
Thursday, November 7, 2019

An Interview You Need to See!

I came across this interview today. Steven Bancarz was at one time one of the most wealthy and successful New Age teachers in America. After a wakeup call, he renounced all New Age and energy healing and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He's been on a mission ever since to expose the lies. 

I have heard Steven Bancarz's testimony before and after watching this video, it was another witness to the things I have been sharing. Now it's important to know that Steven is not a fan of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and our theology, as most born again Christians are not, so keep that in mind if you choose to watch his other interviews and videos. However, when it comes to the deceptions of New Age philosophies and energy work, Steven is spot on! I realize my videos and articles are very long, so I thought I'd share a shorter, to-the-point video that explains part of what my message has been over the last few weeks. It has been humbling to hear from so many LDS people who are finding my videos and article, and are now giving up New Age and energy work. It makes my heart rejoice! 

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