
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

New Way to Minister?

As ministering is becoming a big part of the saints of the Church, I think it's important to look for new "outside of the box" ways to minister. I think we can get creative when serving those both in and outside of our ward communities.

Here is what a church in Houston did to serve those outside of their walls. I have often mentioned in videos and on facebook that I'm happy to take requests, and many times people have written me asking me to pray for them - which I have. This is prayer request on a whole new level for today's fast paced modern world.

It's a great service to be able to help pray for others, but it's even more power when we vocally pray with them. I believe it increases the faith of both the person praying and the person being prayed for. It creates strength, unity, and bonds as well. 

Could you imagine what this would look like in an LDS community? Missionaries standing on the side of the road with signs offering drive up prayer. Or young men and young women, instead of washing cars for fundraising, standing by the side of the road with posters offering drive up prayers at no cost. Forget fundraising, how about soul saving? This would be awesome! I mean even walking into a retirement center and asking the residents if anyone would like a word of prayer? Taking the time to talk with them and ask them what they need prayers for, and then taking the time to pray over them each, individually.  

When I saw this, I imagined a weary man or exhausted mother driving home from a long and stressful day, feeling hopeless and at the end of their rope. Not finding a reason to continue living and feeling so alone in their trials. Then seeing a sign on the side of the road that says, "Drive-Thru Prayers. Let us Pray for You". Just imagine what that one prayer and act of kindness could do for that one soul. Beautiful!

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