
Friday, July 28, 2017

Modern Day Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

A few years ago I came across a video of a prominent LDS woman who was sharing her testimony. This woman was the founding director of the Women's Research Institute at Brigham Young University and close friends with LDS apostles and Utah Senators. I was happy to listen to her testimony and very much enjoying it. About half way through the video, it took an interesting turn and I learned that she was excommunicated from the Church because she had discovered a book that purportedly claimed to be the sealed portion of the plates, and after reading this book she no longer believed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was true.

I remember feeling very shocked at her words and could not wrap my mind around what I had just heard. Something didn't feel quite right and I closed the video. Over the next several months I would once in a while catch word of this book and the man who wrote it (I've decided to not to use his name).

One day, I Googled his name and found some websites and videos that further explained. His beautiful wife had left the Church, he had left the Church and just about everyone who came in contact with his book seemed to leave the Church or become excommunicated. Curiosity had me wondering what this book contained that had people believing it was the real deal.

After finding the free PDF online, I began to read. With my gift of discernment I was able to discern right away that this book was the result of deception just on my feelings from the Spirit. The man who published it claimed that he had been visited in the temple by Joseph Smith and was handed the sealed portion of the plates to translate with a seer stone. According to his words, Joseph Smith told him that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had become corrupt and he was to translate these plates and give the fullness of the Word. He was also told that he was the reincarnated Hyrum Smith sent here on a mission.

The prominent woman I mentioned earlier who was a direct descendant of Hyrum Smith, was so convinced and determined in her new beliefs that she donated her life savings and her grave plot to the man who published the book in which a headstone was purchased and
his name was engraved upon along with the name of Hyrum Smith. It created quite the publicity and received a lot of negative responses. This man did not start a new church or religion, was not asking for money, and did everything for free. It was very odd. He also cursed quite a bit in his video interviews and I could not make sense of how a man of God like he claimed to be would have such bad language.

I wondered what this book spoke of that created such a power over someone to feel the need to do something such as she had done. As I continued reading, the supposed author of the book (Angel Moroni) mentioned just bout every piece of doctrine and covenant that the prophet Joseph Smith restored, and said that it was all false. It completely contradicted the Book of Mormon and it's teachings. I could not understand why someone would believe that everything Joseph died for - he would later renounce. Why would he visit a temple security guard and provide him with plates that contradict everything he spent his life restoring? Not to mention the man who published the book appeared to be a believer of Joseph Smith and his restoration. This did not make any sense. The book said that family units were evil, and so many other contradictions. The restored Church is all about family. That is the center of the plan. How could people believe this book?

An elder in the Church had been asked to read the book and provide a review. He stated in a video confession that the book invited demonic activity into his house and frightened he and his wife. He therefore concluded that the book was most certainly of the devil.

I stopped reading the book, and few months later while planning a Primary lesson, I came across a video of a convert from Australia sharing his testimony. I watched the video and it was so beautiful I wanted to share his testimony in my lesson. He created a channel just for sharing his testimony. I enjoyed watching his videos. As I was half way through his videos, I noticed there was a period of a year of absence on his channel. In the next video that popped up, he appeared to look very unhappy and there was a darkness about him. He seemed lost and confused and that sparkle in his eye was gone. I wondered what he was about to share on his video. He then mentioned that he had discovered this book that he believed to be the sealed plates. After reading it, he lost his testimony and hadn't been to church in a year. He was very sad, confused, and lost, even though he believed this book was true. Oh, how I wanted to jump through the computer screen and tell him that truth doesn't depress and cause sadness - it liberates, enlightens, uplifts and sets us free. It adds to - and does not take away. Confusion is not of God. He brings peace. With the Lord you feel found, not lost.

After several months I had forgotten all about this until one day I felt prompted to look into it again. I ignored it, but the prompting continued for days. Soon, I discovered a newly published video of the man who published the book who was in a debate with an atheist who had left the Church. This atheist had written an infamous book that was very anti-Mormon and had led many members away from the Church. The debate became very contentious and by the end of the video the man who published the supposed sealed plates, admitted that he had made the entire thing up and that it was all a hoax - and that he was also an atheist himself. The other atheist was shocked and appalled. He asked the man how he could live with himself knowing that he deceived so many people? The man replied by saying that both of them were on the same team with the sole purpose of leading people away from the Church, so what was the big deal? The atheist argued back that he at least believed what he was teaching. The other man had fabricated an entire lie for a couple decades in which many people lost membership in the Church, lost their identity, their families and positions in the community. The man justified his actions by saying that he wanted to bring people to believe in his own philosophies and ideas because he felt they were better off and he was doing them a favor in a very unconventional way.

Never in my life have I witnessed anything so bizarre and outrageous. The woman who had given up everything for this "true book" including her covenants and membership in the Church, had already since passed away. She went to the grave deceived. I thought of all the people who had also left the Church, and may never see this video confession. Satan had sure used this man to deceive so many precious children of God, and pull them away from their covenants and blessings.

The Spirit spoke to me and reminded me of several scriptures that warn of false prophets in our day as well as wolves in sheep's clothing.

Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

3 Nephi 14:15

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

 I felt a heavy prompting to write this post, and hope that it helps saints be more cautious and better develop their gift of discernment.

In 1999 Elder M. Russell Ballard said,

"Let us beware of false prophets, brothers and sisters, both men and women, who are self-appointed declarers of the doctrines of the Church and who seek to spread their false gospel and attract followers by sponsoring symposia, books, and journals whose contents contain fundamental doctrines of the Church. Beware of those who speak and publish in opposition to God's true prophets and who actively proselyte others with reckless disregard for the eternal well-being of those whom they seduce. Like Nehor and Korihor in the Book of Mormon, they rely on the sophistry to deceive and entice others to their views. They "set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion."

"Jesus cautioned several times that prior to His Second Coming, “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” (Matt. 24:11). As Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is our duty to be watchmen on the tower, warning Church members to beware of false prophets and false teachers who lie in wait to ensnare and destroy faith and testimony. Today we warn you that there are false prophets and false teachers arising; and if we are not careful, even those who are among the faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will fall victim to their deception."

“We can accept nothing as authoritative but that which comes directly through the appointed channel, the constituted organizations of the Priesthood, which is the channel that God has appointed through which to make known His mind and will to the world. … And the moment that individuals look to any other source, that moment they throw themselves open to the seductive influences of Satan, and render themselves liable to become servants of the devil; they lose sight of the true order through which the blessings of the Priesthood are to be enjoyed; they step outside of the pale of the kingdom of God, and are on dangerous ground. Whenever you see a man rise up claiming to have received direct revelation from the Lord to the Church, independent of the order and channel of the Priesthood, you may set him down as an imposter”

It was in the 1990's when this man began fabricating his hoax and his book. It was as though Elder Ballard knew and was preparing the Saints for this and many other deceptions that would come. He was speaking about the future (our day) as most prophets often do.

I was reminded of a slew of church members who over the past few years boldly spoke out and prophesied about last days events with dates attached. These prophesied events stirred up a lot of fear among members of the Church. One of these individuals (who I'll call Angela) was hired as a key note speaker at a conference I spoke at. Angela's book was a best seller and I knew her publisher as he had published my very first book, "How to Date Your Spouse". I remember feeling dissatisfied after reading Angela's book. It was very vague and didn't invoke the Spirit for me. When she got up to speak at the conference, some odd events happened. Angela fell to the ground many times and claimed that Satan was attacking her because of her message. She asked the audience to pray for her and sing hymns. The audience sang hymns for about 30 minutes into her presentation time, while she was absent. She then went to the bathroom and vomited several times, came back and claimed she had no control over her words, thoughts, mind or body. Nothing she did or said made any sense and one by one people got up and left the room. I found her publisher in the hall and shared with him what had just taken place. He appeared to be shocked and witnessed the beginning of a decline in book sales. She later went on to make a few more bold prophecies with dates attached and again they did not happen. She along with many others faded out of the spotlight and went off the grid.

I was amazed at how many people remained loyal followers and supporters of these individuals - after their prophesied dates went unfulfilled. There are indeed true prophets of God, and many are blessed with the gift of prophecy. I also believe that some with this gift are guided by their own will rather than the will of God - this is when error occurs. Scripture tells us that all of God's children are blessed with many different spiritual gifts. Personally, I have heard some beautiful prophecies that uplift and inspire and have come to pass. It's so important to be able to discern what messages and messengers are from God and which are not.

Messages that are attached to a spirit of fear, void of the Spirit, contrast with church doctrine, or offer some kind of new doctrine for the Church as a whole, are your red flags. Use the Spirit for discernment. The Lord sends messages of peace, comfort, hope, and a bright future for those who truly know Him. He does not send messages of fear, confusion, or doubt. He is in control, He is on the throne, and He brings tidings of joy for those who believe in Him. Even when a warning is issued for the unrepentant, hope is always attached to the message as an extension for those who heed the warning.

We are in for a marvelous and bright future as disciples of Jesus Christ. There is so much good in store over the coming years - I can feel it and I truly believe this with all my heart. Jesus Christ is redeeming this world from the Fall and restoring it back to it's glory. We get to be a part of that each day that we are alive. He loves this Earth that He created and He loves His people. He has got our back and is there to lift us up whenever we feel down. He and the Father have a marvelous plan and it has a beautiful outcome!

I hope this post inspires you to rise above the craziness of the world. Turn away from all those who speak negatively about the future, the country, and the Church. All those who seek to spread fear, lies and deception. When you belong to Christ you have a future in God's Kingdom. Let that be your focus each day as you get out of bed and you will triumph over all that Satan has placed in your path. Remember who you are and Whose you are - and believe it!

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