falter.

In the day and age that we live in, I do see the wisdom in learning our hymns. Though it was a subtle change at conference, that not everyone noticed -  I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Let's Talk Women's Conference! (My Startling Experience & Final Thoughts on False Traditions)

I don't know about you but Women's Conference last Saturday was my favorite! I have never filled up the pages in my conference book with that many notes. I always feel like they get better and better every time, but this one truly spoke to me more powerfully than any other conference before. Everything that I have been doing, hearing, sharing, and experiencing was touched on in this conference. Did you hear the same powerful message that I did? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

 In this week's video message I share the gems I pulled from women's conference as well as a startling experience that happened to me over the weekend - as I share some final thoughts and updates on false traditions.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ideas to Transform October 31st

This last week has been an incredible whirlwind. I never could have imagined how well received my video on false traditions would be received. Within just a week and a half of publishing it, it's had over 1,566 views, several comments and shares - and an outpouring of emails from women who are very supportive of and hungry for the message.

In addition to this, there have been many questions come in about offering ideas for creating new traditions to replace Halloween. So, I thought I'd share my thoughts about that here on my blog.

For me, I felt that because the Spirit had asked me to forsake Halloween completely, any kind of fall/harvest party or "celebration" to be had on October 31st, would contradict that promise I made to the Lord. The purpose of a harvest party is to replace Halloween with something better, so that people can still feel included in some kind of a celebration on October 31st and not feel "left out" or that they are "missing out". I felt that I wasn't to treat October 31st as a special day. By treating it special, I'd still be participating in Halloween - just tailoring it to justify my choice. You can paint an apple orange, but it doesn't make it an orange.

As I pondered on this, I felt that because of the nature of October 31st and what that day is truly about, it might not be our best interest to simply do nothing. I heard "spiritual warfare" in my mind. I felt that October 31st would be the perfect evening to counteract all the negative energy, darkness, and evil that reigns on that night. So many, ideas came to mind of things that we can do with our families that bring light into the world.

The first idea that came to my mind was how the temple would be the perfect place to spend October 31st. Worshiping and serving in the House of The Lord - no better place to be. Unfortunately when I went looked at the temple schedule I learned that the temple closes early on October 31st, and I can only imagine it's so that people can celebrate Halloween. That saddened me, and was an eye opener as to how deeply rooted this false tradition is in our culture. It has taken precedence over serving in the temple. What really was an eye opener was that the temples in my area (Ogden, and Bountiful) have limited hours on October 31st (listed under "closures"). As I looked at temples outside of Utah and all throughout the world, they have regular hours on October 31st. I was dumbfounded.

If your temple schedule allows, I think it would be a wonderful idea to make an effort to serve in the temple on October 31st at any time during the day or evening. Next, talk with your family and in prayer, ask the Lord guide you as to what you could best do on that day to serve Him and bring light into this world. It might be a service project for your community, it might be an evening of praise and worship in your home with beautiful music and a spiritual feast, it might be an evening of gratitude and expressing love and thankfulness in creative ways. If you dedicate that evening to worshiping the Lord through praise, service, prayer, and love - I think He will use you as a powerful tool to counteract that darkest day of the year.

We enjoy fall treats, crafts, and activities all through the season of fall. Because of this, I don't feel the need to make October 31st about fall or harvest. I intend to make it all about "Light". It's the perfect opportunity to bring light into your home, your community, and your city on a night where so much darkness increases.

I really feel a movement has begun - and it starts in our homes. As we push darkness out of our homes, and spread the Light - this movement will spread. The more families who opt out of Halloween, the more our culture will feel a shift. If people aren't celebrating it, the temple will resume regular hours. If people aren't celebrating it - we will see less of it in the stores and on our products. It won't be the first thing to greet you when you walk into the grocery store or the bank.

If you have some great ideas for making changes to your family traditions, tag your ideas, pictures and posts with #BeCleanofHalloween on social media to share ideas and connect with others who'd also like to change their traditions. This is a great way to link together and connect!

I have some final thoughts I plan to share about this in next week's video message. So much has happened this week, and I have truly learned a lot. Stay tuned for that message, and remember that no matter what you choose to do - if it brings glory to the Lord, and light into the world - you can't go wrong! :)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Choose You This Day - The "Last of the Last Days"

"Choose you this day whom ye will serve; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Who we serve right now, determines who we will become in these "last of the last days". Where your your heart lies will determine where and what your treasure is.

This week's video message is all about sacrifice, sanctification, and an update from last week's message on false traditions/false gods and idols - and as promised, shared notes from recent talks given by Sister Holland, Elder Nelson, and Sister Nelson at a stake conference.

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy Women's Conference!


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Real Spiritual Treat!

Yesterday, I discovered this video and have absolutely enjoyed it - almost as much as I enjoy Mike Stroud podcasts! I also have watched part one, but there is something about part two that really spoke to me.

As you know, the Lord always leads me to the best gems when I'm searching outside of the box. I have shared before (See this post) the importance of searching outside the box with an open and honest heart. The Spirit once told me several years ago, "the basics of the gospel and what you get on Sundays is the milk, but if you want the meat you have to be willing to go where I can take you."

It's the same concept as "don't judge a book by it's cover". That judgement closes you off to the greater light. The Lord often leads me to various people, books, and places just to teach me one or two important truths at a time. Often times, they are people I'm not familiar with or who belong to another faith, but the Lord leads me on. Sometimes the places the Lord leads me are a little out of my comfort zone, but He taught me "You must learn step out of your comfort zone, if you want to go where I can take you." I no longer feel uncomfortable or strange when He leads me somewhere new. I have learned to trust Him, and every little precious truth He has shared, has blessed my life in ways I could have never imagined. It has strengthened my testimony and only added to it.

If you have read Visions of Glory, then you will hear many familiar gems in this video, but also some new incredible treasures. It was an added witness to me, about the glorious work that the Lord is doing on the earth right now to prepare for His coming. He doesn't just use members of the LDS church do His work. Whomever is willing and ready, He will use. All who are willing to testify that He died for us, that He lives, and that He's soon coming back - He will use. All who are willing to go wherever He leads them, no matter how uncomfortable it may be at times - He will use.

If you need more reassurance, check out the second video I posted below from the Mormon Channel's "Faith Works" series, that I shared earlier this year. Watch that before watching the first video I posted. It will help open your mind.

The Lord led me to the following video below, by Pastor Bruce Allen, from Still Water Ministries, and I have been blessed by it. I felt prompted to share it here on my blog. I pray that whatever the Spirit testifies to you through this message - you will have the ears to hear it. :)

The "About Our Ministry" section of Pastor Allen's website says the following:

God has not called us to do what seems possible, reasonable or normally attainable; He has called us to do the impossible. He wants us to stretch beyond our ability, our faith and our capacity to reason. He wants us to do more than we could ever imagine or dream.

...and I couldn't agree more!

Monday, September 18, 2017

The Gift of Speaking in Heavenly Languages - A Gift Gone?

Last November, my husband and I were in Salt Lake celebrating our 16th anniversary. After spending the day at the Salt Lake temple, we decided to go to the family history library, and also to the newly reopened Church History Museum. When you've been married for as long as we have, these are the kinds of things you do for fun :)

As we walked through and looked at the artifacts, I was drawn to a certain display without knowing why or who it was about. As I began to read the label on the case, I learned I was looking at artifacts that once belonged to Eliza Ann Whitney. Upon reading a short bio of this early Saint, I read that among many other wonderful things, Eliza had the gift of speaking in tongues.

I felt the Spirit say to me, "You must study out the gift of tongues." I asked, "Why?" I didn't receive an answer just then but the Spirit confirmed to me that I needed to study and learn about what is known by the modern world as "glossolalia" or the phenomenon of speaking in an unknown language. There are two general categories of speaking in tongues: glossolalia, speaking in an unknown language, usually thought to be of heavenly, not human, origin; and xenoglossia, miraculously speaking in an ordinary human language unknown to the speaker. Today glossolalia is practiced in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. The term derives from "glōssais lalein", a Greek phrase used in the New Testament meaning "to speak in or with tongues".

The Spirit told me to begin my search by learning more about Eliza Ann Whitney. Here is what I learned:

Elizabeth Ann Whitney
Eliza Ann Whitney

After the Nauvoo temple was completed, Whitney was the second woman to receive her endowment (after Emma Smith). Whitney worked there daily during the winter of 1845-46 to help other members receive their endowments. In 1850, Brigham Young called her to be in charge of the women's department of the Endowment House. Whitney also served as second counselor to Eliza R. Snow in the Relief Society presidency from 1880 - 1882.

Elizabeth Whitney had the gift of tongues, sang in tongues, and used seer stones.

In the Ensign we read,

Latter-day Saints for half a century witnessed Elizabeth Ann Whitney’s acts of selfless devotion and were blessed by the spiritual gifts of healing by faith and speaking in tongues that she exercised. To all the Saints, she was revered as “Mother Whitney.” When she died in Utah in 1882, after twenty-two years of widowhood, her sister-wife Emmeline B. Wells mourned her: 

“She possessed a reverential, prophetic and poetic temperament, and the spirit of the Gospel strengthened in her all these exalted attributes.”

Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney, wife of Bishop Newel K. Whitney, received the gift of tongues
about 1837. She would often sing a song in the pure Adamic tongue. In the Kirtland Temple she
sang in tongues and it was interpreted by Parley P. Pratt. The last recorded time was in 1881 at

the home of Emmeline B. Wells.

The following extract is from [Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney] “A Leaf from an Autobiography,”
Woman’s Exponent 7 (November 1, 1878):83.

"Great manifestations of power were witnessed in the Kirtland Temple . . . The first patriarchal
blessing meeting over which Joseph Smith, Sen., presided was one of the most striking and
noticeable features of that particular period of time. In this meeting I received the gift of singing
inspirationally, and the first Song of Zion ever given in the pure language was sung by me then,
and interpreted by Parley P. Pratt, and written down; of which I have preserved the original copy.
It describes the manner in which the ancient patriarchs blessed their families, and gives some
account of “Adam ondi Ahman.”"

"The Prophet Joseph promised me that I should never lose this gift if I would be wise in using it;
and his words have been verified."

For a Relief Society Meeting held on July 17, 1880 there is a mention of Sister Sarah Whitney,
“R[elief], S[ociety]. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 9 (September 1, 1880):54.

“Sister Whitney then sang one of her sweet songs of Zion in the language which was spoken and
sung (the Prophet Joseph said) by our first parents in the Garden of Eden. Sister Snow explained
that Joseph Smith told Mother Whitney ‘If she would use the gift with wisdom it should remain
with her as long as she lived.’ Sister Zina then gave the interpretation. The theme of which was
rejoicing and praise to the Great Author and Giver of good.”

Elizabeth Ann Whitney died in Salt Lake City in 1882.

A Growing Gift Among the Saints

Eliza was not the only early member to have practiced this gift. In a 1977 Ensign article by Eugene England titled Young Brigham we read;

The members of the Branch in Pennsylvania were the first in the Church who received the gift of tongues.”

That speaking in tongues may have been a severe test for Brigham, who had earlier been repelled by the excesses of frontier evangelical groups carried away by their religious ecstasy. (See footnote 16.) But here the context of edifying common sense and the balance of convincing rationality apparently made such emotional experiences quite different. Brigham was not only able to accept speaking in tongues as one of the appropriate signs that follow those who believe but gradually to respond personally, and even to participate in such expressions, as his own suspicion of emotion and ecstasy was calmed...

...While with a group gathered at Heber Kimball’s house for family prayer, Brigham reports that “the Spirit came on them, and I spoke in tongues, and we thought only of the day of Pentecost.”...

...Heber C. Kimball reported Brigham’s speaking in tongues when they first met Joseph Smith in the fall of 1832 (Deseret News, 31 March 1858), and William Clayton reported his speaking and singing in tongues during his mission to England.

Brigham Young
Upon reading Brigham Young's journal, I was amazed to read the following thoughts and teaching about the gift of tongues in the prophet's own words;

"I spoke in tongues and conversed with Elder Kimball in an unknown tongue..."

"I asked the following questions and reasoned thus, - why do the people oppose the gifts and graces of the gospel?...if a man by faith and humility before God can get a testimony of Jesus Christ, and prophesy of things to come, or be able to speak in tongues or cast our devils, I ask what harm is there in all this? Does it do any harm? No, it does not...

"...While in that stage we had a very interesting conversation with to Campbellite preachers, who attacked us on "Mormonism". They contended that that which was in part had been done away, and that which was perfect had come, and that there was now no need of tongues, interpretations, etc. Elder Woodruff replied - "You then have no need to contend. For if that which is perfect has come, you certainly should all see eye to eye, being in possession of perfect knowledge." (Sunday July 30th pg. 60)

"I found the saints in confusion; they had the gift of tongues among them, and the interpretation, and they were so ignorant of the nature of these gifts. that they supposed that everything which was spoken in tongues, was immediate revelation from God; a false spirit had therefore crept in, and division was the result."I taught them that when they spoke in tongues, the language might be from the Lord, but with that tongue, they spoke the things which were of their hearts, whether they were good or evil, the gift of tongues was given as a blessing to the Saints, but not to govern them, nor to control the Elders, or dictate the affairs of the Church. (Friday December 6th p. 28) 

"The members of the Branch in Pennsylvania were the first in the Church who received the gift of tongues.”... "A few weeks after my baptism, I was at brother Kimball's house one morning, and while family prayer was being offered up, brother Alpheus Gifford commenced speaking in tongues. Soon the Spirit came on me, and I spoke in tongues, and we thought only of the day of Pentacost when the apostles were clothed upon with with clothen tongues of fire...In September 1832, brother Heber C. Kimball took his horse and wagon, brother Joseph Young and myself accompanying him, and started for Kirtland to see the prophet Joseph. We visited many friends on the way, and some branches of the church. We exhorted them and prayed with them, and I spoke in tongues. Some pronounced it genuine and from the Lord, and others pronounced it of the Devil...In the evening a few of the brethren came in, and we conversed together upon the the things of the Kingdom. He (the prophet Joseph) called upon me to pray; in my prayer I spoke in tongues. As soon as we arose from our knees, the brethren flocked around him, and asked his opinion concerning the gift of tongues that was upon me. He told them it was the pure Adamic language. Some said to him they expected that he would condemn the gift brother Brigham had, but he said, 'No, it is of God, and there will come a time when brother Brigham Young will preside over this Church." (October 8th 1824 pg. 3-4)

"...after which I called upon Sister Whitney who stood up and invoking the gift of tongues, sang a beautiful song of Zion in tongues.The interpretation was given by her husband, bishop Whitney, and me, it related to our efforts to build this house to the privilege we now have for meeting in it, our departure shortly to the country of the Lamanites, their rejoicing when they hear the gospel and of the ingathering of Israel...I spoke in a foreign tongue, likewise brother Kimball."  (Tuesday December 30th page 119)

Parley P. Pratt
In 1830, while serving as a missionary in Kirtland, Parley P. Pratt desired to move westward as he looked forward not only to converting the Indians, but to the gift of xenoglossia. Pratt "knew,for his   Heavenly Father had told him, that when they got among the scattered tribes, there would be as great miracles wrought, as there was at the day of Pentecost" 

From 1833 to 1836, speaking in tongues became a church-wide phenomenon. The "language" spoken was often identified as the language of Adam. Because speaking in tongues was generally regarded as a sign of the truthfulness of the restored gospel rather than as a tool to be used in spreading the gospel in foreign lands, it generally took the form of glossolalia rather than xenoglossia. (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee p. 20)

During a conference on 22 January 1833, Joseph Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, and William Smith spoke in tongues "after which the Lord poured out His Spirit in a miraculous manner, until all the Elders spake in tongues, and several members, both male and female, exercised the same gift" {Kirtland High CouncilMinutebook, 22-23). The conference continued late into the evening. The next day, when the conference reconvened, these gifts were again manifested. On 17 January 1836, while the First Presidency, the Twelve, the Seventy, and the [High] Councilors of Kirtland and Zion were gathered together in conference, "the gift of tongues came on us also, like the rushing of a mighty wind". Five days later the gift of tongues again came to this group "in mighty power" (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee p. 20)

Many exercised this gift in their homes....At the dedication of the Kirtland Temple in March 1836, speaking in tongues was abundant. Joseph Smith pled in his dedicatory prayer, "Let it be fulfilled upon them, as upon those on the day of Pentecost; that the gift of tongues be poured out upon thy people, even cloven tongues as of fire, and the interpretation thereof" (D&C 109:36). "Hundreds of Elders spoke in tongues, but, many of them being young in the Church, and never having witnessed the manifestation of this gift before, some felt a little alarmed" ("Gems" 1881, 65). Joseph prayed to the Lord to withhold the Spirit and then instructed the congregation on the nature of the gift of tongues. Later, Brigham Young gave an address in tongues which David W. Patten interpreted. Patten then gave a short exhortation in tongues himself (HC 2:428). That day many others spoke in tongues and prophesied. Adults were not the only ones to speak in tongues. According to David Pettigrew, "The gift of tongues, I think, was the cause of the excitement of the opponents of the Church in Missouri. When they Copeland: Speaking in Tongues 21 heard little children speaking tongues that they did not themselves understand," the people became alarmed at the Saints' presence (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg.21 )

A Gift No More?

As I continued my searching and pondering on this foreign topic of speaking in Heavenly tongues, I wanted to know why it was no longer allowed and seldom spoken of or taught about in lesson manuals?

This article written by a evangelical Protestant who works as a postdoctoral fellow at Utah State University - is a personal account into the experiences and perspective of speaking in tongues outside of the LDS church.

He says;

"Most modern Mormons understand the “gift of tongues” as the ability to quickly learn a foreign language in the Missionary Training Center. But early Latter-day Saints had a very different concept of tongues. ...the early Mormon practice of tongues was part of what originally got me investigating Mormon history. My church claimed to have restored the gift of tongues to the world in 1906 at the Azusa Street Revival. So to learn that Mormons had beaten us to the practice by more than 70 years both intrigued me and disturbed me."

Azusa Street Revival
Yes, the Azusa Street Revival is a big part of history for modern day Pentecostal Christians. It is referred to as the primary catalyst for the spread of Pentecostalism in the 20th century. This historic revival meeting shook up  Los Angeles, California. Though first-hand accounts described the phenomenon as the blind having their sight restored, diseases cured instantly, and immigrants speaking in other languages, local newspaper reporter in September 1906 described the happenings as: "these people appear to be mad, mentally deranged or under a spell." 

Joseph Smith
Years prior in 1831, a similar account within the LDS Church took place. Distressed by what he saw, Joseph felt that these excesses were “calculated to bring disgrace upon the church of God; to cause the spirit of God to be withdrawn; and to uproot and destroy those glorious principles which had been developed for the salvation of the human family.” “With a little caution and some wisdom” and the guidance of several revelations, he succeeded in overcoming these problems. (Church History In The Fulness Of Times Student Manual, (2003), 89–101)

Elder Pratt had visited a number of branches of the Latter-day Saints in the Western Reserve, where he found the same spiritual fanaticism among the members that Joseph Smith had encountered when he arrived in Kirtland in February. Other elders were also disheartened by what they saw. John Whitmer related, “Some would fancy to themselves that they had the sword of Laban, and would wield it as expert as a light dragoon, some would act like an Indian in the act of scalping, some would slide or scoot on the floor, with the rapidity of a serpent, which termed sailing in the boat to the Lamanites, preaching the gospel, and many other vain and foolish maneuvers, that are unmeaning and unprofitable to mention. Thus the devil blinded the eyes of some good and honest disciples.”Parley Pratt concurred that “a false and lying spirit seemed to be creeping into the Church.” (Church History In The Fulness Of Times Student Manual, (2003), 89–101)

As you can see, it is difficult for the Church to have order if everyone is speaking in tongues. Much confusion can be stirred up, and people can be led astray. For outsiders looking in, they can become repulsed by behaviors they are not accustomed to. What was meant to be spiritually edifying can quickly become chaotic. Where there is chaos, the Spirit cannot dwell.

Uncertain how to handle these spiritual phenomena, the brethren joined with the Prophet in prayer in his translating room in Kirtland. Joseph then dictated a revelation (see D&C 50). The Lord began by acknowledging that there were many “false spirits, which have gone forth in the earth, deceiving the world” (D&C 50:2–3) and that Satan was seeking to deceive the people that he might overthrow them. Therefore the Lord gave the brethren a key by which they could detect and deal with evil spirits.

The prophet Joseph later counseled,

“...the ultimate design of tongues is to speak to foreigners... You may speak in tongues for your own comfort, but I lay this down for a rule, that if anything is taught by the gift of tongues, it is not to be received for doctrine.” 

This early experience in the Church wasn't the first time church members have been rebuked for misusing this gift. Let's examine the first recorded experience in the New Testament when Christians of the early Church first spoke in tongues.

After the Savior's Resurrection, on the day of Pentecost (when the Jews celebrate the Feast of the Harvest), the twelve apostles met together to add a new apostle to replace Judas. And while they were meeting, a sound from heaven, like a rushing mighty wind, suddenly filled the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, in other languages.

Day of Pentecost, by Sidney King
The sound of the rushing mighty wind could be heard throughout the city, and many people gathered outside the house where the apostles were meeting. The apostles spoke to the multitude and told all who were there about the mission and gospel of Jesus Christ and about His resurrection.

Living in Jerusalem at that time were men from many lands and many nations who spoke different languages. Yet when the apostles spoke to them, through the power of the Holy Ghost, everyone who heard was able to understand. It was such a sight to behold that people accused the apostles of being drunk. Peter responded in Acts 2:15-22

"For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;"

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"

"And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

"Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:"

Those who listened were amazed, and so powerful was the Spirit among all the people that their hearts were touched and they cried out to the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

Peter answered and said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the promise is to you and to your children.”

Then those who gladly received Peter’s word were baptized, and that same day about three thousand souls were added to the Church.

Paul to the Corinthians 
Corinth was an ancient trading city and was famous for its two international seaports and it soon became a major crossroads of Mediterranean. It soon became apparent to Paul that the Church services in Corinth (among other things) had become chaotic and confusing. While Paul was at Philippi, the first signs of trouble among his newly created congregation in Corinth reached him. The Church that was  formed during his second missionary journey had fallen into a bad state of spiritual decomposition. Paul must have been shocked when confronted with the reports.

There was a multitude of issues, for example, gross division among the Christians with envying and strife. Paul bluntly refers to the Corinthians as carnal babes in Christ still only capable of being fed on milk and not solid food. They had become fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers and extortioners; there were many heresies among them; they were attending church intoxicated; there were abuses of the Lord’s Supper; they were ignorant of natural and spiritual gifts; and love and charity was apparently lacking among them.

Things in the Church were being done in confusion and a disorderly manner especially in regards to the gift of tongues. Paul explained that if someone unlearned came into the Church and heard one person speaking his language or someone interpreting that it would be a sign to that unbeliever, but when many people are speaking different foreign languages at the same time and with no interpreter that they would think they are mad.

Imagine the chaos within the Corinthian church. One group speaking different foreign languages, others trying to propagate a new doctrine, others claiming to have a revelation or to interpret tongues while perhaps a few true Christians prayed in quiet meditation. Spiritual chaos like this can never be edifying and his rebuke, “let all things be done unto edifying” was very necessary. The situation confronting Paul unquestionably turned unbelievers away from the church thinking they were mad and this was to be avoided at all cost. He counseled, "Let all things be done decently and in order”.

I remembered an experience I had read about in my own family history of an ancestor who had received this gift in the Manti temple. It was so long ago that I had read this I couldn't remember who it was, however upon writing this article the Spirit told me the name of the ancestor and where I could find the story. It was my great, great, great Grandmother Anna Regina Keller. Here is the excerpt from her own family history about the following account;

Anna R. Keller
"On December 15, 1897 when five of the temple sisters or ordinance workers were conversing upon spiritual and temporal blessings, one of the ladies arose and addressed Anna R Keller in tongues. Of course she could not understand the words. But another sister arose and gave the interpretation which was that her work and integrity were accepted by the Lord and that her departed husband was watching her with great interest as well as pleased with her and that all her affairs should turn to her spiritual and temporal welfare."

In the hymn, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" we sing,

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy, never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it

Mount of Thy redeeming love

Between 1837 and 1899, though the Saints continued to speak in the Adamic language, Church leaders emphasized the utility of speaking in foreign languages, or xenoglossia. (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg. 22) 

The new century brought a change in the acceptability of speaking in tongues. Before 1900, both glossolalia and xenoglossia were common, but these extremely personal experiences did not fit into an evolving church which emphasized order, authority, permission, and control. Speaking in tongues could be done by anyone, at any time, privately or publicly, without the approval of priesthood authority (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg. 23-24)

Joseph F. Smith
In the April 1900 general conference, President Joseph F. Smith warned: There is perhaps no gift of the spirit of God more easily imitated by the devil than the gift of tongues. When two men or women exercise the gift of tongues by the inspiration of the spirit of God, there are a dozen perhaps that do
it by the inspiration of the devil. So far as I am concerned, if the Lord will give me the ability to teach the people in my native tongue, or in their own language to the understanding of those who hear me, that will be sufficient gift of tongues to me. (CR April 1900, 41)

In this address, Smith began the process of redefining speaking in tongues. No longer were tongues an acceptable "sign of the believer" or "sign to the unbeliever"; now speaking in tongues was legitimate only for missionary work (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg. 24). 

Curiously, in the same conference in which Joseph F. Smith first redefined the role of tongues, Anthon H. Lund voiced his concern about losing the gifts of the Spirit: "If there ever came a time when
these gifts were not in the Church it would be on account of unbelief. . . The Church whenever it is upon the earth must have the Holy Spirit within it; the members of the Church must have this Spirit, and the spiritual gifts must be manifested; otherwise it would be a dead church (CR April 1900, 32). Orson Pratt also believed that if the Latter-day Saints were not in possession of the gifts of the Spirit, they were not in possession of the gospel and were "no better off then the Baptists, Methodists or Presbyterians" (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee p.  )

David O. McKay
David O. McKay followed the course set by Joseph F. Smith and did not encourage speaking in tongues, although on one occasion he desired the gift himself. "I have never been much of an advocate of the necessity of tongues in our Church, but today I wish I had that gift. But I haven't" (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg. 26) 

To minimize glossolalia, Church leaders redefined speaking in tongues to mean the ability to quickly learn a foreign language. In this way, speaking in tongues could again be made legitimate, but only under this new definition (Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches - Copeland, Lee pg.  26). 

Blessings of Speaking in Heavenly Tongues

My favorite account of speaking in tongues can be found in 3 Nephi 17:15-17 when the Savior Himself prays in a language that cannot be written. I believe He was speaking the pure Adamic language.

15 And when he had said these words, he himself also knelt upon the earth; and behold he prayed unto the Father, and the things which he prayed cannot be written, and the multitude did bear record who heard him.

16 And after this manner do they bear record: The eye hath never seen, neither hath the ear heard, before, so great and marvelous things as we saw and heard Jesus speak unto the Father;

17 And no tongue can speak, neither can there be written by any man, neither can the hearts of men conceive so great and marvelous things as we both saw and heard Jesus speak; and no one can conceive of the joy which filled our souls at the time we heard him pray for us unto the Father.

Joy is a blessing that accompanies the true Gift of tongues. We learn just how full the joy of the Nephites and the Savior was in that moment. Their hearts did not understand but their Spirits did. As truth was testified, their Spirits were fed.

18 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of praying unto the Father, he arose; but so great was the joy of the multitude that they were overcome.

So, in what ways does the gift of tongues bless those who practice or receive it?

Among Pentecostal and charismatic beliefs it is generally agreed that speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift that can be manifested as either a human language or a heavenly supernatural language in three ways:

1) The "sign of tongues" refers to xenoglossia, wherein one speaks an actual language he has never learnt.

2) The "gift of tongues" refers to a glossolalic utterance spoken by an individual and addressed to a congregation of, typically, other believers.

3) Lastly, "praying in the spirit" is typically used to refer to glossolalia as part of personal prayer.

In Corinthians 14:14 Paul says,

“For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.” 

From Paul's counsel we learn that when we pray in an unknown tongue it is our spirit praying. Prayers of the Spirit are prayers that the flesh does not know how to utter. It is our spirit pleading to God the things that we may not be unaware of, or ignorant to ask for. Our spirit knows all truth, and can assist in pleading to the Father on our behalf.

Many who have prayed in the Spirit have reported miracles happening within minutes to hours after the prayer. They also report feeling immersed in head to toe of the love of God.

We learn from Paul that the gift of unknown tongues benefits most the gathered believers. It is not for unbelievers to behold. It can be used as a sign for a non-believer if it's spoken in a language they understand or there is someone there to interpret.

The gift of tongues has been used many times in Church history as a tool for prophesying. As told in the Millennial Star (pg. 65), the tragedy at Hans Mill was prophesied in a meeting of Saints through the gift of tongues and interpretation while it was happening.

In addition to prophesying, the gift of tongues in Heavenly language often accompanies healing and personal revelation.

An additional aspect to the gift of tongues is the phenomenon of singing in tongues which became quite common in England and the United States. Louisa Barnes Pratt recalled: "One afternoon I attended a prayer meeting. The sisters laid their hands upon my head and blessed me in a strange language. It was a prophetic song. Mrs. E. B. Whitney was interpreter. She said that I should have health, and go to the valleys of the mountains, and there meet my companion and be joyful" (in Carter 1947, 243).

According to Research

In 2007, ABC News did a special Nightline feature on the practice of speaking in tongues. Researchers studied what happens in the brain during the deepest moments of faith and it's discovered that what's happening neurologically looks a lot like what they say is happening to them spiritually. A pastor participant is told to first pray in English, then to speak in tongues. The pastor's frontal lobe scan showed that it was active when he was praying in English, however there was little activity on the scan when he prayed in tongues.

The following video expands further detail on this study.



According to Peter, we have reason to believe that this "lost gift" that was practiced in the early years of our church will again be brought back in the coming years.

"And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:"

I truly believe there are Latter-day Saints alive today who pray in the Spirit, privately in the solace of their own secret places with the Lord - and that the day may soon be at hand when the gift of speaking in Heavenly tongues is again acceptable and encouraged (as all things from the beginning will be fully restored) among the body of the Church.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sounding the Trumpet on False Traditions

Today's post is probably the most eye opening and important message I have shared this year! There is so much that the Spirit has impressed on my mind over the last year about a false traditions that are unknowingly wreaking havoc on marriages and families. I have felt so strong that this very tradition is the number one tool Satan uses that opens up the door to a spirit of rebellion, a spirit of adultery, a spirit of promiscuity, physical & spiritual attacks, and addictions of every kind.

This message will be very to difficult to hear and I truly believe that 1 out of every 6 people who hear it will feel the truth of it, but only 1 out of every 20 people will act. I have never been prompted so strongly to share a message as I have with this one. It's a message that won't be well received by those who are not spiritually prepared to hear it.

With the day and hour that we are living in, we have to make some powerful changes in our lives and put off the natural man. This means also putting off the false traditions that have been loved and celebrated by the natural man for so long. It means stepping into a completely new life. Forsaking old ways. This will be difficult for many to do as these traditions are so deeply rooted in Babylon and for many of us, our roots run deep - but I really feel that the Lord is guiding us in this direction!

Friday, September 8, 2017

A Message About September 23rd

A couple years ago I was led by the Spirit to learn about an Indian Christian minister named Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. He travels all over the world delivering messages to churches of different nations. Sadhu often has visions of the last days that he shares in his messages. There were some  things I was to learn from his messages, and I found them to be very profound for my life. Because his name his difficult to say, I call him the "Indian Prophet." He truly looks like an ancient prophet straight out of the Old Testament.

When I first learned of him, I was a little uncertain because he was not familiar to me, his appearance was unusual, and I was uncertain as to what his beliefs were about. Still, the Spirit pressed on my heart to watch some of his videos. I was reminded of my gift of discernment and that it has never led me astray. His sense of humor and great humility easily won me over. As I have learned from and shared many times before, I am often led to the best gems that are most helpful to my journey when I'm stepping outside of the box.

It had been several months since I had watched any of Sadhu's messages, however after the recent eclipse, the Spirit put this minister's name back into my mind and I was told there was another message I was to hear. The video below video popped up in my feed shortly after it was published on August 30th. I found some very good counsel, pearls of wisdom, and important warnings in his message. After sharing with my family and hearing their feelings about how "in tune" and well timed this message is, I felt prompted to share it here with you.

This video is from a conference that was held in Moravian Falls, North Carolina called, "On Earth As It is in Heaven". There are other parts to this message on YouTube that are not in this video, and there are many other videos on YouTube of different conferences he has spoken at in the United States and all around the world. I feel that his message is another trumpet that God is sounding to reach His other children. Regardless of who his audience is, this message truly is relevant and inspiring for all!

I would love to hear your thoughts. What gems did you take away from this message?

Thursday, September 7, 2017

America's Cleansing

 The Spirit has impressed upon my mind and heart so much lately. Things are happening so quickly and yesterday my sister texted me and said, "It feels like a movie. You just can't make this up."

I feel very strong that now is the time to get our lives and our homes in order. Remove all the clutter, all the distractions, and the things that are eating up valuable time. Teach your children how to really pray and how to have a close walk with God. Fast and pray on a weekly basis to be shown what the Lord's will is for you and your family. Ask Him to purify and sanctify your family, your home, and the land that you live on. Ask to receive the mantle of charity. Ask to receive the Spirit of peace.

It's time to finally put away the natural man. Things of the flesh block the bridge between you and the Lord. Clear the bridge and get to know your Savior Jesus Christ in a way you have never known Him before. Talk to God as often as you can, and do it often on your knees. Open up your heart and remove all forms of doubt and pride. Cease all judgement and criticism of those in your family, your ward, your neighborhood, your community and those in authority of the Church and government of this nation. Begin to build them up, pray for their protection, and extend unconditional love. Repent of all sins holding you back and keeping you from the presence of the Lord. Forsake the very sight of sin and evil. Fill your heart and home with the things of God. Your home must be a sanctuary and Holy like a temple. Stand ye in Holy places.

This is a season of change. With the arrival of fall, will come the fall of the old ways, the old man, and the old world. The wheat and tares are separating and the wheat is being strengthened and purified. This brief grace period is a gift from God to allow us to get our lives in order. To align with the will of the Lord in all things. Take advantage of this gift to the fullest that you can. Express gratitude all throughout the day for all of your blessings. As the world enters a period of chaos just remember that the Lord has a purpose for it all. He is doing a marvelous work and a wonder in preparation for His return. Don't allow fear to enter into your heart. Trust God in all things and through all things. Smile, have hope, and keep your eye single to the glory of the Lord. :)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Commanding Storms - The Real Power in Jesus' Name

This morning a friend posted a question on facebook about our ability to command bad weather to stop. She mentioned that every time she tries this it works - and she wanted to know if anyone else had tried or experienced this.

With all the storms and fires roaring across the country right now, I felt this topic was very fitting to share today. Earlier this year there was a bad wind storm and my 6-year-old daughter has been traumatized since the tornado last fall that touched down over Layton. She asked me if we could command the storm to stop. We both went out on the front porch and raised our hand and in Jesus' name commanded (with authority in our voice) the winds to stop. Immediately they stopped from garbage cans blowing down the street to barely even a breeze. The rest of my family looked at us in disbelief. The radar showed the worst of the storm yet to come. There were still dark clouds over the house but no wind. The wind never came back the rest of the evening. It was a testimony builder for my young daughter that Christ has authority over the elements. They obey His authority and there is power in His name. When we exercise the power of His name coupled with our faith - anything is possible.

I was reminded of an experience last year of a storm that came over my in-law's house and the entire city, in Germany. With my faith, I called upon Heaven to stop the rain  and divert the storm for my niece's birthday party. We witnessed a miracle that day. I later learned that on the other side of town, the missionaries did the same thing for an even they were at, and also witnessed a miracle. This experience along with a few other miracles that happened that week, are shared in detail in the video below (from my Happy Lady playlist). I pulled up the video so that I could share and was amazed when I saw that this video was published exactly a year ago to this date (September 5th 2017). Coincidences are always confirmations from the Lord. Could this video made a year ago to the date, actually had been made for a time such as now? The Lord works in mysterious way. This confirmation testified to me that this video needed to be shared today.

It is my hope and prayer that after watching it along with the images shared below (in relation to the story) it will stir up a powerful faith and confidence among those who find this post. A faith unwavering and a confidence unbreakable. Rather than enduring and suffering through the storms in life, we can find the faith to cast them away. Rather than living in fear of danger we can be over the weather and not under it. Aligning ourselves with the will of the Lord in all things, can give us the knowledge and strength to know when to act and the trust needed to ignite that faith into powerful action. I believe it was the Spirit who spoke the idea of stopping those storms into my mind and the mind of my daughter. All good thoughts come from the Lord. When doubt creeps in, and you second guess a good thought - remember that doubt is the weapon of the adversary. He uses doubt to destroy faith - every time.

It may be the will of the Lord to send a storm, but it can also be the will of the Lord to spare your home or neighborhood during that storm. If we don't ask, or have the faith - His hands are tied.

Luke 8:21-25

22  Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth.

23 But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy.

24 And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm.

25 And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

With all my heart I know this to be true. In Jesus' name amen.


The weather angel in the patch of blue sky.

The missionaries in Hof - who also had a miracle.
Manuel's grandma in the center. She passed away on December 7th.

I have written many posts over the years about storms and prayer. Here are some older posts you might enjoy:

Friday, September 1, 2017

A "Higher Love"

I've been wanting to share this thought for quite some time now and felt this would be the perfect message to usher in the three-day weekend! It's light, uplifting and so fitting for a Friday :)

A couple years ago, I was driving home from an appointment headed west into the setting sun and towards my house. Suddenly, the song "Higher Love" by Steve Winwood came on the radio. It's a song from 1986 (that totally ages me) I have heard many times, but in that moment it felt like I was hearing it for the first time!

This time was different than all the others. As, I listened to the words and sang along at the top of my lungs (best accomplished when you are alone in your car with the windows up) I could almost hear my own private gospel choir sitting in my back seat. I felt warm Light come down through the sun roof and pour all over me, especially during the lyrics,

"Let me feel that love come over me
Let me feel how strong it could be"

It was so powerful, I felt that in that moment the Light did something incredible to my spirit, soul, and body. It was the most amazing euphoria and I felt like I could fly. I had goosebumps from head to toe until the very last note faded into the commercial break.

Since that day, every time that song comes on I turn it up and the same thing happens (only if I'm singing along). As you've seen in past posts what I've shared about the power of words and music - this was truly some kind of powerful reasoning, prayer request, and declaration all in one.

Now, I've heard other beautiful arrangements of the song that I have since downloaded that have pierced my soul, but something about the original 1987 radio version (With Steve Winwood and Chaka Khan) opens up the windows of Heaven and I feel that light flood over me. Watching the video is fun, but it lessens the effect compared to when I'm just listening with my ears without visual distractions.

I've posted the lyrics below and some videos you might enjoy, as well as some research I did on the song writer and the story behind the song. Scroll down to see more.

"Higher Love"

Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is a wasted time
Look inside your heart, I'll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?

Worlds are turning and we're just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning, and it's real to me
There must be someone who's feeling for me
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring be a higher love
I could rise above on a higher love

I will wait for it
I'm not too late for it
Until then, I'll sing my song
To cheer the night along
Bring it... Oh bring it...

I could light the night up with my soul on fire
I could make the sun shine from pure desire
Let me feel that love come over me
Let me feel how strong it could be

Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?

Beautiful right? Here are the videos followed by the story behind the song and my interpretation of the message. After listening to the different versions of "Higher Love", I'd love to know which one is your favorite and why?

This James Vincent McMorrow arrangement is so moving, and I have the radio version. But there's something raw and special about this live version. What do you think?

Here is the only video I could find of Steve and Chaka performing together. They look like they are having a lot fun.

Here is a beautiful, recent version of Steve and his daughter.

Here is the full 1987 version that Pandora always plays when I request this song. This version turned up loud is the one I recommend. I especially love to sing it when I'm cleaning the kitchen. Can't help but raise my hands and dance on the "higher love" part. :)

And I know this is a little unrelated, but while watching these videos this next video popped up. It was from a 2005 gospel brunch hosted by Oprah Winfrey. It features a freestyle solo of LDS legendary R&B artist Gladys Knight. As these legendary stars came together in musical worship of the Lord something powerful happened. I felt it so strong, I watched the video a few more times. Just wanted to share as an added bonus.

I love how the power of music can bring so many different people together. There's something almost supernatural about it, especially when they come together in worship of the Lord.

So, back to the story behind the song."Higher Love" was Steve Winwood's first Billboard Hot 100 number-one hit, topping the chart for one week. Steve Winwood is an English musician with a successful solo career, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004.

It turns out that Steve Winwood wrote the music for "Higher Love" but not the lyrics. The lyrics were written by Will Jennings, an Academy, Golden Globe, and Grammy Award winning song writer. Will was born in Kilgore, Texas. When I read "Texas" it made sense to the southern gospel feel of the song.

In an interview about the song, Jennings said,

"I was born in East Texas and my mother and father's families were from Arkansas and the generations before were from the Deep South. My father's father was a Methodist preacher, a circuit rider, in Arkansas. My earliest memories are of the music in church and of my aunts and uncles singing the beautiful old hymns. 'Higher Love' is a generation past that, when things were not so much taken for granted, so that one has to plea, 'Bring me a higher love,' and the lines are all trying to explain why there must be higher love. A modern hymn, you might call it."

In the James Vincent McMorrow version I get a feel for someone who has struggled to find love in all the wrong places. Some try to find a higher love through addiction, others through physical love or through the way which the world may view love. To me, this song is a plea for something even higher. A love that doesn't fade after a few minutes, or abandon you at the end of the day. A love that is all encompassing and unconditional. A love you don't have to earn. A love that once felt, makes you want to share it with the world. A love that burns, sanctifies, and heals. A love that changes you! A love that is free to all who will receive it!

John 3:16

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.