
Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Message in the Polar Vortex!

It’s no coincidence that the polar vortex happens to be over America’s heartland. The heart of America has waxed cold. I shared in yesterday’s video that something meant to be more divisive will hit our nation this year, but instead will unite us. ❤️ 

This polar vortex has been so deadly that it's already claimed eight lives -  many of the victims which were found frozen to death on their own properties. Chicago became a frozen ghost town after temperatures fell to -30C (-23F), colder than parts of Antarctica. 

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. (St. Matt 24)

And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men’s hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people. (D&C 88:91)

Everything we see going on in the physical realm, is a manifestation of what is taking place in the spiritual realms. That’s something I touch on a lot in my videos. This article is a manifestation of that!

Loud booms reported in Chicago area could be ‘frost quakes’

CHICAGO — Loud booms or banging sounds reported overnight in Chicago might have been cryoseisms, or frost quakes, caused by the brutal cold gripping the Midwest this week, according to WGN.

So, here's how a frost quake happens:

First, the ground has to be saturated with water, like it is in the Chicago area right now with all the snow.

When there's a sudden drop in temperature, the water freezes and expands.

The expansion and pressure build up causes stress on the frozen soil and rocks around it, and creates a boom noise.

When WGN first posted about frost quakes on social media, tons of comments poured in from our viewers about hearing them.

"I thought I was crazy! I was up all night because I kept hearing it," said viewer Chastity Clark Baker on Facebook. "I was scared and thought it was the furnace. I kept walking through the house. I had everyone’s jackets on the table in case we had to run out of here."

Another viewer commented: "I was up all night thinking it was the pipes, roof or the furnace!"

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stand Tall or Not at All: More on 2019 - 2020!

In this week's video message, I talk about where I've been and where I'm going in reference to what awaits the body of Christ in 2019-2020. Plus, what recent prophecies have just been fulfilled? Watch to find out!


The Year 2020

A real eye-opener for sure! I attended one of Michael's presentations about a year ago. Very fascinating. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Did You Know? The Book of Abraham & The Book of Ether...

All I can say is that these videos contain some excellent treasures! I HIGHLY recommend you watch them. I would love to have both these guys as Sunday school teachers. 😄

Monday, January 21, 2019

Two Must-Watch Videos!

So many videos have grabbed my attention this week, but I must say that these two videos are top priority, so I will share the others in a later post.

I have a great respect for Hank Kunneman, and have shared his words in past video messages. My spirit bumps were present during his portion of the video and my spiritual antennas were were in full receiving mode. Everything he shared confirmed what I have been feeling for this year. Yes, something amazing truly is coming to the Northern Hemisphere! I will share more about that in my next video message.

Last night there was an incredible sign in the heavens - a super blood wolf moon! I knew when I looked at it, that I was witnessing something prophetic. It matched the way I felt when I first began paying attention to blood moons back in 2014.  This was when I learned about the blood moon prophecies - a series of prophecies in the Bible preached by Christian preachers John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which state that a tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—coinciding on Jewish holidays—with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse is the beginning of the end times as described in the Bible in the Book of Joel, Acts 2:20, and Revelation 6:12. The tetrad ended with the lunar eclipse on September 27–28, 2015. The second video below is a presentation/sermon of Pastor Steve Cioccolanti debunking skeptics who claim "nothing has happened" since the Blood Moons. This is a powerful reminder and witness of how signs work. It lines up beautifully with what Hank Kunneman shared in the prior video about President Trump and God's plans for America.

The following links below, are the posts and videos that separated the wheat from the tares amongst my subscribers over the past years. These videos and blogposts spoke to people on a very deep, emotional level - emotions of joy, wonder, and awe - or emotions of anger, rage, and hatred. The most unkind words I have ever received from viewers and readers came because of these posts and videos - on the contrary, the kindest and most sincere comments I have ever received also resulted from these videos and posts. With such a contrast, I knew I was on the right track during this period of division on by blog and YouTube channel. There was great truth in what I shared, and the battle of dark vs. the light was unfolding right before my eyes, in my own corner of cyberspace. I heard, "pay attention"!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Daughters of God...

I read this prophecy in my last video message. Due to popular request, I reached out to the sweet sister who sent it to me and she tracked down the source. It comes from the facebook page of Nate & Christy Johnston, a prophetic husband and wife Christian ministry in Australia. Here it is in text version. 

Christy Johnson & Family

By Lana Vawser and Christy Johnston
Lana writes;

Daughters of God, His roar through you is about to get loud, as the Lord is removing limitations from upon you. The Lord is removing the things that have attempted to pervert, twist and hinder what God is doing within you and through you. You have been silenced for too long and now the Lord is removing the tape from your mouth and you will speak LOUDLY. I saw a roar coming out from within you, that is going to shake nations. I saw a roar coming out of you, that is going to shake your household. I saw a roar coming out of you, that is going to shake your workplace. I saw a roar coming out of you, that is going to bring about a mighty move of God in your midst. This roar, is the roar that comes from the deep place of the awakening to the true reality of your identity and worth in Him. I see the roar coming out from within you that is HIS roar and it is bringing things into sudden alignment and it is ACTIVATING DESTINY around you.
Lana Vawser

The enemy has been attempting to silence you for so long, because WITHIN YOU is a message, within you is a FLOW, within you is a ROAR of heaven, that when released the Lord is going to bring significant breakthrough, change, alignment and destiny activations all around. There are new songs that the Lord is birthing through you. The Lord is unlocking the places of captivity within you where the enemy has fought hard to keep your song hidden. Where the enemy has brought so much shame, condemnation, fear and insecurity upon you to keep the song the Lord has placed within you, your life message, from coming out. Daughter of God, it’s coming out! It’s coming out! It’s coming out! It is going to look completely different to the song of another daughter of God, but it HAS to be different. The Lord is releasing the INDIVIDUAL sounds of the daughters of God, but together they flow in harmony, decreeing the sound “HE IS COMING! THE KING IS COMING! MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY FOR THE GREATEST MOVE OF GOD UPON THE EARTH! MAKE ROOM! MAKE WAY! HERE HE COMES”

Christy writes;


Recently I saw before me in a vision, a great multitude of heavily pregnant women who were readying the hour of birth. Some were already getting into position to birth the life in their wombs. I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, ‘I am birthing my WEAPONS of PURITY through my daughters across the earth in this time and season.’ As I pondered this, I was reminded of a number I have been seeing repeatedly everywhere I go; #144.

As I asked what this meant, the Holy Spirit led me to Luke 1:44-45 which says, ‘For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed spiritually fortunate and favored by God is she who believed and confidently trusted that there would be a fulfillment of the things that were spoken to her by the angel sent from the Lord.”

There has been a company of women, God’s daughters, who have been in a state of dizziness and confusion, lost, beat down and held back, they have felt as though they have no place, no purpose, no direction and no voice, but the Father has heard their cries. I saw Him leading them out of their brokenness in this very hour, shaking away the confusion and lies and restoring them to a place of honor. I see He is releasing to their wombs NEW LIFE and they will birth PURITY with heavenly strategies to carry out the purpose He has set before them. The life and destiny in their spiritual (and physical) wombs will walk where no man has walked and overturn and overthrow strongholds set up by the enemy from many generations ago.

Lana writes;


I saw the fire of God falling upon the daughters of God and a great birthing was taking place, and I asked the Lord what birthing was happening and the Lord said: “These are My maidens of purity” The Lord showed me such a deep work of His Spirit and fire upon women right now that was birthing a cry from within them bringing PURITY, CLEANSING and FIRE to every area that they were sent to minister in. From their houses, to their workplaces, to their cities, nations, the fire of God was being released through them with SUCH LOVE bringing cleansing. The impartations of fire within their wombs was SO HUGE, SO POWERFUL, that as they reached out in their different roles and assignments, the fire of God was being released and bringing such cleansing. Impurity, injustice, perversion, deception was being burnt away as the fire of His love fell powerfully in the different realms of influence and seeing the hold of the enemy removed from those places. All that was left was lives, cities, nations changed by the fire of His love that was released. The fire of God that had fallen upon the daughters of God in this season, the embracing of that fire, to allow the Lord to do what He needed to do in their hearts and souls was seeing them left with such incredible impartations of His fire that was going to change the world. I saw in the fire, in the birthing of the maidens of purity, the roar of the PERFECT JUSTICE and TRUTH OF GOD being released from their mouths and wombs, releasing a PLUMB LINE into all arenas the Lord sent them into, that was releasing the alignment of God.


They were rising up like Esther’s, ready to stand for their nation, for their family, for their cities, and stand in the gap to partner with the Lord to bring radical change. They were the Esther’s that stood in the gap for the nation, but they were also the Mary’s that know how to sit at His feet and listen to Him and delight in who He is. They were the ones who know how to live at His feet in deep surrender and intimacy, stand for a city, stand for a nation, but also stop for the one. They know how to love like Jesus in different contexts. They stand for justice and release the justice of God like Deborah, and they lift their hands and hearts in praise to God wherever they go, shifting atmospheres.
DAUGHTERS WITH EYES OF FIRE I saw the fire of God falling upon the daughters of God in this season and in this vision it fell upon their eyes and I heard the Lord say “EYES OF DISCERNMENT” and I saw the daughters of God in every sphere of influence the Lord had released them into, looking in the spirit into those spheres of influence, and they were seeing with LASER POINT ACCURACY and they were seeing the strategy of heaven, the blueprints of God to “map out” the new boundaries and mark out what God wanted to do, but they were also uncovering the HIDDEN plans of the enemy and I heard the Lord say “Watch the daughters, and the way I shall use them to uncover the hidden plots of the enemy and decree My truth, to see the plans of the enemy overturned and the tables TURNED in the spheres of influence I have released them into.” Every place the Lord sent them into and they moved in the discernment of heaven, their declarations of truth, UNCOVERED THE TREASURES of God, what He wanted to do and release - especially in the darkest and messiest of places.

I saw a breaker anointing coming forth from within women being activated and awakened to their identity, their purpose, their assignment and their song in accelerated ways in this season, and the birthing the greatest move of God upon the earth is being released. I heard the Lord say, “I am releasing an ACTIVATION ANOINTING through My daughters in this season that is going to activate homes, families, towns, cities and nations.” I saw the daughters of God being mantled with new mantles and they were titled “TIPPING POINTS”. The Lord is raising up women right now all across the earth in positions and places of destiny, unlike has ever been seen, with the mantles to RELEASE THE TIPPING POINTS of God in homes, families, workplaces, cities and nations. I asked the Lord about these TIPPING POINTS and I heard the Lord say: “THE TIPPING POINTS ARE BRINGING ABOUT BIRTH!!!!” “Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the Lord.
“Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?” says your God.” - Isaiah 66:9-11 MIDWIVES CARRYING THE ACTIVATION ANOINTING I saw the hand of God strategically rising up women in all areas, the seven mountains in SUDDENLY moments right now, and they were being sent in as the MIDWIVES. They were being sent in with the “ACTIVATION ANOINTING” to release the BIRTHING OF GOD. They were coming in decreeing Isaiah 66:9-11 and SUDDENLY a birthing was taking place. The Lord is releasing His daughters as the MIDWIVES to BRING THE BIRTHING. I heard the Lord say:“The enemy has come against women for so long attempting to hinder the birthing of what I am doing in them and through them because of how I am releasing them and rising them up now in the earth to RELEASE MY BIRTHING in the seven mountains and to usher in the greatest move of My Spirit upon the earth.”


I saw the Lord “rewriting stories” for the daughters of God. I heard the Lord say “I AM REMOVING THE LINES OF LIES”. I saw the Lord removing all the lies that have come against His daughters and He was changing the story. Truth filled the pages, and on the top of every page it said “CHANGE! The day of CHANGE is upon you! The day of CHANGE is upon you! Everything is about to CHANGE in a GLORIOUS WAY! Your BEST DAYS are upon you.” The words “BEST DAYS” stood out to me. They were not based upon circumstances, they were based upon the MOVE OF HIS SPIRIT within their lives. What He was implanting, releasing, shaping and changing in them to release THROUGH THEM.I saw the daughters of God with growing pregnant bellies, getting bigger and bigger by the day, and the words ‘WOMBS OF FRUITFULNESS’ exploded all around me. What they were going to birth was going to release LASTING FRUIT everywhere they went, but not only was the release of fruitfulness for their spheres of influence and cities and nations, it was FOR THEM TOO. The fierce repayment of God for all the enemy has stolen, coming back to them. The increase of God falling upon them. The promises fulfilled. The clarity of calling. All of it screamed “HARVEST TIME!!!” It was time for the daughters of God to rise up with the decree into cities and nations “IT’S HARVEST TIME”, but the Lord was also decreeing over His daughters for their own lives “YOUR HARVEST TIME HAS ARRIVED”. The “LINES OF LIES” had been ERASED and the REWRITING OF THE TRUTH of God had been released. Unshakeable revelation of identity and who He was burned within them. I then saw Jesus place His hand upon their wombs and upon their mouths, and He smiled and spoke.. “And now, you shall go forth and REWRITE HISTORY” Daughters of God, you have been called for such a time as this. Rise up! You are about to see God do FOR YOU and do THROUGH YOU what you have never experienced before. You are being sent out as the midwives into your spheres of influence to call forth the greatest move of God the world has ever seen. It’s your time to arise!

Christy writes;

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, “My Daughters, now is your time. Let nothing hold you back for you are MOVING into my purposes and intentions for your life. You are my WEAPONS of PURITY. Guard your hearts and minds, for the enemy would intend to contaminate the purity I have put within you. My PURITY lived out through you is my WEAPON in this time of chaos. It will destroy the works of the enemy and cause you to walk in greater authority than you ever have before.’

Daughter of God, I decree over you today that you are no longer restrained, the enemy cannot withstand the mighty force of God’s purity and power that is being birthed from within you and the chains that have held you back have been broken. You are moving into the perfect will of your Father and the intimacy that you share with Him will cause unexpected doors to open before you.

Your laid down life is going to be a testament and embodiment of righteousness to the nations and the purity on display through your life will cause others to know Jesus. I decree that what the enemy has stolen from you, will be returned and repaid to you 100 fold. The enemy is no match for you, lioness Daughter. Arise in your Fathers strength today, go without fear into the destiny that He has called you to. You are His weapon of purity and power.’

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Knowing Who You Are is A Game Changer!

In this week's video message, I talk about how knowing your identity will play a role in what's to come, as well as events in the news, and modern prophecy in motion. Just what's in store for women? Watch to find out.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Need a Goal for 2019? - Pearls of Wisdom

This should be everyone's goal for 2019. I love this man's testimony and sweet, humble spirit. He speaks words of wisdom. I highly recommend you watch this video, and see what the Spirit speaks to you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019!!

I completed the prophet's challenge! 

Yes, I completed it on January 1st, but I can't think of a better way to ring in the New Year! Last year, I completed the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, but I must say that it was a much better experience this time around. There's a big difference when reading one chapter a day vs. several chapters a day. You get pulled into the words and they really come alive. Highlighting the passages that speak of Christ, really helped me know His voice. It was such an wonderful experience. ❤️

I am so excited for 2019!! The Believers Building Bridges tour begins this year and great things are on the horizon!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently expressed his gratitude to Christians around the world, and in the US in particular, for their strong support of the Jewish state.

"We live in historic times. The ancient prophecies are being realized," he said. "The people of Israel have ingathered their exiles, come back to the Promised Land, built Zion, reunited our eternal capital, Jerusalem."

"And in fact, the American Embassy was just recently moved there in a historic move by President Trump," he added. "This is all important. What we're witnessing is the dream of centuries, the dreams of millennium being realized. And we're doing it with your tremendous support."

Netanyahu noted that the shared religious heritage of Christians and Jews was not lost on the state of Israel.

"Only in Israel has Christianity blossomed in the Middle East," he said. "We understand our heritage, we understand our common heritage and we understand our commitment to a common future. We're united in a shared destiny."

"I know what tremendous friends you are, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the Holy Land," he concluded.