
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

General Conference April 2017

Last weekend was the semi-annual worldwide General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Conference has 6 sessions that are spread out over the course of a week and is broadcast via TV, satellite, and internet. Prophets, apostles and leaders speak about topics that the Holy Ghost inspires upon them and the church comes together from all over the world to listen.

I went into this conference with prayer and fasting hoping to receive inspiration and counsel from the Lord through the conference messages. I received so many answers! There were so many talks that stood out to me, I don't know where to even begin. So, I thought I would share the link and you can take a listen to the talks that stand out to you.

The themes I enjoyed were Jesus Christ and His power, the Holy Ghost, and the power of being YOU and not trying to be someone else. I was also surprised that a new General Relief Society presidency was called, however I was extremely thrilled with the sisters who were called. When I heard the name of the first counselor, Sharon Eubank I jumped for joy. I wrote a post about her just two posts ago. I had discovered her on YouTube a couple months ago and was inspired by her messages. I remember thinking that she would be a great fit for the General Relief Society presidency and then it happened! I don't believe that was a coincidence. I believe that awesome things are in store for the church and we are going to witness some big things happening! I am so happy :)

Sharon Eubank: the New First Counselor of the General Relief Society Presidency 

The First Presidency of the Church

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

All images from

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